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When you sign in to your account, you will be able to: Proceed through checkout faster Check the status of orders View past orders Store alternative addresses Follow on Twitter | Friend on Facebook | Forward to Friend ArtsJournal, Share freely. You subscribed to this list. Our mailing address is: Thank you for signing up to The Conversation's daily newsletter, by giving us your email address on our website or via Facebook, giving your details to one of our editors, or writing an article for The Conversation. We'll soon be sending you our daily headlines of research-based news analysis, edited by professional journalists. In the meantime, you might be interested in some of our most popular content from the past year: Why we choose terrible passwords, and how to fix them What Plato can teach you about finding a soulmate Six charts that illustrate the divide between rural and urban America How the smartphone affected an entire generation of kids How should we protest neo-Nazis? Lessons from German history You may want to add us.newsletter@theconversation.com to your address book to ensure that you get our emails. Thank you for reading. – Joel Abrams, Manager of Outreach on behalf of the whole team at The Conversation US PS: You might also be interested in following us on Facebook and Twitter. WELCOME TO SHUTDOWN DAY 3: Congressional leaders failed to reach a deal over the weekend to restart the government, kickstarting shutdown procedures this morning for a swath of federal agencies. The Senate will vote on H.R. 195 (115) at noon today to try to reopen the government through Feb. 8, Pro's Jennifer Scholtes reports. Passage, however, remains in doubt. "When the Democrat filibuster of the government funding bill ends ... the serious bipartisan negotiations that have been going on for months now to resolve our unfinished business - military spending, disaster relief, health care, immigration and border security - will continue," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on the floor Sunday evening. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said he is "happy to continue" talks with McConnell about funding the government, but added that "we have yet to reach an agreement on a path forward that would be acceptable for both sides." DON'T BE SO DRAMATIC: White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said Sunday this shutdown won't be as "dramatic" as the one in 2013, but could last until the end of January. Mulvaney said on "Fox News Sunday," if lawmakers can't reach a deal by this morning, the shutdown could last "several days." "There are other Democrats who want Trump to have to give the State of the Union during a shutdown," Mulvaney said, referring to the scheduled Jan. 30 address. Read more. (And more on the politics at play in SOTU planning from POLITICO's Andrew Restuccia here.) WHAT GREENS ARE SAYING: A coalition of environmentalists - including GreenLatinos, Friends of the Earth, the Sierra Club and 350.org - released a statement "in solidarity" with DREAMers, calling on Congress to reopen the government and fund a clean deal that protects them. "At the core of our environmental fight is the belief we have the responsibility to seek justice for the Earth and those living on it," they write. "Denying the Dreamers protection based on racist policies and the politics of division is unacceptable." - From Scott Slesinger, legislative director at the Natural Resources Defense Council: "A government shutdown has real consequences for millions of Americans - food safety inspections slowed; Superfund cleanups stalled; water quality testing at rivers and lakes stopped; national parks and refuges closed; and approvals ground to a halt for road, bridge and transit projects." - Ken Kimmell, president of the Union of Concerned Scientists, said: "Safety protections won't be enforced and scientific studies will lapse, or cease entirely, causing months of disruption to federal agencies-agencies that, today, are already understaffed or led by underqualified presidential appointees." FOLLOW ALONG: With POLITICO's shutdown Live Blog here. GOOD MONDAY MORNING! I'm your host Kelsey Tamborrino. No one guessed that 1906 was the year when Congress first authorized funding for construction of the Senate subway. Today's question: What's the most common first letter for a senator's last name? Bonus points if you can guess how many last names have that letter. Send your tips, energy gossip and comments to ktamborrino@politico.com, or follow us on Twitter @kelseytam, @Morning_Energy and @POLITICOPro. Driverless Cars: Who's Making Sure They're Safe - At the Washington Auto Show, POLITICO will host a live panel to compare approaches on autonomous vehicle regulation. Speakers include Gov. Rick Snyder (R-Mich.) and Richard Threlfall, partner and global head of infrastructure at KPMG International. All registered attendees will gain full access to attend The Washington Auto Show on Jan. 25. Jan 25, 2018 - Doors open 11:30 a.m. - Walter E. Washington Convention Center - 801 Mt. Vernon Place NW ONE YEAR LATER, HERE'S WHERE WE ARE: During his first year in office, President Donald Trump has pushed for U.S. "energy dominance" as he resurrected the Keystone XL pipeline, started the U.S. exit from the Paris climate agreement and pushed his agencies to erase Obama-era regulations. But in Year Two, energy victories may be harder to achieve, Pro's Ben Lefebvre reports . Now, "the courts will have their say in how far these rollbacks go, as much of Trump's deregulatory agenda faces legal challenges from state attorneys general and environmental groups stretching from D.C. to California," Ben writes. And with oil and gas production already soaring, "the parts of Trump's agenda that survive may not have the deep impact that he is promising." Industry groups have applauded the president's achievements: "We were excited by what we saw in 2017," said Dan Naatz, senior vice president of government relations and political affairs at the Independent Petroleum Association of America. "The administration got off to a strong start in reshaping and rebalancing American energy development. It was a look at putting in thoughtful policies, in contrast to the challenges we faced in the Obama administration." Read more. IS TRUMP'S WAR ON REGULATIONS WORKING? POLITICO's Agenda takes a closer look at Trump's regulatory rollback. Danny Vinik reports that the president has "put a cork in the federal regulatory process, slowing rulemaking and in many cases stopping it entirely." A POLITICO analysis shows the White House regulatory office has approved just 156 regulations since Inauguration Day, well below the 510 rules approved during Barack Obama's first year and 445 during George W. Bush's first year. Read it here. Welcome to Anypoint Platform. We have prepared a wide variety of resources to help you easily design, develop, test, deploy, and operate APIs and Mule applications. To get the most of Anypoint Platform, we recommend that you immediately: Check out the Getting Started section of our documentation Take our free, self-study course that introduces you to using Anypoint Platform Get answers from the community in the New User section of our forum Meet other experts in person at a Meetup group near you Please contact us if you have questions or want to learn more. - The MuleSoft Team Thank you for subscribing to the E-Newsletter Dear sOUF: The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists engages science leaders, policy makers, and the interested public on topics of nuclear weapons and disarmament, climate change, and emerging technologies. We do this through our award winning journal, iconic Doomsday Clock, public access website and regular set of convenings. For more than 70 years, the Bulletin has bridged the divide between scientific advancement, foreign policy and public engagement. At a time when rational discussions about science are often marginalized, Bulletin audiences are growing to counteract the trend. Our website had nearly 2 million visitors in 2016, as it contains some of the most in-depth coverage you'll find on the crucial issues of the day. Half of the Bulletin's audience comes from outside the United States, and half is under the age of 35. Please consider subscribing to our digital journal, or making a tax-deductible donation to the Bulletin. We believe that we can help solve the world's most intractable problems with sustained attention, sound judgment and evidence-based debate and assessments. But we can't do it without you. Thank you again for signing up, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Sincerely, Rachel Bronson, Ph.D. Executive Director

posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:54 PM


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