
William, Please check the information available on the Virginia Tech website. If you need further information concerning a specific college within the university you should be able to find it through the main website. If you have questions concerning admission please contact the admissions office. If you are still unable to get what you need please let me know and we will certainly assist you as best we can. Sincerely, Linda K. Greene Office of the University Registrar Student Services Building, Suite 250, Virginia Tech 800 Washington St., SW Blacksburg, VA 24061 PHONE: (540) 231-6252 FAX: (540) 231-5527 WEBSITE: http://www.registrar.vt.edu Academic Record Disclosure: You are receiving this information as determined by the educational right to know disclosure guidelines of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). If you are not the intended recipient, please do not disclose copy or distribute this information. Please notify the sender immediately by return electronic e-mail or by telephone at 540-231-6252.