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Dear wilima olivas,

Welcome to From now on you can buy on our website without having to re-enter your dataSimply log in by clicking here and entering the e-mail address and password you have chosen:




We await you on

Thank you,

The Sparco Team

Dear wilima,

New Program!

Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) â€" for kids!

Free of charge and open to the community.

Join Dr. Mendoza, Pediatrician and Lillie Donner, Physical Therapist for this 5-week program to learn best food choices, enjoy healthy snacks and find new and fun ways to be active. For children ages 6 through 12. Please bring a parent!

5-Week Program - Wednesdays, July 11 through August 8

5:30 - 7:00 pm at Sansum Clinic, 4151 Foothill Road, Building A

Space is limited. Registration is required in advance.

Click here to sign up!

Sansum Clinic celebrates 40 years of Camp Wheez!

Camp Wheez is a day camp for children with asthma, providing them with a unique and fun camp experience designed for their special needs, free of charge and open to the community. Campers in grades 1 through 6 learn about their asthma while they have old-fashioned camp fun!

Visit for more information and camp applications. We are also accepting applications for volunteers!

Are you a former Camp Wheez’er, volunteer, or a family member of a camper?

We’d like to hear from you. Share your stories and pictures and join us at the close of our 40th camp for an anniversary celebration and alumni reception. We are honoring all the many success stories, big and small, that have grown from the Camp Wheez experience.

Visit and share on the Camp Wheez Facebook page or send us an email to

We thank CommInsure for their support of free and independent journalism, please take some time to view their message below.

â€" Money Management Team

The latest technology changes at CommInsure

Last month we launched significant improvements to our quoting and application systems. The new MyQuote and MyApply combine the best in global technology with more sophisticated, intuitive rules to ensure we ask the right questions at the right time to the right people. Which all adds up to a better, more meaningful conversation between you and your clients.

Amongst the changes advisers enjoy plain English descriptions and tailored personal statements within MyApply. And the new-look MyQuote includes more powerful and flexible search capability, a new layout that shows the 15% rollover rebate and a clean and simple design that makes the experience more enjoyable.

Developed in consultation with advisers, the key objective of these changes is to introduce a smarter, simpler experience for you and your clients. “All in all, better and easier to use” “Loving, loving, loving less signatures” and “Easier to read, the language is more client friendly” are just a few of the things advisers are enjoying so far.

Together with last year’s launch of the award-winning Income Care Platinum, improvements to medical definitions, and the introduction of tele-interviewing, these changes are focused on building a stronger tomorrow for advisers and their customers.

Find out more about the benefits of MyQuote and MyApply

If you have any questions or simply want a bit more information, either log in to the adviser site and check out the short e-learning modules, see the FAQs or call your BDM or State Office.

More to come

This is the first phase of an ongoing investment into improving the way advisers quote, apply and manage clients with CommInsure. Look out for more changes later this year.

Dear wilima olivas,

Thank you for completing the Contact form. If you have any questions regarding this email, the form, or your responses, please contact us.

Very Best Regards,

Cisco College

Submitted on: 2018-05-28 11:32:31

First Name: wilima

Last Name: olivas


What is your inquiry about?: Athletics

What can we do to help you?: j

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Your child will attend a class field trip at U.S. Bank Stadium. The stadium is providing learning platforms that connect,

inspire and engage students grade Pre-K â€" 12th Grade. Relevant content, interactive explorations, application of skills

learned and student reflection will occur on their visit.

Photographs & Media

Your child will be participating in various exciting learning activities at U.S. Bank Stadium. At times our staff will take

notes, photographs or video that could be used for educational, funding or promotional reasons in print, in film, in

electronic communications and/or on the U.S. Bank Stadium website and social media. Should your child be visiting on a

day when this is happening, we’d like your permission to include them. If we use testimony, video, audio, or picture of

your child, U.S. Bank Stadium WILL NOT identify your child by name in such use.

Additional information may be found on our stadium website Should you have specific

questions regarding this consent form, you may contact the U.S. Bank Stadium tours at 612 777-8776. Thank you for

your consideration of this request.


Consent, Waiver and Release

I approve of my child’s attendance on the field trip to U.S. Bank Stadium and certify that he/she is in good health and

able to participate fully in any and all of the program activities. I fully understand that my child’s participation involves

private bus transportation to the stadium and involves some physical activity. I voluntarily assume full responsibility on

behalf of my child for all bodily injury or property damage that may arise from the field trip. I knowingly release and will

not bring any legal action of any nature against, and indemnify and hold harmless and discharge the partners, officers,

related entities, volunteers, employees, representatives, agents and assigns of the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority

(MSFA), Minnesota Vikings, SMG and its affiliates, partners, sponsors, parents, affiliates, divisions, employees, agents or

assigns (collectively, “Benefited Parties”) form and all loss, claim, expense (including attorney’s fees) or liability that may

arise in any way out of my child’s attendance at the U.S. Bank Stadium field trip, whether the injury, loss or damage is

caused in any way in whole or in part by negligence or other acts or omissions of the Benefited Parties.

I know of no medical reason why my child should not participate in the field trip. I authorize ___________ to attend to

any health problems or injury my child may sustain while participating in the field trip. I acknowledge that I am

responsible for any and all medical expenses, damages or other costs related to treating any injury or illness to my child

posted by Isaac Hobart at 11:07 AM


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