We will also be running weekly evening webinars, where clubs can join via the Internet and speak to FA support staff about any issues they may be having, or listen to any questions being raised by other clubs. These will be held on Thursday 17th November, Wednesday 23rd November, Tuesday 29th November, Tuesday 6th December and Wednesday 14th December, all starting at 7pm. For details about how to login to a Webinar please email playerregistration@thefa.com along with the date of the webinar you wish to join SECTION ONE ACCESSING AND LOGGING INTO WGS To access the Whole Game System, please visit https://wholegame.thefa.com where you will be asked to enter either your Email or FAN ID along with your Password before selecting Login. If you are unaware of your password, please select the Have you forgotten your password? link. The system will ask you to enter your Email or FAN along with your Date of Birth before clicking Submit. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What do I do if a team does not appear? If a team does not appear, you can check whether it has been added to the system by using the filter for Team on the left hand side of the set of filters. If it is not present, you will need to speak to your County FA, as the team may not have been affiliated. Can I add a player to more than one team? Yes, a player can be added to more than one team. What do I do if a team is not in the list for adding a player to? If a team does not appear for a particular player, it may be because of a mismatch in the gender of the team and player (e.g. the player is female, and the team has been affiliated as male when it should have been mixed) or because the date of birth of the player does not permit them to play for the team concerned. If you contact your County FA, they will be able to check and amend the data if required. If I add a player to a team this season, will they remain with the team next season? Yes, players will continue with their existing teams for the new season, whether they are youth players moving up an age group with their team (e.g. members of the U12's become members of the U13's) or adult players remaining with the same team. You will be able to make any amendments if required for the new season. The California Firearms Application Reporting System (CFARS) is a centralized location for individuals to report firearm ownership information to the Department of Justice. The Assault Weapon Registration (AWR) form is one of the many forms available to the public. Public users must complete and pay for the AWR form electronically through the CFARS application. The CFARS Assault Weapon Registration Public User Guide provides step-by-step instructions for completing and submitting an Assault Weapon Registration (AWR) form on the CFARS. WEBSITE ADDRESS The website address for the CFARS web application is: https://cfars.doj.ca.gov Some preparation is necessary before you begin the process of completing the AWR form in the CFARS application. If you are not prepared before you begin the process and you are inactive for more than 30 minutes while filling out the form, you will be timed out of the form and as a result may lose all the data entered. Actions such as clicking on the form and entering data keep your form from becoming inactive. Please prepare these required items before you attempt to complete the AWR form. 1. To access the form, you will need a CFARS user account. See section 3 "Create an Account" for instructions on how to create a CFARS account. 2. A serial number must be permanently engraved on the firearm pursuant to state and federal laws. Note: Pursuant to California Code of Regulations, title 11, section 5474.2 if you have a Firearm Manufactured By Unlicensed Subject (FMBUS) you will need to apply for a Department issued serial number prior to initiating the registration process. Please contact the DOJ at DOJserialnumber@doj.ca.gov to obtain a Department issued serial number CREATE AN ACCOUNT To access the CFARS webpage, follow this link to get started: https://cfars.doj.ca.gov/. Select one of the two available links to get started. Enter an Email Address. The email should follow this format: myemail@something.com. This email address will be used to recover your username or password. Notices and updates from the BOF regarding your application will also be sent to this email address. LOGGING ON TO CFARS If you do not have a CFARS account yet, see section 3 of this user guide for instructions on creating an account. 1. Navigate to the California Firearms Applications Reporting System Log On page (https://cfars.doj.ca.gov/ 2. Enter your User Name and Password. 3. Select the Log On to CFARS button

posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:59 AM


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