Confirmed Opt-In Guide 1601 Trapelo Road Suite 329 Waltham, MA 02451 Constant Contact, Inc. reserves the right to make any changes to the information contained in this publication without prior notice. Copyright © 1996-2008, Constant Contact, Inc. all rights reserved. Unpublished – Rights Reserved under Copyright Law of the United States. Use of a copyright notice is precautionary only and does not imply publication or disclosure. This document contains proprietary and confidential information of Constant Contact, Inc. Use, disclosure, or re - production is prohibited without the prior express written consent of Constant Contact, Inc. For inquiries regarding reproduction or distribution of any Constant Contact material, please contact Trademarks Brush Up, Constant Contact, the Constant Contact Logo, Connect Up, Do-It-Yourself Email Marketing, Email Marketing 101, Email Marketing Diva, Email Marketing Hints & Tips, Listen Up, Open Up, SafeSubscribe, SafeUnsubscribe, Speak Up, Survey 101, Survey Hints & Tips and The Smart Way to Reach Your Customers are trademarks, service marks, or registered trademarks or service marks of Constant Contact, Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clauses as DFARS 252.227-7013 (October 1988) and FAR 52.227-19 (c) (June 1987). Confirmed Opt-In Guide | Page 3 ©Constant Contact, Inc. All rights reserved. 03/08 1 About Confirmed Opt-In Defining Opt-In In today's email marketing world, the terms "Opt-in", "Confirmed Opt-In", and "Double Opt-In" are thrown around loosely and often used interchangeably by those who are unfamiliar with list collection practices. Let's look at some definitions used to define the status of your list(s). An opt-in email address (a.k.a. "single opt-in") is one in which the holder of a specific address has had a previous relationship with you or your business, and has given their consent to receive future email communications. This could be through web based or in-store sign-up forms, previous product or service purchases, memberships, busi - ness or other personal relationships. Confirmed opt-in (a.k.a. "double opt-in") is a more exacting method of obtaining permission to send email. It is also a preferred method of many internet service providers (ISPs). Confirmed optin requires your potential contact (email address owner) to respond to an email confirmation request before he or she can be added to your email list. If the contact does not respond, he or she will not receive any further email communications from you. Note Constant Contact does not allow the uploading of purchased or rented lists, lists obtained from third parties or as - sociations, or lists that have been appended. All lists presented to Constant Contact must be "opt-in" or "confirmed opt-in" as outlined above. Opt-In Levels and Your Constant Contact Account Let's now look at how these different levels of opt-in work within Constant Contact when a new contact signs up for your email. • Single Opt-In – New contacts can opt-in to your list by entering their email address into a signup box or web form that you provide (either in one of your emails or on your website). A contact enters their address, and an automated welcome letter is generated from Constant Contact, informing them that they have been added to your list. Note Constant Contact offers free HTML Signup Box code as well as application programming interface (API) capa - • bilities. Please contact Constant Contact Customer Support for further details. If you signed up for your Constant Contact account through AOL, you do not have this single opt-in option. As • per your terms and agreement with AOL, any new contacts signed up through a constant contact signup box automatically require confirmed (or double) opt-in. Confirmed Opt-In (COI) • – This ensures that your contacts truly want to receive email from you. When you turn COI on, new contacts submit their email address through your signup box or web form, and automatically re - ceive a confirmation email sent to that address. The contact MUST click on the link or reply to that confirmation email before he or she is added to your list. If there is no click or reply, you cannot mail to that address again. "Confirming" a new customer is strongly recommended within the email marketing industry and is fast becoming a widely accepted practice in the general public. Today more and more people are expecting to receive some type of Confirmed Opt-In Guide | Page 4 ©Constant Contact, Inc. All rights reserved. 03/08 confirmation email and feel that the process of confirming their interest enhances the credibility and reputation of the sender. How It Works Though it sounds complicated, confirmed opt-in is really very straightforward. It is a very useful list management tool for: Confirming new contacts • Confirming existing contacts and lists • Confirming New Contacts Confirming new contacts is an industry best practice and you should strongly consider using it when building your list. When you turn on confirmed opt-in, new contacts that submit their email address through your signup box or web form automatically receive a confirmation email generated by Constant Contact, sent to that specific address. The confirmation email looks something like the following: Dear Sue, Thank you for signing up for the Lookout Inn and Restaurant's monthly newsletter! We look forward to providing you this newsletter in hopes that you'll visit us soon. Please confirm your subscription by clicking the link below or reply - ing to this email. Confirm Subscription We ask for your confirmation to protect you from receiving unwanted email. If you do not respond, your email ad - dress will NOT be added to this list. Thank you, Larry Smith The Lookout Inn and Restaurant The contact MUST click on the link or reply to the email before he or she will be added to your list. If there is no click or reply, that specific address will not receive future email via your Constant Contact account. Step-by-step instruc - tions for setting up and using confirmed opt-in are provided later in this guide. Confirming Existing Contacts and Lists There are two distinct methods to confirm your existing contacts and lists. Soft confirm opt-in, otherwise known as the "Permission Reminder" • Double opt-in or confirmed opt-in (COI) • While radically different in their approach, both strive to achieve the same goal of confirming the customers that truly wish to continue receiving your email communications. Soft Confirm Opt-In A soft confirm is yet another way of encouraging your contacts to reconfirm their acceptance of your email cam - paigns, without the potential of losing the contact if they don't respond. The Permission Reminder is a paragraph of text that displays at the top of your email campaign. When you add the permission reminder, your contacts can either confirm their interest in receiving your mailings or completely unsubscribe. If a contact clicks the "confirm" link (a "soft confirm"), that email address is added to your "confirmed" list. The permission reminder is called a "soft confirm" because, even if the contact does not click the "confirm" link, you can still continue to email him or her. The following is an example of a Permission Reminder: