Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:55 AM 0 comments welcome to ...ChoiceHomeWarranty Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:55 AM 0 comments Welcome to [C]homeWarranty Wednesday, November 28, 2018 Welcome posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:31 PM 0 comments isaac, become a Lyft driver. Start now! Monday, November 26, 2018 Limited-time offer: A $500 bonus for new drivers *** This is an automated message. Please do not reply *** Please note that this is an extremely busy time of year for processing applications and answering email enquiries. Expect that replies won't be as fast as we would like, but you are our first priority and we will respond as quickly as is possible. Thank you for your patience! Thank you for your interest in Vancouver Island University. �� If you have not applied and have an inquiry, please email WorldVIU@viu.ca �� If you have applied, please include your full name, date of birth and Online Application ID or Student ID number on the subject line in your email. �� To apply online 1. Visit https://students.viu.ca/Inted/pub_main.asp. 2. Upload the required documents. 3. Pay the application fee. Please allow 10-15 business days for replies and acknowledgements as we are receiving a high volume of inquiries and applications. Thank you for your patience. IMPORTANT: For specific information about the admission requirements for our various programs, see: https://calendar.viu.ca/ Thank you for your e-mail. All information about Williams and our requirements are listed on our website. Williams College Office of Admission 995 Main Street Williamstown, MA 01267 413.597.2211 (p) 413.597.4052 (f) Request Information Williams Social ----- Hi Rachael, Thanks so much for reaching out! I will certainly be glad to provide you with information regarding Wells College and our academic programs. Please visit the following link (https://apply.wells.edu/register/info) and provide us with more information about yourself so we can send you the right context of information. In the meantime, visit our website www.wells.edu and check out our virtual tour that���s at the bottom of my signature. Please let me know if you have any more questions or if I can help you with anything else! Best, Jenn Moreno '14 NYC Regional Recruiter|Office of Admissions Brooklyn, New York Call or Text: 917.579.0605 Take a Virtual Tour of Wells Wells College. ARRIVE CURIOUS ? GRADUATE PREPARED. *********** Dear Candidate, Thank you very much for your email and interest about our University. We would like to present our Bachelor degree, English - taught programs. For October intake you can choose form programs listed below: 1. BA in Management - 3 years - full time (Monday-Friday) - 1800 EUR per year - International Business - Entrepreneurship 2. BA in International Trade - 3 years - full time (Monday-Friday) - 1800 EUR year - International Business - Foreign Trade of Small and Medium Sized Enterprices 3. BSc. in Computer Science - 3.5 years - full time (Monday-Friday)- 818 EUR year - Software Developer -Virtual Reality and Multimedia 4. BSc. in Engineering Management - 3.5 years - full time (Monday-Friday) - 753 EUR year - Production Management - Quality Management Specialities listed above are to be choose and realization after the 3rd semester of studies. Admission for all Bachelor's pogram is going to start on 27th of March, 2018. On-line application process will be available on our website: https://www.wsb.pl/rekrutacja/krok1 After on-line registration you will be send and email with further instructions. Documents needed for admisson will be listed and attached to the email. After registration please contact the admission office on the email: study@wsb.poznan.pl If you already have any required document, you can send it directly to us, before collecting the rest of the documents. If you are holding an English pofficiency certificate like (IELTS, TOFEL, etc.) on the level B2, you can directly send it to our email. Unless you don't have a certificate, you can pass our on-line English test and interview with our Admission Officer on Skype. For more details please look at our website http://www.wsb.pl/english/program-offerings/poznan/bachelors-programs If you have any other questions regarding collecting all required documents, please feel free to ask. Best reagrds, Malgorzata Z��rawna | Biuro Rekrutacji | Admission Office study@wsb.poznan.pl Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa w Poznaniu ul. Powstanc��w Wielkopolskich 5 | 61-895 Poznan tel. 61 655 33 00 www.wsb.pl ###### ==ATTENTION: This is an automated message== Thank you for contacting Stanford Staffing Services! A member of our team is looking in to your inquiry. If the inquiry falls outside the general scope listed below, a member of our team will contact you. It is our intent to respond to inquiries submitted through the staffingservices@stanford.edu mailbox within two business days. Depending on the inquiry, our response may take longer than two business days. Job Postings: If you have a question regarding a specific job posting, we will forward your email on to the hiring department for review. Consequently, should the hiring team need to contact you, they may take longer than two business days to respond. How to Apply to a Posted Staff Position and Application Status: If you are interested in applying for current staff openings, please apply on our Stanford Careers website: http://stanfordcareers.stanford.edu. Please note, due to compliance and reporting requirements, Stanford does not accept resumes or cover letters through this e-mail address, postal mail, or fax. When you submit an application through the Stanford Careers site, an automated confirmation e-mail will be sent to you. The hiring team will then have access to your resume and cover letter submitted through the Stanford Careers site. If there is a match between your skill set and their current needs, the hiring department will contact you. Please be advised, Stanford does not provide hiring manager contact information to applicants. The hiring process at Stanford can take up to six months.?Due to the volume of resumes received, we are unable to contact each applicant regarding the status of the positions applied to. However, most departments will email applicants when the position is filled or cancelled. Cover Letters: Cover letters are recommended and typically reviewed by the hiring team. However, they are not required. To include a cover letter, you must upload a Word (.doc) or PDF (.pdf) file at the attachment step of the application process. Salary Ranges: Stanford does not post salary ranges. Salary ranges are broad and determined by many factors. Factors that determine individual salary placement within a salary range are based on relationship to salaries of other employees with similar experience and skills who perform similar work, external market pay for comparable jobs, Stanford average pay for similar jobs, and unit, department, school or VP area funding. Reset Password: From the Stanford Careers Job Search page, select My Account Options or click the Apply button. You will be directed to the login page. From there, select Forgot your user name and/or Forgot your password and follow the directions provided. Student Employment Opportunities: Student employment opportunities are listed on the Stanford Career Development Center website at: https://beam.stanford.edu/. ** If you have additional questions please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page at: http://stanfordcareers.stanford.edu/job-search/faqs. Thank you and we appreciate your interest in Stanford University! Best regards, Staffing Services University Human Resources Stanford University posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:46 PM 0 comments Confirmation VBNX Dear Student, Welcome to (INSERT COURSE NAME, SECTION #), Spring 2018. This course will take place using the Canvas learning management system. Please visit West Los Angeles College's Online & Hybrid Classes website at http://www.wlac.edu/online. Click on the For Students link in the middle of the top menu bar to access our online Bookstore to order required course materials. This class begins on Monday, February 5, 2018. You may not be able to access your course before the first day of class. If you have not logged in and participated by the end of the first week of class you may be dropped. Students who are dropped might not be reinstated. On Monday, February 5, 2018 you may access your online class by logging in at: https://ilearn.laccd.edu/ OR https://mycollege.laccd.edu/ (once logged in, click on the Canvas link) Your Login ID is your complete Student ID Number. If you do not know your Student Identification Number you will need to contact admissions at (310) 287-4501 For instructions on how to login to the Student Information System please visit: https://www.laccd.edu/Students/Documents/Student%20FAQ/how-to-login-loginpage.pdf Or click this video tutorial - https://youtu.be/7PpogDGrJgk If you have forgotten your SIS password please contact the WLAC Information Technology Department at (310)287-4360 or west_it@wlac.edu and ask them to reset it for you. After you login to Canvas you will see your Dashboard with the current course(s) you are enrolled in. Just click on a course tab to access a course. If you are enrolled in a course and do not see it on the dashboard it may be because your instructor has not published it yet. To see unpublished courses click the "Courses" link on the left then "All Courses." If you have trouble accessing the course on, or after, the start date submit a trouble ticket by clicking on the word HELP on the Canvas homepage and then click on REPORT A PROBLEM or call the 24/7 Canvas Helpline at (844)303-5590. Review the Canvas Student Guide for more information/resources: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10701 For non-Canvas issues please contact the Distance Learning Program Office at (310)287-4306 or via email at helfco@wlac.edu. NEW OPTIONAL STUDENT SUCCESS RESOURCE Your online course is accompanied by a FREE online Quest for Success Program. This program is designed to increase your success in online courses. After logging into Canvas you will see Quest for Online Success on your Dashboard. It allows you to save your work and return to it later. At the conclusion of the program you will receive an individualized report that gives you feedback and resources to help you become even more successful in your online classes. This FREE program is available now (before the semester starts!) so I encourage you to take advantage of this great resource. Self-enroll now! - https://ilearn.laccd.edu/enroll/9Y6DLE Welcome to West! (INSERT NAME OF INSTRUCTOR) posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:27 PM 0 comments Welcome Get_A_Free_Debt_Estimate You may already be approved for a debt consolidation loan ... posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:48 AM 0 comments You Have Been Selected! тнe мιracle cυre тнaт ѕcareѕ вιg pнarмa THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY DIRECTLY TO THIS. WE CAN BE CONTACTED FROM THE CONTACT US SECTION OF OUR WEBSITE Hi You have successfully been registered for MyMegabus. Please note that the first time you login, you will also need to provide the following authorisation code Auth Code : T00wVTI0MFMxVmw1c1ZKYjA4UVcyNzk0NTMx or click here http://us.megabus.com/AuthenticateUser.aspx?authcode=T00wVTI0MFMxVmw1c1ZKYjA4UVcyNzk0NTMx The Authorisation code is used to ensure that someone else does not use your email address to subscribe to this service. Le 4 avril 2008, la holding Audiovisuel extérieur de la France (AEF) est créée sous l'impulsion du président de la République Nicolas Sarkozy élu l'année précédente. Il s'agit de regrouper les activités de l'audiovisuel extérieur de la France sous une même société, soit les chaînes de télévision TV5 Monde et France 24, et la radio RFI30,31. L'AEF doit donc racheter les participations de France Télévisions et de TF1 dans France 24, mais le groupe privé demande 90 millions d'euros alors qu'il n'avait investit que 18 500 euros à la création32. Après un bras de fer avec l'État, les deux groupes cèdent leur part pour un montant de 2 millions d'euros chacun. De plus, France Télévisions s'engage à fournir des programmes d'actualité pendant 7 ans pour un montant d'un million d'euros par an. De son côté, pendant la même période, TF1 doit fournir des images d'archives pour un montant annuel de 800 000 euros pour sa chaîne TF1, et 900 000 euros pour sa filiale Eurosport33. Alain de Pouzilhac, président du directoire de France 24, est nommé au poste de PDG et Christine Ockrent à celui de directrice générale déléguée du nouvel ensemble et donc des entités qui le composent34. Le 12 novembre 2008, France 24 se voit récompensée du Prix du Meilleur média international lors de la cérémonie des AIB Media Excellence Awards organisée par l'Association for International Broadcasting (en)35,36. Le 27 avril 2009, France 24 passe de quatre à dix heures de diffusion quotidienne en langue arabe, de 14 h à minuit37. Le 12 octobre 2010, la chaîne passe à une diffusion 24h/2438. Le 22 février 2010, le Conseil national de la communication audiovisuelle (CNCA) de Côte d'Ivoire, alors en pleine crise politico-militaire, suspend la diffusion de France 24 pour « traitement non professionnel de l'information ». Les autorités reprochent à la chaîne d'avoir annoncé de nombreux morts à l'occasion d'une manifestation durant laquelle cinq personnes ont été tuées39,40. Le 2 décembre, le Conseil constitutionnel annule les résultats de l'élection présidentielle ivoirienne de 2010 annoncés par la Commission électorale indépendante. Les autorités décident de suspendre dans tout le pays la diffusion des médias étrangers, notamment français. Ces derniers sont accusés par des médias proches du pouvoir d'avoir pris parti pour le parti d'opposition d'Alassane Ouattara contre la majorité présidentielle de Laurent Gbagbo41,42. En 2010, les relations entre les deux dirigeants de l'AEF, Alain de Pouzilhac et Christine Ockrent, se dégradent et un grave conflit éclate sur fond de crise à France 24. En juillet, Ockrent est brusquement rétrogradée et perd son poste à la tête de la chaîne d'information en continu, à la suite d'un conseil d'administration extraordinaire convoqué par Pouzilhac. Ce dernier lui reproche une dérive budgétaire menant tout droit à un déficit prévisionnel de 7 millions d'euros pour 2011, ainsi que des erreurs de gestion et de stratégie de distribution43. Fin décembre, une collaboratrice d'Ockrent est accusée d'espionnage interne sur les ordinateurs des dirigeants d'AEF44. Christine Ockrent est alors massivement désavouée par l'équipe de direction45 puis par le personnel de France 2446. Finalement, en mai 2011, elle décide de quitter son poste, non sans avoir porté plainte pour harcèlement moral47. ACTIVATE ACCOUNT Or copy and paste this url in your browser: HAVING TROUBLE REGISTERING? If you are having trouble completing your registration, chat with our customer service team (24/7). NEED HELP? Check out our FAQs for a quick answer to your question or chat with our customer service team. We're available 24/7. 123FormBuilder comes with several easy options for web form thank you pages. In the form editor, you'll find them at Settings ? Thank You Page. Look at you. You've made web forms look easy thanks to our free web form builder, and now you're ready to watch the answers roll in. Not so fast! Have you considered what the customer sees after taking time to fill out the form and click Submit? After submission, your mission is complete, but your customer relationship is just beginning. With every form confirmation page, a little effort goes a long way—it can even increase conversions. A thoughtful thank you can make the customer happier to part with precious time and personal data to interact with you. Tried-and-True Thank Yous Here's some inspiration to get you started. Feel free to copy and paste from these samples! Don't forget to customize the message for your business. 1. Thank you for getting in touch! We appreciate you contacting us about [Contact Reason]. One of our colleagues will get back to you shortly. Have a great day! 2. Thanks for being awesome! We have received your message and would like to thank you for writing to us. If your inquiry is urgent, please use the telephone number listed below to talk to one of our staff members. Otherwise, we will reply by email as soon as possible. Talk to you soon, [Your Company] 3. Thank you for filling out your information! We've sent you an email with [the coupon code/your file download link/your voucher] at the email address you provided. Please enjoy, and let us know if there's anything else we can help you with. The [Your Company] Team 4. Dear [Your Company] customer, thanks for reaching out! We're thrilled to hear from you. Our inbox can't wait to get your messages, so talk to us any time you like. Cheers! 5. Thanks for filling out our form! We will look over your message and get back to you by tomorrow. In the meantime, you can check the FAQ section, look over our new product collection or browse through our latest blog posts will be displayed as Please. Your friends at [Your Company] P.S. The Nation depends on readers for financial support. Please consider a low-cost digital or print subscription. All subscriptions can be linked and delivered to any Apple or Android tablet or smartphone. Another way to support our journalism is to donate to The Nation. Borderlinx Borderlinx You're one step away from becoming a Borderlinx member. ACTIVATE ACCOUNT Or copy and paste this url in your browser: HAVING TROUBLE REGISTERING? Look at you. You've made web forms look easy thanks to our free web form builder, and now you're ready to watch the answers roll in. Not so fast! Have you considered what the customer sees after taking time to fill out the form and click Submit? After submission, your mission is complete, but your customer relationship is just beginning. With every form confirmation page, a little effort goes a long way—it can even increase conversions. A thoughtful thank you can make the customer happier to part with precious time and personal data to interact with you. Tried-and-True Thank Yous Here's some inspiration to get you started. Feel free to copy and paste from these samples! Don't forget to customize the message for your business. 1. Thank you for getting in touch! We appreciate you contacting us about [Contact Reason]. One of our colleagues will get back to you shortly. Have a great day! 2. Thanks for being awesome! We have received your message and would like to thank you for writing to us. If your inquiry is urgent, please use the telephone number listed below to talk to one of our staff members. Otherwise, we will reply by email as soon as possible. Talk to you soon, [Your Company] 3. Thank you for filling out your information! We've sent you an email with [the coupon code/your file download link/your voucher] at the email address you provided. Please enjoy, and let us know if there's anything else we can help you with. The [Your Company] Team 4. Dear [Your Company] customer, thanks for reaching out! We're thrilled to hear from you. Our inbox can't wait to get your messages, so talk to us any time you like. Cheers! Peugeot Maroc Please note that your ESL assessment test will be administered by our English Language Institute on the following date/time: If you have questions or require assistance, our Education specialists are here to help. Please consult the GlobalPay for Students FAQs page for your regional help line. For questions regarding your student tuition fees please contact Seneca College. Nous vous souhaitons une pleine réussite dans vos recherches futures. Nous vous remercions pour l'intérêt que vous portez à la marque Peugeot. Did you forget your password? No problem – you can reset it. Hopefully your new password is a little more memorable! Please make sure that you arrive on time. The tests are administered promptly and late arrivals cannot be accommodated. Please bring your valid photo ID. Welcome to Fanshawe! August 3, 2016 We are looking forward to meeting each of you and hope to make your transition to Fanshawe College as smooth as possible. Below, you will read some important information regarding your arrival in Canada and first days at Fanshawe. If you have any questions or concerns before you arrive, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you! Classes begin on Tuesday, September 6. To better serve our new students arriving for the Fall 2016 semester, the International Centre (Room E2025) will be open special hours on: Saturday, September 3: 10:00am – 2:00pm Sunday, September 4: 10:00am – 2:00pm Monday, September 5: 10:00am – 2:00pm The International Centre will also be open regular hours Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm. We are advising all new students to arrive any time between Sunday, August 28 and Monday, Business Spotlight: Athene Supporting veterans and their families through a variety of avenues Athene Athene, a retirement services company founded in 2009, created the Athene Military Veterans Organization with the goal of hiring military veterans, establishing intra-company and intercompany veteran networks, and collaborating with community outreach organizations relative to military veterans, their dependents,and active National Guard and Reservists currently employed at Athene. Read more. Community Spotlight: Madison County and the City of Winterset These growing communities recognize the value of veterans and their families madison county Madison County became the 39th Home Base Iowa Community in August 2017. "Home Base Iowa brings people, organizations, employers and higher education institutions together to help veterans and their families," commented Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds during the Home Base Iowa ceremony for Madison County. "Being from Madison County makes this event extra special to me personally." Read more. Business Success Story: Marion Process Solutions Veteran Josiah Childs receives job as an electrical technician. marion "Josiah was introduced to Marion Process Solutions through LinkedIn, as he was making the transition from active duty back to civilian life here in Iowa. While that search was successful because Josiah joined us, LinkedIn was more expensive than other recruiting methods we had used. We also received a lot of interest from candidates who were not technically qualified or needed relocation if hired. When I logged onto to Home Base Iowa (for free!) and saw that Josiah's name was on the top of the list, it was evident that we needed to utilize this service for future hires". -Martry Gieryng, Team Resources and Development Mgr. IowaWORKS & Home Base Iowa Success Story With assistance from IowaWORKS and Home Base Iowa, network engineer Brent Gorton receives job offer. Brent Brent Gorton requested help from Jeff Fischer, the Veteran Representative in the Cedar Rapids IowaWORKS Center, with finding a new job. Despite being an experienced network engineer, he was having trouble due to non-compete agreements with several local employers. After initial guidance was provided on resume changes and labor market information, his resume was uploaded onto the Home Base Iowa website. Read more. The megabus.com team posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:15 AM 0 comments welcome to 'choice' 'home' 'warranty' Sunday, November 25, 2018 Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:18 PM 0 comments Welcome to Health Insurance Notice DVZW PO/001 Dear All, I am Charlotte Glancy, part of Bank Solutions who are the independent appointed Programme Officers for The London Borough of Richmond Local Plan. This letter is to briefly update you of the stage we are at with the Examination in Public (EiP). The Inspector is working through the information and evidence submitted by the Council in relation to the Plan. Information relating to the Examination can be found on the following website where all documents will be uploaded throughout the Examination Process. This includes recent correspondence between the Inspector and the Council. http://www.richmond.gov.uk/local_plan_examination We are working to be in a position to shortly send out an introductory letter that will explain the process and will normally set out the intended dates for any necessary Hearings, the venue, the Inspector's 'matters and issues' for examination and a draft timetable. At this point we will invite representors, where a duly made representation has been previously made, to confirm if they wish to participate in the hearing Sessions for the EIP. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any more questions. Charlotte Glancy & Chris Banks Programme Officers C/O Banks Solutions bankssolutionsuk@gmail.com 01403 783276 +447519 628064 posted by Isaac Hobart at 11:43 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Costco' 'Survey' 'Connector' You've been chosen to receive a Offer valued at $50 --_----------=_MCPart_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="fixed" This is an automated response to a work order you recently submitted to either the IT Department's HelpDesk or to the Facilities Department at SMCC. Your request will be assigned to a technician shortly. You may check the status of your work order anytime by clicking the link below. STUDENTS NOTE: At this time, students do not have a method to track their work orders. You will, however, receive an email or telephone call when the work order is complete. STAFF NOTE: Staff may track the status of their work orders via the link below. Simply click the line that says " Click here to log in as an end user with your windows login information" and you will automatically be signed onto the system. http://woserver.smccme.edu/TrackItWeb/SelfService If you are experiencing problems with this screen, please notify the Helpdesk at 5696, internally or 741-5696, externally. The Work Order Number is 139260 posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:54 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Costco' 'Survey' 'Connector' You've been chosen to receive a Offer valued at $50 --_----------=_MCPart_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="fixed" This is an automated response to a work order you recently submitted to either the IT Department's HelpDesk or to the Facilities Department at SMCC. Your request will be assigned to a technician shortly. You may check the status of your work order anytime by clicking the link below. STUDENTS NOTE: At this time, students do not have a method to track their work orders. You will, however, receive an email or telephone call when the work order is complete. STAFF NOTE: Staff may track the status of their work orders via the link below. Simply click the line that says " Click here to log in as an end user with your windows login information" and you will automatically be signed onto the system. http://woserver.smccme.edu/TrackItWeb/SelfService If you are experiencing problems with this screen, please notify the Helpdesk at 5696, internally or 741-5696, externally. The Work Order Number is 139260 posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:54 AM 0 comments Confirmation UNTT Friday, November 23, 2018 New Value Transactions: Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations New digital technologies such as Blockchain and smart contracting are rapidly changing the face of value exchange, and present exciting new opportunities for designers. This workshop will explore the implications of these existing, developing and future technologies using the lens of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). DAOs introduce the principle that products and services may soon be owned and managed collectively and not by one person or authority, thus challenging traditional concepts of user communities, ownership and power. Designers and data specialists are at the forefront of exploring new ways of exchanging value, using Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracting and the direct exchanges between things made possible by the Internet of Things. These novel technologies mean that concepts of value and value exchange are being challenged in a variety of ways, and, far from being neutral, these innovations are entangled with and are co-producing novel political, economic, social and material arrangements, raising questions of ethics, privacy and the sociopolitical implications of new forms of distributed authority. Examples include The DAO, an autonomous business unit underpinned by smart contracting, and the BitBarista, a small-scale autonomous coffee machine which manages its own service and supply relationships. This one-day participatory workshop will combine presentations, case studies and group work sessions to understand, develop and critique these new forms of distributed power and ownership, and to practically explore how to design interactive products and services which enable, challenge or disrupt these models. The aim of this workshop is to (1) discuss emerging research questions and critically examine issues that may arise from increasingly distributed models of value exchange and ownership, and (2) provide a hands-on design opportunity for participants to creatively reconsider new models, approaches and systems of a distributed autonomous future. We aim to define new vocabularies, opportunities and implications of DAOs for interaction design and start to establish a distributed autonomous design community. We welcome designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop by contributing to the following topics: * Design prototypes which are addressing new ways of imagining, constructing and exchanging value in DAO systems. * Case studies which use digital technologies such as blockchain and crypto currencies to re-imagine and explore value exchange, new models of ownership and the decentralisation of power. * Design tools and methodologies which are addressing value in distributed systems. * Conceptual and theoretical contributions which explore the workshop themes. We invite designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop. Participants are invited to submit a 2-4 page position paper (Extended Abstract), (1) describing existing designs or design platform that challenge traditional concepts of ownership, (2) reflecting on design, social and ethical implications, concerns and opportunities, or (3) exploring implications for different contexts, which could include cultural geography, politics, legal, social science amongst others. Deadline for position paper submissions is the 24th April 2017 and we expect at least one author of each position paper to attend the workshop. Acceptance emails will be sent out by 28th April 2017. For more info, please visit our workshop page here: https://designingdaos.wordpress.com/ or the DIS workshop programme on: http://dis2017.org/workshop-program/. If you have any further questions, please just email me on [log in to unmask]. Many thanks, Bettina Bettina Nissen // Research Associate Design Informatics // University of Edinburgh www.designinformatics.org www.data-things.com [log in to unmask] +(0)7852 752274 posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:40 PM 0 comments Confirmation UNTT New Value Transactions: Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations New digital technologies such as Blockchain and smart contracting are rapidly changing the face of value exchange, and present exciting new opportunities for designers. This workshop will explore the implications of these existing, developing and future technologies using the lens of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). DAOs introduce the principle that products and services may soon be owned and managed collectively and not by one person or authority, thus challenging traditional concepts of user communities, ownership and power. Designers and data specialists are at the forefront of exploring new ways of exchanging value, using Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracting and the direct exchanges between things made possible by the Internet of Things. These novel technologies mean that concepts of value and value exchange are being challenged in a variety of ways, and, far from being neutral, these innovations are entangled with and are co-producing novel political, economic, social and material arrangements, raising questions of ethics, privacy and the sociopolitical implications of new forms of distributed authority. Examples include The DAO, an autonomous business unit underpinned by smart contracting, and the BitBarista, a small-scale autonomous coffee machine which manages its own service and supply relationships. This one-day participatory workshop will combine presentations, case studies and group work sessions to understand, develop and critique these new forms of distributed power and ownership, and to practically explore how to design interactive products and services which enable, challenge or disrupt these models. The aim of this workshop is to (1) discuss emerging research questions and critically examine issues that may arise from increasingly distributed models of value exchange and ownership, and (2) provide a hands-on design opportunity for participants to creatively reconsider new models, approaches and systems of a distributed autonomous future. We aim to define new vocabularies, opportunities and implications of DAOs for interaction design and start to establish a distributed autonomous design community. We welcome designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop by contributing to the following topics: * Design prototypes which are addressing new ways of imagining, constructing and exchanging value in DAO systems. * Case studies which use digital technologies such as blockchain and crypto currencies to re-imagine and explore value exchange, new models of ownership and the decentralisation of power. * Design tools and methodologies which are addressing value in distributed systems. * Conceptual and theoretical contributions which explore the workshop themes. We invite designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop. Participants are invited to submit a 2-4 page position paper (Extended Abstract), (1) describing existing designs or design platform that challenge traditional concepts of ownership, (2) reflecting on design, social and ethical implications, concerns and opportunities, or (3) exploring implications for different contexts, which could include cultural geography, politics, legal, social science amongst others. Deadline for position paper submissions is the 24th April 2017 and we expect at least one author of each position paper to attend the workshop. Acceptance emails will be sent out by 28th April 2017. For more info, please visit our workshop page here: https://designingdaos.wordpress.com/ or the DIS workshop programme on: http://dis2017.org/workshop-program/. If you have any further questions, please just email me on [log in to unmask]. Many thanks, Bettina Bettina Nissen // Research Associate Design Informatics // University of Edinburgh www.designinformatics.org www.data-things.com [log in to unmask] +(0)7852 752274 posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:38 PM 0 comments welcome to 'Choice' 'Home' 'Warranty' Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Choice' 'Home' 'Warranty' Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Thursday, November 22, 2018 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:49 PM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:48 PM 0 comments Conirmation. 4606 Tuesday, November 20, 2018 Hello,2nd-attempt-F0R_isaac_C0n6rats G3TUP posted by Isaac Hobart at 7:33 PM 0 comments welcome to The-male-Iiberator #1 trick to naturally grow it bigger posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:54 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Welcome to AmazonSurvey You've been chosen to receive a reward valued at $50! Dear Amanda, Thank you for your interest in Nazarbayev University. We have undergraduate and graduate programs in different areas. Please, let us know what program you are interested in. Best, -- С уважением, Департамент по приему АОО «Назарбаев Университет» Адрес: г. Астана, пр. Кабанбай Батыра 53 Тел.: + 7 (7172) 70 61 25/30/43//79/82/83/84, 70 90 54, 70 63 57/83, 70 65 68, 70 45 48 Представительство в г. Алматы Адрес: г.Алматы, ул. Кабанбай батыра 140/140а (уг.ул.Амангельды), 2-й этаж, Тел.: + 7 (727) 272 56 11, 272 55 58, 272 56 07, 272 55 91. Follow us: admissions.nu.edu.kz posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation MTVC Monday, November 19, 2018 Dear Family: I am pleased to invite you to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Commencement and College of Applied Health Sciences Convocation ceremonies to be held on Saturday, May 11 and Sunday, May 12, 2013. The college Convocation ceremony, at which each graduate is recognized for their individual achievement, is scheduled for 9:00 a.m., Saturday, May 11 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. Doors open at 8:00 a.m. The entire ceremony will last approximately one and one-half hours. Please plan to remain for the entire ceremony. There are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony and no limit on the number of guests. The campuswide Commencement ceremony, at which graduates of the College are recognized as a group, is scheduled for 10:30 a.m., Sunday, May 12 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. If you plan to attend the campuswide Commencement ceremony, you need to have your graduate secure the proper number of tickets for admission into the Assembly Hall. Tickets are free and there is no limit on the number of tickets a graduate may obtain. Please visit the following website for information on obtaining tickets: http://oc.illinois.edu/commencement/. A professional photography service, GradImages®, will be present at the College Convocation ceremony to photograph all graduates as they are congratulated and after descending the stage. Approximately five days following the ceremony, your student will receive notification at either the university email address or U.S. postal mailing address that proofs are available to view on line. GradImages® is offering graduates a discount on their photo order when they register their email address prior to graduation. Detailed information for pre-event registration is provided on the AHS Website. You are under no obligation to place an order. To facilitate the work of GradImages®, we ask that you remain seated and not approach the stage or ramp areas during the ceremony. Tripods are not allowed and power is not available for cameras. You and your graduate will be given an opportunity to take photographs with members of the platform party at the conclusion of the ceremony. Your graduate has received similar information through their campus email account or U.S. postal mailing address. We have asked your graduate to RSVP by Monday, May 6 using the following form: https://illinois.edu/sb/sec/4954897 to inform us of intent to participate in our Convocation ceremony, provide estimated number of guests and to complete a short survey. As stated above, there are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony. Disability seating is available for guests. Please request assistance for disability seating from an usher at the entrance to the Assembly Hall. For your information, a sign language interpreter will be on stage. Below, you will find a Commencement/Convocation 2013 Family Information Sheet that will prepare you for what to expect at either ceremony you may attend. If you have any questions, please call (217) 333-2130 or (217) 333-2131; my staff will answer any questions you may have. As your graduate prepares to graduate, his/her connection to the University does not end with Commencement. There are several ways to stay involved including keeping his/her contact information updated. This can be done by visiting http://alumni.ahs.illinois.edu/StayConnected/UpdateInfo.aspx/ . Another great way to stay connected is to subscribe to the Alumni E-News. Your graduate can subscribe by clicking on http://ahs.illinois.edu/About/Subscribe.aspx. The Spring E-News will include information about the Class of 2013 and the AHS Convocation. We hope that you will attend the ceremonies and support your new graduate on their day of achievement. We look forward to meeting you on this special day. Sincerely, Tanya M. Gallagher, Ph.D. Dean Family Information Sheet https://illinois.edu/lb/files/2013/03/11/44676.pdf posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:09 PM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments Confirmation YTGZ STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 204 22 85 - 204 26 67- 2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL: azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE : 05.01.2018 Address : Dear Colleagues, 1. Your CD and/or hardcopy AIP subscription period covering year 2017 is going to be terminated on 31.12.2017 2. You are kindly requested to fill the attached Form 1252 that indicates fees of our publications for the year 2018. 3. If you intend to be subscriber or purchase our AIS publications, you are kindly requested to fill the Attached Form 1251B and send it back. 4. You are kindly requested to transfer total amount of your orders in EURO or convertible Currency equivalent to EURO a) To one of below mentioned bank accounts or, b) Through a Bank Cheque enclosed with Form 1251B 5. All additional charges, such as bank commission, transfer fee, will be paid by the Remittor. 6. According to Act VAT (No:3065); the amounts less than 100.-TL will be invoiced by adding VAT and the amount of 100.- TL and above will be free of VAT. 7. Please notify your address, e-mail, fax number and web-site (if available) information on the Form Nr. 1251B. Bank addresses: VAKIFLAR BANK ZIRAAT BANK Ankara Kurumsal Merkez Branch /ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Ankara Kamu Kurumsal Branch/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Branch Code :1428 Branch Code :1745 USD account :00158048000503394 USD account :7053731-6235 EURO account :00158048000359612 EURO account :7053731-6236 Swift Code :TVBATR2A Swift Code :TCZBTR2A Iban No (Euro) :TR39 0001 5001 5804 8000 3596 12 Iban No (Euro) : TR87 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 36 Iban No (USD) :TR59 0001 5001 5804 8000 5033 94 Iban No (USD) : TR17 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 35 Mustafa KILIÇ Head of Air Navigation Department Encl. : 1. Form 1251B 2. Form 1252 Form Nr. 1251 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE :05.01.2018 AIS PUBLICATIONS PRICE LIST Name Of The Publications National Fees (*) International Subscription Fees Region A Region B Column A Column B Column C Column D EURO (£) 1 AIP On Web Base (Internet) / eAIP 110 110 110 2 AIP Volume I (With Binder) 110 130 150 3 AIP Volume II (With Binder) 110 130 150 4 Hard Copy a. AIP Amendments (AIRAC AMDT b. AIP Supplements (SUP) c. AIC's d. NOTAM Summaries and check lists (Annual Subscription) 215 240 270 Semiannual subscription (July 1st - December 31st) 110 125 140 5 The Annual Subscription of CD AIP Turkey (Including Amendment Services) 175 190 200 Semiannual subscription (July 1st - December 31st) 90 100 110 6 Single issue purchase of the latest CD of AIP Turkey 25 30 30 (Extra Copies Required) 7 Ring Binder (AIP Vol I) 30 35 40 8 Ring Binder (AIP Vol II) 30 35 40 9 Air Navigation Chart (ATS/RNAV) 11 13 17 10 Terminal Area Chart (**) 0.5 1.5 2.5 11 STAR / SID Chart (**) 0.5 1.5 2.5 12 Aerodrome Chart (**) 2 3 4 13 Aerodrome Obstruction Chart (**) 5 6 7 14 Approach ant Landing Chart (**) One Sided 0.4 Two Sided 0.8 REMARKS: (*) Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus takes place in this Column B. I. Regİon "A"; a. All European Countries, b. Neighbour Countries; (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Southern Cyprus, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazhakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrghizistan, Armenia and Georgia)II. II. Region "B" ; All Other Countries. Form Nr. 1252 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov DATE :05.01.2018 1. AIS publications that we request are marked in the list below 2. for our orders; a. We have credited EURO ................, your Currency Account Nr. .......................with................. Bank .....................................Branch against the receipt date ..........................................Nr................ of which a copy attached herewith b. 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Form Nr. 1251B posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:51 AM 0 comments Amazon survey offer number #001457 Welcome, Phone: (888)872-0228 info@stardust-memorials.com Customer Registration hoamm ammho: Thank you for registering at Stardust Memorials. Please keep this email for your records, contact us if you have any questions. We're here to be of service to you. Stardust Memorials is the nation's leader in providing the best quality memorial and remembrance products at the best possible prices and the most reasonable and efficient shipping costs and terms. Give us a try! Email: zoraidartye24@gmail.com Password: ****** Contact Information hoamm ammho aa1919 az, AZ. 9191 US Company: aa Stardust Memorials 807 Airport Access Rd Suite 100 Traverse City, MI 49686 Phone: (888)872-0228 posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:01 AM 0 comments welcome to 'ChoiceHomeWarranty' welcome posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation POIP #Marijuana_Oil_Now_Legal(CBD)_ Solution Découvrez la sérénité d'une gestion RH digitalehome.nlAB et efficace : vos collaborateurs gèrent leurs demandes de congés en ligne et visualisent leur bulletin de paie en temps réel, quand ils le souhaitent. Expérience collaborateurs Espace employé en ligne sécurisé et gratuit à vie Chacun de vos salariés dispose gratuitement d'un espace personnel sécurisé dès son entrée dans l'entreprise. Cet espace est disponible sans limite de temps. Il peut récupérer de manière autonome ses feuilles de paie et disposer d'une explication des variations mensuelles. Il saisit également ses demandes de congés et de documents administratifs. Elles sont ensuite soumises à la validation de son manager. Onboarding revu et corrigé Accueillir un nouveau salarié devient simple Dans le cadre d'une nouvelle embauche, vous pouvez inviter un collaborateur à saisir lui-même ses informations personnelles : son espace employé est alors créé automatiquement. Il est automatiquement ajouté à la liste de vos employés pour votre prochaine paie. Fini les oublis de documents ou d'information lorsque vous accueillez un nouveau collaborateur : vos données RH sont homogènes et fiables. Automatisation de la paie Produire et distribuer vos bulletins de paie en 3 clics En plaçant la transparence au coeur de votre démarche et vos collaborateurs au centre, NewDeal vous permet de générer vos bulletins de paie de manière autonome et avec une charge de travail minimale. Vous maîtrisez enfin cet élément clé de la relation Employeurs-Employés, et garantissez à votre entreprise une conformité sociale maximale permanente grâce à notre veille juridique. Consacrez votre temps au développement de vos talents, NewDeal s'occupe du reste. posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:31 AM 0 comments About Me Name: Isaac Hobart View my complete profile Google Search Web This Blog Links Home CNNCD.COM Health Body Guide 74211.com Make money with web hosting Playing Game Make Money Previous Posts Have you been to all these Ripley's attractions? Your Loan Application Thank you for your application Isaac, you’re so close to finishing your registration Thank you for your application Thank you for your application Your application has been received Isaac, get cash advance up to $750 per pay period*... Sabrina Carpenter’s ‘Short n’ Sweet (Deluxe)' is o... Thanks for your application Archives November 2008 May 2011 January 2012 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014 January 2015 April 2015 May 2015 July 2015 August 2015 October 2015 June 2016 September 2016 January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017 January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018 January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 July 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022 January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023 January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 January 2025 February 2025
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Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:55 AM 0 comments Welcome to [C]homeWarranty Wednesday, November 28, 2018 Welcome posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:31 PM 0 comments isaac, become a Lyft driver. Start now! Monday, November 26, 2018 Limited-time offer: A $500 bonus for new drivers *** This is an automated message. Please do not reply *** Please note that this is an extremely busy time of year for processing applications and answering email enquiries. Expect that replies won't be as fast as we would like, but you are our first priority and we will respond as quickly as is possible. Thank you for your patience! Thank you for your interest in Vancouver Island University. �� If you have not applied and have an inquiry, please email WorldVIU@viu.ca �� If you have applied, please include your full name, date of birth and Online Application ID or Student ID number on the subject line in your email. �� To apply online 1. Visit https://students.viu.ca/Inted/pub_main.asp. 2. Upload the required documents. 3. Pay the application fee. Please allow 10-15 business days for replies and acknowledgements as we are receiving a high volume of inquiries and applications. Thank you for your patience. IMPORTANT: For specific information about the admission requirements for our various programs, see: https://calendar.viu.ca/ Thank you for your e-mail. All information about Williams and our requirements are listed on our website. Williams College Office of Admission 995 Main Street Williamstown, MA 01267 413.597.2211 (p) 413.597.4052 (f) Request Information Williams Social ----- Hi Rachael, Thanks so much for reaching out! I will certainly be glad to provide you with information regarding Wells College and our academic programs. Please visit the following link (https://apply.wells.edu/register/info) and provide us with more information about yourself so we can send you the right context of information. In the meantime, visit our website www.wells.edu and check out our virtual tour that���s at the bottom of my signature. Please let me know if you have any more questions or if I can help you with anything else! Best, Jenn Moreno '14 NYC Regional Recruiter|Office of Admissions Brooklyn, New York Call or Text: 917.579.0605 Take a Virtual Tour of Wells Wells College. ARRIVE CURIOUS ? GRADUATE PREPARED. *********** Dear Candidate, Thank you very much for your email and interest about our University. We would like to present our Bachelor degree, English - taught programs. For October intake you can choose form programs listed below: 1. BA in Management - 3 years - full time (Monday-Friday) - 1800 EUR per year - International Business - Entrepreneurship 2. BA in International Trade - 3 years - full time (Monday-Friday) - 1800 EUR year - International Business - Foreign Trade of Small and Medium Sized Enterprices 3. BSc. in Computer Science - 3.5 years - full time (Monday-Friday)- 818 EUR year - Software Developer -Virtual Reality and Multimedia 4. BSc. in Engineering Management - 3.5 years - full time (Monday-Friday) - 753 EUR year - Production Management - Quality Management Specialities listed above are to be choose and realization after the 3rd semester of studies. Admission for all Bachelor's pogram is going to start on 27th of March, 2018. On-line application process will be available on our website: https://www.wsb.pl/rekrutacja/krok1 After on-line registration you will be send and email with further instructions. Documents needed for admisson will be listed and attached to the email. After registration please contact the admission office on the email: study@wsb.poznan.pl If you already have any required document, you can send it directly to us, before collecting the rest of the documents. If you are holding an English pofficiency certificate like (IELTS, TOFEL, etc.) on the level B2, you can directly send it to our email. Unless you don't have a certificate, you can pass our on-line English test and interview with our Admission Officer on Skype. For more details please look at our website http://www.wsb.pl/english/program-offerings/poznan/bachelors-programs If you have any other questions regarding collecting all required documents, please feel free to ask. Best reagrds, Malgorzata Z��rawna | Biuro Rekrutacji | Admission Office study@wsb.poznan.pl Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa w Poznaniu ul. Powstanc��w Wielkopolskich 5 | 61-895 Poznan tel. 61 655 33 00 www.wsb.pl ###### ==ATTENTION: This is an automated message== Thank you for contacting Stanford Staffing Services! A member of our team is looking in to your inquiry. If the inquiry falls outside the general scope listed below, a member of our team will contact you. It is our intent to respond to inquiries submitted through the staffingservices@stanford.edu mailbox within two business days. Depending on the inquiry, our response may take longer than two business days. Job Postings: If you have a question regarding a specific job posting, we will forward your email on to the hiring department for review. Consequently, should the hiring team need to contact you, they may take longer than two business days to respond. How to Apply to a Posted Staff Position and Application Status: If you are interested in applying for current staff openings, please apply on our Stanford Careers website: http://stanfordcareers.stanford.edu. Please note, due to compliance and reporting requirements, Stanford does not accept resumes or cover letters through this e-mail address, postal mail, or fax. When you submit an application through the Stanford Careers site, an automated confirmation e-mail will be sent to you. The hiring team will then have access to your resume and cover letter submitted through the Stanford Careers site. If there is a match between your skill set and their current needs, the hiring department will contact you. Please be advised, Stanford does not provide hiring manager contact information to applicants. The hiring process at Stanford can take up to six months.?Due to the volume of resumes received, we are unable to contact each applicant regarding the status of the positions applied to. However, most departments will email applicants when the position is filled or cancelled. Cover Letters: Cover letters are recommended and typically reviewed by the hiring team. However, they are not required. To include a cover letter, you must upload a Word (.doc) or PDF (.pdf) file at the attachment step of the application process. Salary Ranges: Stanford does not post salary ranges. Salary ranges are broad and determined by many factors. Factors that determine individual salary placement within a salary range are based on relationship to salaries of other employees with similar experience and skills who perform similar work, external market pay for comparable jobs, Stanford average pay for similar jobs, and unit, department, school or VP area funding. Reset Password: From the Stanford Careers Job Search page, select My Account Options or click the Apply button. You will be directed to the login page. From there, select Forgot your user name and/or Forgot your password and follow the directions provided. Student Employment Opportunities: Student employment opportunities are listed on the Stanford Career Development Center website at: https://beam.stanford.edu/. ** If you have additional questions please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page at: http://stanfordcareers.stanford.edu/job-search/faqs. Thank you and we appreciate your interest in Stanford University! Best regards, Staffing Services University Human Resources Stanford University posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:46 PM 0 comments Confirmation VBNX Dear Student, Welcome to (INSERT COURSE NAME, SECTION #), Spring 2018. This course will take place using the Canvas learning management system. Please visit West Los Angeles College's Online & Hybrid Classes website at http://www.wlac.edu/online. Click on the For Students link in the middle of the top menu bar to access our online Bookstore to order required course materials. This class begins on Monday, February 5, 2018. You may not be able to access your course before the first day of class. If you have not logged in and participated by the end of the first week of class you may be dropped. Students who are dropped might not be reinstated. On Monday, February 5, 2018 you may access your online class by logging in at: https://ilearn.laccd.edu/ OR https://mycollege.laccd.edu/ (once logged in, click on the Canvas link) Your Login ID is your complete Student ID Number. If you do not know your Student Identification Number you will need to contact admissions at (310) 287-4501 For instructions on how to login to the Student Information System please visit: https://www.laccd.edu/Students/Documents/Student%20FAQ/how-to-login-loginpage.pdf Or click this video tutorial - https://youtu.be/7PpogDGrJgk If you have forgotten your SIS password please contact the WLAC Information Technology Department at (310)287-4360 or west_it@wlac.edu and ask them to reset it for you. After you login to Canvas you will see your Dashboard with the current course(s) you are enrolled in. Just click on a course tab to access a course. If you are enrolled in a course and do not see it on the dashboard it may be because your instructor has not published it yet. To see unpublished courses click the "Courses" link on the left then "All Courses." If you have trouble accessing the course on, or after, the start date submit a trouble ticket by clicking on the word HELP on the Canvas homepage and then click on REPORT A PROBLEM or call the 24/7 Canvas Helpline at (844)303-5590. Review the Canvas Student Guide for more information/resources: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10701 For non-Canvas issues please contact the Distance Learning Program Office at (310)287-4306 or via email at helfco@wlac.edu. NEW OPTIONAL STUDENT SUCCESS RESOURCE Your online course is accompanied by a FREE online Quest for Success Program. This program is designed to increase your success in online courses. After logging into Canvas you will see Quest for Online Success on your Dashboard. It allows you to save your work and return to it later. At the conclusion of the program you will receive an individualized report that gives you feedback and resources to help you become even more successful in your online classes. This FREE program is available now (before the semester starts!) so I encourage you to take advantage of this great resource. Self-enroll now! - https://ilearn.laccd.edu/enroll/9Y6DLE Welcome to West! (INSERT NAME OF INSTRUCTOR) posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:27 PM 0 comments Welcome Get_A_Free_Debt_Estimate You may already be approved for a debt consolidation loan ... posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:48 AM 0 comments You Have Been Selected! тнe мιracle cυre тнaт ѕcareѕ вιg pнarмa THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY DIRECTLY TO THIS. WE CAN BE CONTACTED FROM THE CONTACT US SECTION OF OUR WEBSITE Hi You have successfully been registered for MyMegabus. Please note that the first time you login, you will also need to provide the following authorisation code Auth Code : T00wVTI0MFMxVmw1c1ZKYjA4UVcyNzk0NTMx or click here http://us.megabus.com/AuthenticateUser.aspx?authcode=T00wVTI0MFMxVmw1c1ZKYjA4UVcyNzk0NTMx The Authorisation code is used to ensure that someone else does not use your email address to subscribe to this service. Le 4 avril 2008, la holding Audiovisuel extérieur de la France (AEF) est créée sous l'impulsion du président de la République Nicolas Sarkozy élu l'année précédente. Il s'agit de regrouper les activités de l'audiovisuel extérieur de la France sous une même société, soit les chaînes de télévision TV5 Monde et France 24, et la radio RFI30,31. L'AEF doit donc racheter les participations de France Télévisions et de TF1 dans France 24, mais le groupe privé demande 90 millions d'euros alors qu'il n'avait investit que 18 500 euros à la création32. Après un bras de fer avec l'État, les deux groupes cèdent leur part pour un montant de 2 millions d'euros chacun. De plus, France Télévisions s'engage à fournir des programmes d'actualité pendant 7 ans pour un montant d'un million d'euros par an. De son côté, pendant la même période, TF1 doit fournir des images d'archives pour un montant annuel de 800 000 euros pour sa chaîne TF1, et 900 000 euros pour sa filiale Eurosport33. Alain de Pouzilhac, président du directoire de France 24, est nommé au poste de PDG et Christine Ockrent à celui de directrice générale déléguée du nouvel ensemble et donc des entités qui le composent34. Le 12 novembre 2008, France 24 se voit récompensée du Prix du Meilleur média international lors de la cérémonie des AIB Media Excellence Awards organisée par l'Association for International Broadcasting (en)35,36. Le 27 avril 2009, France 24 passe de quatre à dix heures de diffusion quotidienne en langue arabe, de 14 h à minuit37. Le 12 octobre 2010, la chaîne passe à une diffusion 24h/2438. Le 22 février 2010, le Conseil national de la communication audiovisuelle (CNCA) de Côte d'Ivoire, alors en pleine crise politico-militaire, suspend la diffusion de France 24 pour « traitement non professionnel de l'information ». Les autorités reprochent à la chaîne d'avoir annoncé de nombreux morts à l'occasion d'une manifestation durant laquelle cinq personnes ont été tuées39,40. Le 2 décembre, le Conseil constitutionnel annule les résultats de l'élection présidentielle ivoirienne de 2010 annoncés par la Commission électorale indépendante. Les autorités décident de suspendre dans tout le pays la diffusion des médias étrangers, notamment français. Ces derniers sont accusés par des médias proches du pouvoir d'avoir pris parti pour le parti d'opposition d'Alassane Ouattara contre la majorité présidentielle de Laurent Gbagbo41,42. En 2010, les relations entre les deux dirigeants de l'AEF, Alain de Pouzilhac et Christine Ockrent, se dégradent et un grave conflit éclate sur fond de crise à France 24. En juillet, Ockrent est brusquement rétrogradée et perd son poste à la tête de la chaîne d'information en continu, à la suite d'un conseil d'administration extraordinaire convoqué par Pouzilhac. Ce dernier lui reproche une dérive budgétaire menant tout droit à un déficit prévisionnel de 7 millions d'euros pour 2011, ainsi que des erreurs de gestion et de stratégie de distribution43. Fin décembre, une collaboratrice d'Ockrent est accusée d'espionnage interne sur les ordinateurs des dirigeants d'AEF44. Christine Ockrent est alors massivement désavouée par l'équipe de direction45 puis par le personnel de France 2446. Finalement, en mai 2011, elle décide de quitter son poste, non sans avoir porté plainte pour harcèlement moral47. ACTIVATE ACCOUNT Or copy and paste this url in your browser: HAVING TROUBLE REGISTERING? If you are having trouble completing your registration, chat with our customer service team (24/7). NEED HELP? Check out our FAQs for a quick answer to your question or chat with our customer service team. We're available 24/7. 123FormBuilder comes with several easy options for web form thank you pages. In the form editor, you'll find them at Settings ? Thank You Page. Look at you. You've made web forms look easy thanks to our free web form builder, and now you're ready to watch the answers roll in. Not so fast! Have you considered what the customer sees after taking time to fill out the form and click Submit? After submission, your mission is complete, but your customer relationship is just beginning. With every form confirmation page, a little effort goes a long way—it can even increase conversions. A thoughtful thank you can make the customer happier to part with precious time and personal data to interact with you. Tried-and-True Thank Yous Here's some inspiration to get you started. Feel free to copy and paste from these samples! Don't forget to customize the message for your business. 1. Thank you for getting in touch! We appreciate you contacting us about [Contact Reason]. One of our colleagues will get back to you shortly. Have a great day! 2. Thanks for being awesome! We have received your message and would like to thank you for writing to us. If your inquiry is urgent, please use the telephone number listed below to talk to one of our staff members. Otherwise, we will reply by email as soon as possible. Talk to you soon, [Your Company] 3. Thank you for filling out your information! We've sent you an email with [the coupon code/your file download link/your voucher] at the email address you provided. Please enjoy, and let us know if there's anything else we can help you with. The [Your Company] Team 4. Dear [Your Company] customer, thanks for reaching out! We're thrilled to hear from you. Our inbox can't wait to get your messages, so talk to us any time you like. Cheers! 5. Thanks for filling out our form! We will look over your message and get back to you by tomorrow. In the meantime, you can check the FAQ section, look over our new product collection or browse through our latest blog posts will be displayed as Please. Your friends at [Your Company] P.S. The Nation depends on readers for financial support. Please consider a low-cost digital or print subscription. All subscriptions can be linked and delivered to any Apple or Android tablet or smartphone. Another way to support our journalism is to donate to The Nation. Borderlinx Borderlinx You're one step away from becoming a Borderlinx member. ACTIVATE ACCOUNT Or copy and paste this url in your browser: HAVING TROUBLE REGISTERING? Look at you. You've made web forms look easy thanks to our free web form builder, and now you're ready to watch the answers roll in. Not so fast! Have you considered what the customer sees after taking time to fill out the form and click Submit? After submission, your mission is complete, but your customer relationship is just beginning. With every form confirmation page, a little effort goes a long way—it can even increase conversions. A thoughtful thank you can make the customer happier to part with precious time and personal data to interact with you. Tried-and-True Thank Yous Here's some inspiration to get you started. Feel free to copy and paste from these samples! Don't forget to customize the message for your business. 1. Thank you for getting in touch! We appreciate you contacting us about [Contact Reason]. One of our colleagues will get back to you shortly. Have a great day! 2. Thanks for being awesome! We have received your message and would like to thank you for writing to us. If your inquiry is urgent, please use the telephone number listed below to talk to one of our staff members. Otherwise, we will reply by email as soon as possible. Talk to you soon, [Your Company] 3. Thank you for filling out your information! We've sent you an email with [the coupon code/your file download link/your voucher] at the email address you provided. Please enjoy, and let us know if there's anything else we can help you with. The [Your Company] Team 4. Dear [Your Company] customer, thanks for reaching out! We're thrilled to hear from you. Our inbox can't wait to get your messages, so talk to us any time you like. Cheers! Peugeot Maroc Please note that your ESL assessment test will be administered by our English Language Institute on the following date/time: If you have questions or require assistance, our Education specialists are here to help. Please consult the GlobalPay for Students FAQs page for your regional help line. For questions regarding your student tuition fees please contact Seneca College. Nous vous souhaitons une pleine réussite dans vos recherches futures. Nous vous remercions pour l'intérêt que vous portez à la marque Peugeot. Did you forget your password? No problem – you can reset it. Hopefully your new password is a little more memorable! Please make sure that you arrive on time. The tests are administered promptly and late arrivals cannot be accommodated. Please bring your valid photo ID. Welcome to Fanshawe! August 3, 2016 We are looking forward to meeting each of you and hope to make your transition to Fanshawe College as smooth as possible. Below, you will read some important information regarding your arrival in Canada and first days at Fanshawe. If you have any questions or concerns before you arrive, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you! Classes begin on Tuesday, September 6. To better serve our new students arriving for the Fall 2016 semester, the International Centre (Room E2025) will be open special hours on: Saturday, September 3: 10:00am – 2:00pm Sunday, September 4: 10:00am – 2:00pm Monday, September 5: 10:00am – 2:00pm The International Centre will also be open regular hours Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm. We are advising all new students to arrive any time between Sunday, August 28 and Monday, Business Spotlight: Athene Supporting veterans and their families through a variety of avenues Athene Athene, a retirement services company founded in 2009, created the Athene Military Veterans Organization with the goal of hiring military veterans, establishing intra-company and intercompany veteran networks, and collaborating with community outreach organizations relative to military veterans, their dependents,and active National Guard and Reservists currently employed at Athene. Read more. Community Spotlight: Madison County and the City of Winterset These growing communities recognize the value of veterans and their families madison county Madison County became the 39th Home Base Iowa Community in August 2017. "Home Base Iowa brings people, organizations, employers and higher education institutions together to help veterans and their families," commented Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds during the Home Base Iowa ceremony for Madison County. "Being from Madison County makes this event extra special to me personally." Read more. Business Success Story: Marion Process Solutions Veteran Josiah Childs receives job as an electrical technician. marion "Josiah was introduced to Marion Process Solutions through LinkedIn, as he was making the transition from active duty back to civilian life here in Iowa. While that search was successful because Josiah joined us, LinkedIn was more expensive than other recruiting methods we had used. We also received a lot of interest from candidates who were not technically qualified or needed relocation if hired. When I logged onto to Home Base Iowa (for free!) and saw that Josiah's name was on the top of the list, it was evident that we needed to utilize this service for future hires". -Martry Gieryng, Team Resources and Development Mgr. IowaWORKS & Home Base Iowa Success Story With assistance from IowaWORKS and Home Base Iowa, network engineer Brent Gorton receives job offer. Brent Brent Gorton requested help from Jeff Fischer, the Veteran Representative in the Cedar Rapids IowaWORKS Center, with finding a new job. Despite being an experienced network engineer, he was having trouble due to non-compete agreements with several local employers. After initial guidance was provided on resume changes and labor market information, his resume was uploaded onto the Home Base Iowa website. Read more. The megabus.com team posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:15 AM 0 comments welcome to 'choice' 'home' 'warranty' Sunday, November 25, 2018 Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:18 PM 0 comments Welcome to Health Insurance Notice DVZW PO/001 Dear All, I am Charlotte Glancy, part of Bank Solutions who are the independent appointed Programme Officers for The London Borough of Richmond Local Plan. This letter is to briefly update you of the stage we are at with the Examination in Public (EiP). The Inspector is working through the information and evidence submitted by the Council in relation to the Plan. Information relating to the Examination can be found on the following website where all documents will be uploaded throughout the Examination Process. This includes recent correspondence between the Inspector and the Council. http://www.richmond.gov.uk/local_plan_examination We are working to be in a position to shortly send out an introductory letter that will explain the process and will normally set out the intended dates for any necessary Hearings, the venue, the Inspector's 'matters and issues' for examination and a draft timetable. At this point we will invite representors, where a duly made representation has been previously made, to confirm if they wish to participate in the hearing Sessions for the EIP. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any more questions. Charlotte Glancy & Chris Banks Programme Officers C/O Banks Solutions bankssolutionsuk@gmail.com 01403 783276 +447519 628064 posted by Isaac Hobart at 11:43 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Costco' 'Survey' 'Connector' You've been chosen to receive a Offer valued at $50 --_----------=_MCPart_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="fixed" This is an automated response to a work order you recently submitted to either the IT Department's HelpDesk or to the Facilities Department at SMCC. Your request will be assigned to a technician shortly. You may check the status of your work order anytime by clicking the link below. STUDENTS NOTE: At this time, students do not have a method to track their work orders. You will, however, receive an email or telephone call when the work order is complete. STAFF NOTE: Staff may track the status of their work orders via the link below. Simply click the line that says " Click here to log in as an end user with your windows login information" and you will automatically be signed onto the system. http://woserver.smccme.edu/TrackItWeb/SelfService If you are experiencing problems with this screen, please notify the Helpdesk at 5696, internally or 741-5696, externally. The Work Order Number is 139260 posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:54 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Costco' 'Survey' 'Connector' You've been chosen to receive a Offer valued at $50 --_----------=_MCPart_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="fixed" This is an automated response to a work order you recently submitted to either the IT Department's HelpDesk or to the Facilities Department at SMCC. Your request will be assigned to a technician shortly. You may check the status of your work order anytime by clicking the link below. STUDENTS NOTE: At this time, students do not have a method to track their work orders. You will, however, receive an email or telephone call when the work order is complete. STAFF NOTE: Staff may track the status of their work orders via the link below. Simply click the line that says " Click here to log in as an end user with your windows login information" and you will automatically be signed onto the system. http://woserver.smccme.edu/TrackItWeb/SelfService If you are experiencing problems with this screen, please notify the Helpdesk at 5696, internally or 741-5696, externally. The Work Order Number is 139260 posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:54 AM 0 comments Confirmation UNTT Friday, November 23, 2018 New Value Transactions: Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations New digital technologies such as Blockchain and smart contracting are rapidly changing the face of value exchange, and present exciting new opportunities for designers. This workshop will explore the implications of these existing, developing and future technologies using the lens of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). DAOs introduce the principle that products and services may soon be owned and managed collectively and not by one person or authority, thus challenging traditional concepts of user communities, ownership and power. Designers and data specialists are at the forefront of exploring new ways of exchanging value, using Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracting and the direct exchanges between things made possible by the Internet of Things. These novel technologies mean that concepts of value and value exchange are being challenged in a variety of ways, and, far from being neutral, these innovations are entangled with and are co-producing novel political, economic, social and material arrangements, raising questions of ethics, privacy and the sociopolitical implications of new forms of distributed authority. Examples include The DAO, an autonomous business unit underpinned by smart contracting, and the BitBarista, a small-scale autonomous coffee machine which manages its own service and supply relationships. This one-day participatory workshop will combine presentations, case studies and group work sessions to understand, develop and critique these new forms of distributed power and ownership, and to practically explore how to design interactive products and services which enable, challenge or disrupt these models. The aim of this workshop is to (1) discuss emerging research questions and critically examine issues that may arise from increasingly distributed models of value exchange and ownership, and (2) provide a hands-on design opportunity for participants to creatively reconsider new models, approaches and systems of a distributed autonomous future. We aim to define new vocabularies, opportunities and implications of DAOs for interaction design and start to establish a distributed autonomous design community. We welcome designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop by contributing to the following topics: * Design prototypes which are addressing new ways of imagining, constructing and exchanging value in DAO systems. * Case studies which use digital technologies such as blockchain and crypto currencies to re-imagine and explore value exchange, new models of ownership and the decentralisation of power. * Design tools and methodologies which are addressing value in distributed systems. * Conceptual and theoretical contributions which explore the workshop themes. We invite designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop. Participants are invited to submit a 2-4 page position paper (Extended Abstract), (1) describing existing designs or design platform that challenge traditional concepts of ownership, (2) reflecting on design, social and ethical implications, concerns and opportunities, or (3) exploring implications for different contexts, which could include cultural geography, politics, legal, social science amongst others. Deadline for position paper submissions is the 24th April 2017 and we expect at least one author of each position paper to attend the workshop. Acceptance emails will be sent out by 28th April 2017. For more info, please visit our workshop page here: https://designingdaos.wordpress.com/ or the DIS workshop programme on: http://dis2017.org/workshop-program/. If you have any further questions, please just email me on [log in to unmask]. Many thanks, Bettina Bettina Nissen // Research Associate Design Informatics // University of Edinburgh www.designinformatics.org www.data-things.com [log in to unmask] +(0)7852 752274 posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:40 PM 0 comments Confirmation UNTT New Value Transactions: Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations New digital technologies such as Blockchain and smart contracting are rapidly changing the face of value exchange, and present exciting new opportunities for designers. This workshop will explore the implications of these existing, developing and future technologies using the lens of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). DAOs introduce the principle that products and services may soon be owned and managed collectively and not by one person or authority, thus challenging traditional concepts of user communities, ownership and power. Designers and data specialists are at the forefront of exploring new ways of exchanging value, using Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracting and the direct exchanges between things made possible by the Internet of Things. These novel technologies mean that concepts of value and value exchange are being challenged in a variety of ways, and, far from being neutral, these innovations are entangled with and are co-producing novel political, economic, social and material arrangements, raising questions of ethics, privacy and the sociopolitical implications of new forms of distributed authority. Examples include The DAO, an autonomous business unit underpinned by smart contracting, and the BitBarista, a small-scale autonomous coffee machine which manages its own service and supply relationships. This one-day participatory workshop will combine presentations, case studies and group work sessions to understand, develop and critique these new forms of distributed power and ownership, and to practically explore how to design interactive products and services which enable, challenge or disrupt these models. The aim of this workshop is to (1) discuss emerging research questions and critically examine issues that may arise from increasingly distributed models of value exchange and ownership, and (2) provide a hands-on design opportunity for participants to creatively reconsider new models, approaches and systems of a distributed autonomous future. We aim to define new vocabularies, opportunities and implications of DAOs for interaction design and start to establish a distributed autonomous design community. We welcome designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop by contributing to the following topics: * Design prototypes which are addressing new ways of imagining, constructing and exchanging value in DAO systems. * Case studies which use digital technologies such as blockchain and crypto currencies to re-imagine and explore value exchange, new models of ownership and the decentralisation of power. * Design tools and methodologies which are addressing value in distributed systems. * Conceptual and theoretical contributions which explore the workshop themes. We invite designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop. Participants are invited to submit a 2-4 page position paper (Extended Abstract), (1) describing existing designs or design platform that challenge traditional concepts of ownership, (2) reflecting on design, social and ethical implications, concerns and opportunities, or (3) exploring implications for different contexts, which could include cultural geography, politics, legal, social science amongst others. Deadline for position paper submissions is the 24th April 2017 and we expect at least one author of each position paper to attend the workshop. Acceptance emails will be sent out by 28th April 2017. For more info, please visit our workshop page here: https://designingdaos.wordpress.com/ or the DIS workshop programme on: http://dis2017.org/workshop-program/. If you have any further questions, please just email me on [log in to unmask]. Many thanks, Bettina Bettina Nissen // Research Associate Design Informatics // University of Edinburgh www.designinformatics.org www.data-things.com [log in to unmask] +(0)7852 752274 posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:38 PM 0 comments welcome to 'Choice' 'Home' 'Warranty' Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Choice' 'Home' 'Warranty' Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Thursday, November 22, 2018 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:49 PM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:48 PM 0 comments Conirmation. 4606 Tuesday, November 20, 2018 Hello,2nd-attempt-F0R_isaac_C0n6rats G3TUP posted by Isaac Hobart at 7:33 PM 0 comments welcome to The-male-Iiberator #1 trick to naturally grow it bigger posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:54 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Welcome to AmazonSurvey You've been chosen to receive a reward valued at $50! Dear Amanda, Thank you for your interest in Nazarbayev University. We have undergraduate and graduate programs in different areas. Please, let us know what program you are interested in. Best, -- С уважением, Департамент по приему АОО «Назарбаев Университет» Адрес: г. Астана, пр. Кабанбай Батыра 53 Тел.: + 7 (7172) 70 61 25/30/43//79/82/83/84, 70 90 54, 70 63 57/83, 70 65 68, 70 45 48 Представительство в г. Алматы Адрес: г.Алматы, ул. Кабанбай батыра 140/140а (уг.ул.Амангельды), 2-й этаж, Тел.: + 7 (727) 272 56 11, 272 55 58, 272 56 07, 272 55 91. Follow us: admissions.nu.edu.kz posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation MTVC Monday, November 19, 2018 Dear Family: I am pleased to invite you to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Commencement and College of Applied Health Sciences Convocation ceremonies to be held on Saturday, May 11 and Sunday, May 12, 2013. The college Convocation ceremony, at which each graduate is recognized for their individual achievement, is scheduled for 9:00 a.m., Saturday, May 11 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. Doors open at 8:00 a.m. The entire ceremony will last approximately one and one-half hours. Please plan to remain for the entire ceremony. There are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony and no limit on the number of guests. The campuswide Commencement ceremony, at which graduates of the College are recognized as a group, is scheduled for 10:30 a.m., Sunday, May 12 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. If you plan to attend the campuswide Commencement ceremony, you need to have your graduate secure the proper number of tickets for admission into the Assembly Hall. Tickets are free and there is no limit on the number of tickets a graduate may obtain. Please visit the following website for information on obtaining tickets: http://oc.illinois.edu/commencement/. A professional photography service, GradImages®, will be present at the College Convocation ceremony to photograph all graduates as they are congratulated and after descending the stage. Approximately five days following the ceremony, your student will receive notification at either the university email address or U.S. postal mailing address that proofs are available to view on line. GradImages® is offering graduates a discount on their photo order when they register their email address prior to graduation. Detailed information for pre-event registration is provided on the AHS Website. You are under no obligation to place an order. To facilitate the work of GradImages®, we ask that you remain seated and not approach the stage or ramp areas during the ceremony. Tripods are not allowed and power is not available for cameras. You and your graduate will be given an opportunity to take photographs with members of the platform party at the conclusion of the ceremony. Your graduate has received similar information through their campus email account or U.S. postal mailing address. We have asked your graduate to RSVP by Monday, May 6 using the following form: https://illinois.edu/sb/sec/4954897 to inform us of intent to participate in our Convocation ceremony, provide estimated number of guests and to complete a short survey. As stated above, there are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony. Disability seating is available for guests. Please request assistance for disability seating from an usher at the entrance to the Assembly Hall. For your information, a sign language interpreter will be on stage. Below, you will find a Commencement/Convocation 2013 Family Information Sheet that will prepare you for what to expect at either ceremony you may attend. If you have any questions, please call (217) 333-2130 or (217) 333-2131; my staff will answer any questions you may have. As your graduate prepares to graduate, his/her connection to the University does not end with Commencement. There are several ways to stay involved including keeping his/her contact information updated. This can be done by visiting http://alumni.ahs.illinois.edu/StayConnected/UpdateInfo.aspx/ . Another great way to stay connected is to subscribe to the Alumni E-News. Your graduate can subscribe by clicking on http://ahs.illinois.edu/About/Subscribe.aspx. The Spring E-News will include information about the Class of 2013 and the AHS Convocation. We hope that you will attend the ceremonies and support your new graduate on their day of achievement. We look forward to meeting you on this special day. Sincerely, Tanya M. Gallagher, Ph.D. Dean Family Information Sheet https://illinois.edu/lb/files/2013/03/11/44676.pdf posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:09 PM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments Confirmation YTGZ STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 204 22 85 - 204 26 67- 2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL: azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE : 05.01.2018 Address : Dear Colleagues, 1. Your CD and/or hardcopy AIP subscription period covering year 2017 is going to be terminated on 31.12.2017 2. You are kindly requested to fill the attached Form 1252 that indicates fees of our publications for the year 2018. 3. If you intend to be subscriber or purchase our AIS publications, you are kindly requested to fill the Attached Form 1251B and send it back. 4. You are kindly requested to transfer total amount of your orders in EURO or convertible Currency equivalent to EURO a) To one of below mentioned bank accounts or, b) Through a Bank Cheque enclosed with Form 1251B 5. All additional charges, such as bank commission, transfer fee, will be paid by the Remittor. 6. According to Act VAT (No:3065); the amounts less than 100.-TL will be invoiced by adding VAT and the amount of 100.- TL and above will be free of VAT. 7. Please notify your address, e-mail, fax number and web-site (if available) information on the Form Nr. 1251B. Bank addresses: VAKIFLAR BANK ZIRAAT BANK Ankara Kurumsal Merkez Branch /ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Ankara Kamu Kurumsal Branch/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Branch Code :1428 Branch Code :1745 USD account :00158048000503394 USD account :7053731-6235 EURO account :00158048000359612 EURO account :7053731-6236 Swift Code :TVBATR2A Swift Code :TCZBTR2A Iban No (Euro) :TR39 0001 5001 5804 8000 3596 12 Iban No (Euro) : TR87 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 36 Iban No (USD) :TR59 0001 5001 5804 8000 5033 94 Iban No (USD) : TR17 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 35 Mustafa KILIÇ Head of Air Navigation Department Encl. : 1. Form 1251B 2. Form 1252 Form Nr. 1251 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE :05.01.2018 AIS PUBLICATIONS PRICE LIST Name Of The Publications National Fees (*) International Subscription Fees Region A Region B Column A Column B Column C Column D EURO (£) 1 AIP On Web Base (Internet) / eAIP 110 110 110 2 AIP Volume I (With Binder) 110 130 150 3 AIP Volume II (With Binder) 110 130 150 4 Hard Copy a. AIP Amendments (AIRAC AMDT b. AIP Supplements (SUP) c. AIC's d. 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Form Nr. 1251B posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:51 AM 0 comments Amazon survey offer number #001457 Welcome, Phone: (888)872-0228 info@stardust-memorials.com Customer Registration hoamm ammho: Thank you for registering at Stardust Memorials. Please keep this email for your records, contact us if you have any questions. We're here to be of service to you. Stardust Memorials is the nation's leader in providing the best quality memorial and remembrance products at the best possible prices and the most reasonable and efficient shipping costs and terms. Give us a try! Email: zoraidartye24@gmail.com Password: ****** Contact Information hoamm ammho aa1919 az, AZ. 9191 US Company: aa Stardust Memorials 807 Airport Access Rd Suite 100 Traverse City, MI 49686 Phone: (888)872-0228 posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:01 AM 0 comments welcome to 'ChoiceHomeWarranty' welcome posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation POIP #Marijuana_Oil_Now_Legal(CBD)_ Solution Découvrez la sérénité d'une gestion RH digitalehome.nlAB et efficace : vos collaborateurs gèrent leurs demandes de congés en ligne et visualisent leur bulletin de paie en temps réel, quand ils le souhaitent. Expérience collaborateurs Espace employé en ligne sécurisé et gratuit à vie Chacun de vos salariés dispose gratuitement d'un espace personnel sécurisé dès son entrée dans l'entreprise. Cet espace est disponible sans limite de temps. Il peut récupérer de manière autonome ses feuilles de paie et disposer d'une explication des variations mensuelles. Il saisit également ses demandes de congés et de documents administratifs. Elles sont ensuite soumises à la validation de son manager. Onboarding revu et corrigé Accueillir un nouveau salarié devient simple Dans le cadre d'une nouvelle embauche, vous pouvez inviter un collaborateur à saisir lui-même ses informations personnelles : son espace employé est alors créé automatiquement. Il est automatiquement ajouté à la liste de vos employés pour votre prochaine paie. Fini les oublis de documents ou d'information lorsque vous accueillez un nouveau collaborateur : vos données RH sont homogènes et fiables. Automatisation de la paie Produire et distribuer vos bulletins de paie en 3 clics En plaçant la transparence au coeur de votre démarche et vos collaborateurs au centre, NewDeal vous permet de générer vos bulletins de paie de manière autonome et avec une charge de travail minimale. Vous maîtrisez enfin cet élément clé de la relation Employeurs-Employés, et garantissez à votre entreprise une conformité sociale maximale permanente grâce à notre veille juridique. Consacrez votre temps au développement de vos talents, NewDeal s'occupe du reste. posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:31 AM 0 comments About Me Name: Isaac Hobart View my complete profile Google Search Web This Blog Links Home CNNCD.COM Health Body Guide 74211.com Make money with web hosting Playing Game Make Money Previous Posts Have you been to all these Ripley's attractions? Your Loan Application Thank you for your application Isaac, you’re so close to finishing your registration Thank you for your application Thank you for your application Your application has been received Isaac, get cash advance up to $750 per pay period*... Sabrina Carpenter’s ‘Short n’ Sweet (Deluxe)' is o... Thanks for your application Archives November 2008 May 2011 January 2012 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014 January 2015 April 2015 May 2015 July 2015 August 2015 October 2015 June 2016 September 2016 January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017 January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018 January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 July 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022 January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023 January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 January 2025 February 2025
Welcome posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:31 PM 0 comments isaac, become a Lyft driver. Start now! Monday, November 26, 2018 Limited-time offer: A $500 bonus for new drivers *** This is an automated message. Please do not reply *** Please note that this is an extremely busy time of year for processing applications and answering email enquiries. Expect that replies won't be as fast as we would like, but you are our first priority and we will respond as quickly as is possible. Thank you for your patience! Thank you for your interest in Vancouver Island University. �� If you have not applied and have an inquiry, please email WorldVIU@viu.ca �� If you have applied, please include your full name, date of birth and Online Application ID or Student ID number on the subject line in your email. �� To apply online 1. Visit https://students.viu.ca/Inted/pub_main.asp. 2. Upload the required documents. 3. Pay the application fee. Please allow 10-15 business days for replies and acknowledgements as we are receiving a high volume of inquiries and applications. Thank you for your patience. IMPORTANT: For specific information about the admission requirements for our various programs, see: https://calendar.viu.ca/ Thank you for your e-mail. All information about Williams and our requirements are listed on our website. Williams College Office of Admission 995 Main Street Williamstown, MA 01267 413.597.2211 (p) 413.597.4052 (f) Request Information Williams Social ----- Hi Rachael, Thanks so much for reaching out! I will certainly be glad to provide you with information regarding Wells College and our academic programs. Please visit the following link (https://apply.wells.edu/register/info) and provide us with more information about yourself so we can send you the right context of information. In the meantime, visit our website www.wells.edu and check out our virtual tour that���s at the bottom of my signature. Please let me know if you have any more questions or if I can help you with anything else! Best, Jenn Moreno '14 NYC Regional Recruiter|Office of Admissions Brooklyn, New York Call or Text: 917.579.0605 Take a Virtual Tour of Wells Wells College. ARRIVE CURIOUS ? GRADUATE PREPARED. *********** Dear Candidate, Thank you very much for your email and interest about our University. We would like to present our Bachelor degree, English - taught programs. For October intake you can choose form programs listed below: 1. BA in Management - 3 years - full time (Monday-Friday) - 1800 EUR per year - International Business - Entrepreneurship 2. BA in International Trade - 3 years - full time (Monday-Friday) - 1800 EUR year - International Business - Foreign Trade of Small and Medium Sized Enterprices 3. BSc. in Computer Science - 3.5 years - full time (Monday-Friday)- 818 EUR year - Software Developer -Virtual Reality and Multimedia 4. BSc. in Engineering Management - 3.5 years - full time (Monday-Friday) - 753 EUR year - Production Management - Quality Management Specialities listed above are to be choose and realization after the 3rd semester of studies. Admission for all Bachelor's pogram is going to start on 27th of March, 2018. On-line application process will be available on our website: https://www.wsb.pl/rekrutacja/krok1 After on-line registration you will be send and email with further instructions. Documents needed for admisson will be listed and attached to the email. After registration please contact the admission office on the email: study@wsb.poznan.pl If you already have any required document, you can send it directly to us, before collecting the rest of the documents. If you are holding an English pofficiency certificate like (IELTS, TOFEL, etc.) on the level B2, you can directly send it to our email. Unless you don't have a certificate, you can pass our on-line English test and interview with our Admission Officer on Skype. For more details please look at our website http://www.wsb.pl/english/program-offerings/poznan/bachelors-programs If you have any other questions regarding collecting all required documents, please feel free to ask. Best reagrds, Malgorzata Z��rawna | Biuro Rekrutacji | Admission Office study@wsb.poznan.pl Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa w Poznaniu ul. Powstanc��w Wielkopolskich 5 | 61-895 Poznan tel. 61 655 33 00 www.wsb.pl ###### ==ATTENTION: This is an automated message== Thank you for contacting Stanford Staffing Services! A member of our team is looking in to your inquiry. If the inquiry falls outside the general scope listed below, a member of our team will contact you. It is our intent to respond to inquiries submitted through the staffingservices@stanford.edu mailbox within two business days. Depending on the inquiry, our response may take longer than two business days. Job Postings: If you have a question regarding a specific job posting, we will forward your email on to the hiring department for review. Consequently, should the hiring team need to contact you, they may take longer than two business days to respond. How to Apply to a Posted Staff Position and Application Status: If you are interested in applying for current staff openings, please apply on our Stanford Careers website: http://stanfordcareers.stanford.edu. Please note, due to compliance and reporting requirements, Stanford does not accept resumes or cover letters through this e-mail address, postal mail, or fax. When you submit an application through the Stanford Careers site, an automated confirmation e-mail will be sent to you. The hiring team will then have access to your resume and cover letter submitted through the Stanford Careers site. If there is a match between your skill set and their current needs, the hiring department will contact you. Please be advised, Stanford does not provide hiring manager contact information to applicants. The hiring process at Stanford can take up to six months.?Due to the volume of resumes received, we are unable to contact each applicant regarding the status of the positions applied to. However, most departments will email applicants when the position is filled or cancelled. Cover Letters: Cover letters are recommended and typically reviewed by the hiring team. However, they are not required. To include a cover letter, you must upload a Word (.doc) or PDF (.pdf) file at the attachment step of the application process. Salary Ranges: Stanford does not post salary ranges. Salary ranges are broad and determined by many factors. Factors that determine individual salary placement within a salary range are based on relationship to salaries of other employees with similar experience and skills who perform similar work, external market pay for comparable jobs, Stanford average pay for similar jobs, and unit, department, school or VP area funding. Reset Password: From the Stanford Careers Job Search page, select My Account Options or click the Apply button. You will be directed to the login page. From there, select Forgot your user name and/or Forgot your password and follow the directions provided. Student Employment Opportunities: Student employment opportunities are listed on the Stanford Career Development Center website at: https://beam.stanford.edu/. ** If you have additional questions please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page at: http://stanfordcareers.stanford.edu/job-search/faqs. Thank you and we appreciate your interest in Stanford University! Best regards, Staffing Services University Human Resources Stanford University posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:46 PM 0 comments Confirmation VBNX Dear Student, Welcome to (INSERT COURSE NAME, SECTION #), Spring 2018. This course will take place using the Canvas learning management system. Please visit West Los Angeles College's Online & Hybrid Classes website at http://www.wlac.edu/online. Click on the For Students link in the middle of the top menu bar to access our online Bookstore to order required course materials. This class begins on Monday, February 5, 2018. You may not be able to access your course before the first day of class. If you have not logged in and participated by the end of the first week of class you may be dropped. Students who are dropped might not be reinstated. On Monday, February 5, 2018 you may access your online class by logging in at: https://ilearn.laccd.edu/ OR https://mycollege.laccd.edu/ (once logged in, click on the Canvas link) Your Login ID is your complete Student ID Number. If you do not know your Student Identification Number you will need to contact admissions at (310) 287-4501 For instructions on how to login to the Student Information System please visit: https://www.laccd.edu/Students/Documents/Student%20FAQ/how-to-login-loginpage.pdf Or click this video tutorial - https://youtu.be/7PpogDGrJgk If you have forgotten your SIS password please contact the WLAC Information Technology Department at (310)287-4360 or west_it@wlac.edu and ask them to reset it for you. After you login to Canvas you will see your Dashboard with the current course(s) you are enrolled in. Just click on a course tab to access a course. If you are enrolled in a course and do not see it on the dashboard it may be because your instructor has not published it yet. To see unpublished courses click the "Courses" link on the left then "All Courses." If you have trouble accessing the course on, or after, the start date submit a trouble ticket by clicking on the word HELP on the Canvas homepage and then click on REPORT A PROBLEM or call the 24/7 Canvas Helpline at (844)303-5590. Review the Canvas Student Guide for more information/resources: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10701 For non-Canvas issues please contact the Distance Learning Program Office at (310)287-4306 or via email at helfco@wlac.edu. NEW OPTIONAL STUDENT SUCCESS RESOURCE Your online course is accompanied by a FREE online Quest for Success Program. This program is designed to increase your success in online courses. After logging into Canvas you will see Quest for Online Success on your Dashboard. It allows you to save your work and return to it later. At the conclusion of the program you will receive an individualized report that gives you feedback and resources to help you become even more successful in your online classes. This FREE program is available now (before the semester starts!) so I encourage you to take advantage of this great resource. Self-enroll now! - https://ilearn.laccd.edu/enroll/9Y6DLE Welcome to West! (INSERT NAME OF INSTRUCTOR) posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:27 PM 0 comments Welcome Get_A_Free_Debt_Estimate You may already be approved for a debt consolidation loan ... posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:48 AM 0 comments You Have Been Selected! тнe мιracle cυre тнaт ѕcareѕ вιg pнarмa THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY DIRECTLY TO THIS. WE CAN BE CONTACTED FROM THE CONTACT US SECTION OF OUR WEBSITE Hi You have successfully been registered for MyMegabus. Please note that the first time you login, you will also need to provide the following authorisation code Auth Code : T00wVTI0MFMxVmw1c1ZKYjA4UVcyNzk0NTMx or click here http://us.megabus.com/AuthenticateUser.aspx?authcode=T00wVTI0MFMxVmw1c1ZKYjA4UVcyNzk0NTMx The Authorisation code is used to ensure that someone else does not use your email address to subscribe to this service. Le 4 avril 2008, la holding Audiovisuel extérieur de la France (AEF) est créée sous l'impulsion du président de la République Nicolas Sarkozy élu l'année précédente. Il s'agit de regrouper les activités de l'audiovisuel extérieur de la France sous une même société, soit les chaînes de télévision TV5 Monde et France 24, et la radio RFI30,31. L'AEF doit donc racheter les participations de France Télévisions et de TF1 dans France 24, mais le groupe privé demande 90 millions d'euros alors qu'il n'avait investit que 18 500 euros à la création32. Après un bras de fer avec l'État, les deux groupes cèdent leur part pour un montant de 2 millions d'euros chacun. De plus, France Télévisions s'engage à fournir des programmes d'actualité pendant 7 ans pour un montant d'un million d'euros par an. De son côté, pendant la même période, TF1 doit fournir des images d'archives pour un montant annuel de 800 000 euros pour sa chaîne TF1, et 900 000 euros pour sa filiale Eurosport33. Alain de Pouzilhac, président du directoire de France 24, est nommé au poste de PDG et Christine Ockrent à celui de directrice générale déléguée du nouvel ensemble et donc des entités qui le composent34. Le 12 novembre 2008, France 24 se voit récompensée du Prix du Meilleur média international lors de la cérémonie des AIB Media Excellence Awards organisée par l'Association for International Broadcasting (en)35,36. Le 27 avril 2009, France 24 passe de quatre à dix heures de diffusion quotidienne en langue arabe, de 14 h à minuit37. Le 12 octobre 2010, la chaîne passe à une diffusion 24h/2438. Le 22 février 2010, le Conseil national de la communication audiovisuelle (CNCA) de Côte d'Ivoire, alors en pleine crise politico-militaire, suspend la diffusion de France 24 pour « traitement non professionnel de l'information ». Les autorités reprochent à la chaîne d'avoir annoncé de nombreux morts à l'occasion d'une manifestation durant laquelle cinq personnes ont été tuées39,40. Le 2 décembre, le Conseil constitutionnel annule les résultats de l'élection présidentielle ivoirienne de 2010 annoncés par la Commission électorale indépendante. Les autorités décident de suspendre dans tout le pays la diffusion des médias étrangers, notamment français. Ces derniers sont accusés par des médias proches du pouvoir d'avoir pris parti pour le parti d'opposition d'Alassane Ouattara contre la majorité présidentielle de Laurent Gbagbo41,42. En 2010, les relations entre les deux dirigeants de l'AEF, Alain de Pouzilhac et Christine Ockrent, se dégradent et un grave conflit éclate sur fond de crise à France 24. En juillet, Ockrent est brusquement rétrogradée et perd son poste à la tête de la chaîne d'information en continu, à la suite d'un conseil d'administration extraordinaire convoqué par Pouzilhac. Ce dernier lui reproche une dérive budgétaire menant tout droit à un déficit prévisionnel de 7 millions d'euros pour 2011, ainsi que des erreurs de gestion et de stratégie de distribution43. Fin décembre, une collaboratrice d'Ockrent est accusée d'espionnage interne sur les ordinateurs des dirigeants d'AEF44. Christine Ockrent est alors massivement désavouée par l'équipe de direction45 puis par le personnel de France 2446. Finalement, en mai 2011, elle décide de quitter son poste, non sans avoir porté plainte pour harcèlement moral47. ACTIVATE ACCOUNT Or copy and paste this url in your browser: HAVING TROUBLE REGISTERING? If you are having trouble completing your registration, chat with our customer service team (24/7). NEED HELP? Check out our FAQs for a quick answer to your question or chat with our customer service team. We're available 24/7. 123FormBuilder comes with several easy options for web form thank you pages. In the form editor, you'll find them at Settings ? Thank You Page. Look at you. You've made web forms look easy thanks to our free web form builder, and now you're ready to watch the answers roll in. Not so fast! Have you considered what the customer sees after taking time to fill out the form and click Submit? After submission, your mission is complete, but your customer relationship is just beginning. With every form confirmation page, a little effort goes a long way—it can even increase conversions. A thoughtful thank you can make the customer happier to part with precious time and personal data to interact with you. Tried-and-True Thank Yous Here's some inspiration to get you started. Feel free to copy and paste from these samples! Don't forget to customize the message for your business. 1. Thank you for getting in touch! We appreciate you contacting us about [Contact Reason]. One of our colleagues will get back to you shortly. Have a great day! 2. Thanks for being awesome! We have received your message and would like to thank you for writing to us. If your inquiry is urgent, please use the telephone number listed below to talk to one of our staff members. Otherwise, we will reply by email as soon as possible. Talk to you soon, [Your Company] 3. Thank you for filling out your information! We've sent you an email with [the coupon code/your file download link/your voucher] at the email address you provided. Please enjoy, and let us know if there's anything else we can help you with. The [Your Company] Team 4. Dear [Your Company] customer, thanks for reaching out! We're thrilled to hear from you. Our inbox can't wait to get your messages, so talk to us any time you like. Cheers! 5. Thanks for filling out our form! We will look over your message and get back to you by tomorrow. In the meantime, you can check the FAQ section, look over our new product collection or browse through our latest blog posts will be displayed as Please. Your friends at [Your Company] P.S. The Nation depends on readers for financial support. Please consider a low-cost digital or print subscription. All subscriptions can be linked and delivered to any Apple or Android tablet or smartphone. Another way to support our journalism is to donate to The Nation. Borderlinx Borderlinx You're one step away from becoming a Borderlinx member. ACTIVATE ACCOUNT Or copy and paste this url in your browser: HAVING TROUBLE REGISTERING? Look at you. You've made web forms look easy thanks to our free web form builder, and now you're ready to watch the answers roll in. Not so fast! Have you considered what the customer sees after taking time to fill out the form and click Submit? After submission, your mission is complete, but your customer relationship is just beginning. With every form confirmation page, a little effort goes a long way—it can even increase conversions. A thoughtful thank you can make the customer happier to part with precious time and personal data to interact with you. Tried-and-True Thank Yous Here's some inspiration to get you started. Feel free to copy and paste from these samples! Don't forget to customize the message for your business. 1. Thank you for getting in touch! We appreciate you contacting us about [Contact Reason]. One of our colleagues will get back to you shortly. Have a great day! 2. Thanks for being awesome! We have received your message and would like to thank you for writing to us. If your inquiry is urgent, please use the telephone number listed below to talk to one of our staff members. Otherwise, we will reply by email as soon as possible. Talk to you soon, [Your Company] 3. Thank you for filling out your information! We've sent you an email with [the coupon code/your file download link/your voucher] at the email address you provided. Please enjoy, and let us know if there's anything else we can help you with. The [Your Company] Team 4. Dear [Your Company] customer, thanks for reaching out! We're thrilled to hear from you. Our inbox can't wait to get your messages, so talk to us any time you like. Cheers! Peugeot Maroc Please note that your ESL assessment test will be administered by our English Language Institute on the following date/time: If you have questions or require assistance, our Education specialists are here to help. Please consult the GlobalPay for Students FAQs page for your regional help line. For questions regarding your student tuition fees please contact Seneca College. Nous vous souhaitons une pleine réussite dans vos recherches futures. Nous vous remercions pour l'intérêt que vous portez à la marque Peugeot. Did you forget your password? No problem – you can reset it. Hopefully your new password is a little more memorable! Please make sure that you arrive on time. The tests are administered promptly and late arrivals cannot be accommodated. Please bring your valid photo ID. Welcome to Fanshawe! August 3, 2016 We are looking forward to meeting each of you and hope to make your transition to Fanshawe College as smooth as possible. Below, you will read some important information regarding your arrival in Canada and first days at Fanshawe. If you have any questions or concerns before you arrive, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you! Classes begin on Tuesday, September 6. To better serve our new students arriving for the Fall 2016 semester, the International Centre (Room E2025) will be open special hours on: Saturday, September 3: 10:00am – 2:00pm Sunday, September 4: 10:00am – 2:00pm Monday, September 5: 10:00am – 2:00pm The International Centre will also be open regular hours Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm. We are advising all new students to arrive any time between Sunday, August 28 and Monday, Business Spotlight: Athene Supporting veterans and their families through a variety of avenues Athene Athene, a retirement services company founded in 2009, created the Athene Military Veterans Organization with the goal of hiring military veterans, establishing intra-company and intercompany veteran networks, and collaborating with community outreach organizations relative to military veterans, their dependents,and active National Guard and Reservists currently employed at Athene. Read more. Community Spotlight: Madison County and the City of Winterset These growing communities recognize the value of veterans and their families madison county Madison County became the 39th Home Base Iowa Community in August 2017. "Home Base Iowa brings people, organizations, employers and higher education institutions together to help veterans and their families," commented Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds during the Home Base Iowa ceremony for Madison County. "Being from Madison County makes this event extra special to me personally." Read more. Business Success Story: Marion Process Solutions Veteran Josiah Childs receives job as an electrical technician. marion "Josiah was introduced to Marion Process Solutions through LinkedIn, as he was making the transition from active duty back to civilian life here in Iowa. While that search was successful because Josiah joined us, LinkedIn was more expensive than other recruiting methods we had used. We also received a lot of interest from candidates who were not technically qualified or needed relocation if hired. When I logged onto to Home Base Iowa (for free!) and saw that Josiah's name was on the top of the list, it was evident that we needed to utilize this service for future hires". -Martry Gieryng, Team Resources and Development Mgr. IowaWORKS & Home Base Iowa Success Story With assistance from IowaWORKS and Home Base Iowa, network engineer Brent Gorton receives job offer. Brent Brent Gorton requested help from Jeff Fischer, the Veteran Representative in the Cedar Rapids IowaWORKS Center, with finding a new job. Despite being an experienced network engineer, he was having trouble due to non-compete agreements with several local employers. After initial guidance was provided on resume changes and labor market information, his resume was uploaded onto the Home Base Iowa website. Read more. The megabus.com team posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:15 AM 0 comments welcome to 'choice' 'home' 'warranty' Sunday, November 25, 2018 Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:18 PM 0 comments Welcome to Health Insurance Notice DVZW PO/001 Dear All, I am Charlotte Glancy, part of Bank Solutions who are the independent appointed Programme Officers for The London Borough of Richmond Local Plan. This letter is to briefly update you of the stage we are at with the Examination in Public (EiP). The Inspector is working through the information and evidence submitted by the Council in relation to the Plan. Information relating to the Examination can be found on the following website where all documents will be uploaded throughout the Examination Process. This includes recent correspondence between the Inspector and the Council. http://www.richmond.gov.uk/local_plan_examination We are working to be in a position to shortly send out an introductory letter that will explain the process and will normally set out the intended dates for any necessary Hearings, the venue, the Inspector's 'matters and issues' for examination and a draft timetable. At this point we will invite representors, where a duly made representation has been previously made, to confirm if they wish to participate in the hearing Sessions for the EIP. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any more questions. Charlotte Glancy & Chris Banks Programme Officers C/O Banks Solutions bankssolutionsuk@gmail.com 01403 783276 +447519 628064 posted by Isaac Hobart at 11:43 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Costco' 'Survey' 'Connector' You've been chosen to receive a Offer valued at $50 --_----------=_MCPart_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="fixed" This is an automated response to a work order you recently submitted to either the IT Department's HelpDesk or to the Facilities Department at SMCC. Your request will be assigned to a technician shortly. You may check the status of your work order anytime by clicking the link below. STUDENTS NOTE: At this time, students do not have a method to track their work orders. You will, however, receive an email or telephone call when the work order is complete. STAFF NOTE: Staff may track the status of their work orders via the link below. Simply click the line that says " Click here to log in as an end user with your windows login information" and you will automatically be signed onto the system. http://woserver.smccme.edu/TrackItWeb/SelfService If you are experiencing problems with this screen, please notify the Helpdesk at 5696, internally or 741-5696, externally. The Work Order Number is 139260 posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:54 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Costco' 'Survey' 'Connector' You've been chosen to receive a Offer valued at $50 --_----------=_MCPart_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="fixed" This is an automated response to a work order you recently submitted to either the IT Department's HelpDesk or to the Facilities Department at SMCC. Your request will be assigned to a technician shortly. You may check the status of your work order anytime by clicking the link below. STUDENTS NOTE: At this time, students do not have a method to track their work orders. You will, however, receive an email or telephone call when the work order is complete. STAFF NOTE: Staff may track the status of their work orders via the link below. Simply click the line that says " Click here to log in as an end user with your windows login information" and you will automatically be signed onto the system. http://woserver.smccme.edu/TrackItWeb/SelfService If you are experiencing problems with this screen, please notify the Helpdesk at 5696, internally or 741-5696, externally. The Work Order Number is 139260 posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:54 AM 0 comments Confirmation UNTT Friday, November 23, 2018 New Value Transactions: Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations New digital technologies such as Blockchain and smart contracting are rapidly changing the face of value exchange, and present exciting new opportunities for designers. This workshop will explore the implications of these existing, developing and future technologies using the lens of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). DAOs introduce the principle that products and services may soon be owned and managed collectively and not by one person or authority, thus challenging traditional concepts of user communities, ownership and power. Designers and data specialists are at the forefront of exploring new ways of exchanging value, using Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracting and the direct exchanges between things made possible by the Internet of Things. These novel technologies mean that concepts of value and value exchange are being challenged in a variety of ways, and, far from being neutral, these innovations are entangled with and are co-producing novel political, economic, social and material arrangements, raising questions of ethics, privacy and the sociopolitical implications of new forms of distributed authority. Examples include The DAO, an autonomous business unit underpinned by smart contracting, and the BitBarista, a small-scale autonomous coffee machine which manages its own service and supply relationships. This one-day participatory workshop will combine presentations, case studies and group work sessions to understand, develop and critique these new forms of distributed power and ownership, and to practically explore how to design interactive products and services which enable, challenge or disrupt these models. The aim of this workshop is to (1) discuss emerging research questions and critically examine issues that may arise from increasingly distributed models of value exchange and ownership, and (2) provide a hands-on design opportunity for participants to creatively reconsider new models, approaches and systems of a distributed autonomous future. We aim to define new vocabularies, opportunities and implications of DAOs for interaction design and start to establish a distributed autonomous design community. We welcome designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop by contributing to the following topics: * Design prototypes which are addressing new ways of imagining, constructing and exchanging value in DAO systems. * Case studies which use digital technologies such as blockchain and crypto currencies to re-imagine and explore value exchange, new models of ownership and the decentralisation of power. * Design tools and methodologies which are addressing value in distributed systems. * Conceptual and theoretical contributions which explore the workshop themes. We invite designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop. Participants are invited to submit a 2-4 page position paper (Extended Abstract), (1) describing existing designs or design platform that challenge traditional concepts of ownership, (2) reflecting on design, social and ethical implications, concerns and opportunities, or (3) exploring implications for different contexts, which could include cultural geography, politics, legal, social science amongst others. Deadline for position paper submissions is the 24th April 2017 and we expect at least one author of each position paper to attend the workshop. Acceptance emails will be sent out by 28th April 2017. For more info, please visit our workshop page here: https://designingdaos.wordpress.com/ or the DIS workshop programme on: http://dis2017.org/workshop-program/. If you have any further questions, please just email me on [log in to unmask]. Many thanks, Bettina Bettina Nissen // Research Associate Design Informatics // University of Edinburgh www.designinformatics.org www.data-things.com [log in to unmask] +(0)7852 752274 posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:40 PM 0 comments Confirmation UNTT New Value Transactions: Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations New digital technologies such as Blockchain and smart contracting are rapidly changing the face of value exchange, and present exciting new opportunities for designers. This workshop will explore the implications of these existing, developing and future technologies using the lens of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). DAOs introduce the principle that products and services may soon be owned and managed collectively and not by one person or authority, thus challenging traditional concepts of user communities, ownership and power. Designers and data specialists are at the forefront of exploring new ways of exchanging value, using Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracting and the direct exchanges between things made possible by the Internet of Things. These novel technologies mean that concepts of value and value exchange are being challenged in a variety of ways, and, far from being neutral, these innovations are entangled with and are co-producing novel political, economic, social and material arrangements, raising questions of ethics, privacy and the sociopolitical implications of new forms of distributed authority. Examples include The DAO, an autonomous business unit underpinned by smart contracting, and the BitBarista, a small-scale autonomous coffee machine which manages its own service and supply relationships. This one-day participatory workshop will combine presentations, case studies and group work sessions to understand, develop and critique these new forms of distributed power and ownership, and to practically explore how to design interactive products and services which enable, challenge or disrupt these models. The aim of this workshop is to (1) discuss emerging research questions and critically examine issues that may arise from increasingly distributed models of value exchange and ownership, and (2) provide a hands-on design opportunity for participants to creatively reconsider new models, approaches and systems of a distributed autonomous future. We aim to define new vocabularies, opportunities and implications of DAOs for interaction design and start to establish a distributed autonomous design community. We welcome designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop by contributing to the following topics: * Design prototypes which are addressing new ways of imagining, constructing and exchanging value in DAO systems. * Case studies which use digital technologies such as blockchain and crypto currencies to re-imagine and explore value exchange, new models of ownership and the decentralisation of power. * Design tools and methodologies which are addressing value in distributed systems. * Conceptual and theoretical contributions which explore the workshop themes. We invite designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop. Participants are invited to submit a 2-4 page position paper (Extended Abstract), (1) describing existing designs or design platform that challenge traditional concepts of ownership, (2) reflecting on design, social and ethical implications, concerns and opportunities, or (3) exploring implications for different contexts, which could include cultural geography, politics, legal, social science amongst others. Deadline for position paper submissions is the 24th April 2017 and we expect at least one author of each position paper to attend the workshop. Acceptance emails will be sent out by 28th April 2017. For more info, please visit our workshop page here: https://designingdaos.wordpress.com/ or the DIS workshop programme on: http://dis2017.org/workshop-program/. If you have any further questions, please just email me on [log in to unmask]. Many thanks, Bettina Bettina Nissen // Research Associate Design Informatics // University of Edinburgh www.designinformatics.org www.data-things.com [log in to unmask] +(0)7852 752274 posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:38 PM 0 comments welcome to 'Choice' 'Home' 'Warranty' Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Choice' 'Home' 'Warranty' Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Thursday, November 22, 2018 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:49 PM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:48 PM 0 comments Conirmation. 4606 Tuesday, November 20, 2018 Hello,2nd-attempt-F0R_isaac_C0n6rats G3TUP posted by Isaac Hobart at 7:33 PM 0 comments welcome to The-male-Iiberator #1 trick to naturally grow it bigger posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:54 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Welcome to AmazonSurvey You've been chosen to receive a reward valued at $50! Dear Amanda, Thank you for your interest in Nazarbayev University. We have undergraduate and graduate programs in different areas. Please, let us know what program you are interested in. Best, -- С уважением, Департамент по приему АОО «Назарбаев Университет» Адрес: г. Астана, пр. Кабанбай Батыра 53 Тел.: + 7 (7172) 70 61 25/30/43//79/82/83/84, 70 90 54, 70 63 57/83, 70 65 68, 70 45 48 Представительство в г. Алматы Адрес: г.Алматы, ул. Кабанбай батыра 140/140а (уг.ул.Амангельды), 2-й этаж, Тел.: + 7 (727) 272 56 11, 272 55 58, 272 56 07, 272 55 91. Follow us: admissions.nu.edu.kz posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation MTVC Monday, November 19, 2018 Dear Family: I am pleased to invite you to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Commencement and College of Applied Health Sciences Convocation ceremonies to be held on Saturday, May 11 and Sunday, May 12, 2013. The college Convocation ceremony, at which each graduate is recognized for their individual achievement, is scheduled for 9:00 a.m., Saturday, May 11 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. Doors open at 8:00 a.m. The entire ceremony will last approximately one and one-half hours. Please plan to remain for the entire ceremony. There are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony and no limit on the number of guests. The campuswide Commencement ceremony, at which graduates of the College are recognized as a group, is scheduled for 10:30 a.m., Sunday, May 12 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. If you plan to attend the campuswide Commencement ceremony, you need to have your graduate secure the proper number of tickets for admission into the Assembly Hall. Tickets are free and there is no limit on the number of tickets a graduate may obtain. Please visit the following website for information on obtaining tickets: http://oc.illinois.edu/commencement/. A professional photography service, GradImages®, will be present at the College Convocation ceremony to photograph all graduates as they are congratulated and after descending the stage. Approximately five days following the ceremony, your student will receive notification at either the university email address or U.S. postal mailing address that proofs are available to view on line. GradImages® is offering graduates a discount on their photo order when they register their email address prior to graduation. Detailed information for pre-event registration is provided on the AHS Website. You are under no obligation to place an order. To facilitate the work of GradImages®, we ask that you remain seated and not approach the stage or ramp areas during the ceremony. Tripods are not allowed and power is not available for cameras. You and your graduate will be given an opportunity to take photographs with members of the platform party at the conclusion of the ceremony. Your graduate has received similar information through their campus email account or U.S. postal mailing address. We have asked your graduate to RSVP by Monday, May 6 using the following form: https://illinois.edu/sb/sec/4954897 to inform us of intent to participate in our Convocation ceremony, provide estimated number of guests and to complete a short survey. As stated above, there are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony. Disability seating is available for guests. Please request assistance for disability seating from an usher at the entrance to the Assembly Hall. For your information, a sign language interpreter will be on stage. Below, you will find a Commencement/Convocation 2013 Family Information Sheet that will prepare you for what to expect at either ceremony you may attend. If you have any questions, please call (217) 333-2130 or (217) 333-2131; my staff will answer any questions you may have. As your graduate prepares to graduate, his/her connection to the University does not end with Commencement. There are several ways to stay involved including keeping his/her contact information updated. This can be done by visiting http://alumni.ahs.illinois.edu/StayConnected/UpdateInfo.aspx/ . Another great way to stay connected is to subscribe to the Alumni E-News. Your graduate can subscribe by clicking on http://ahs.illinois.edu/About/Subscribe.aspx. The Spring E-News will include information about the Class of 2013 and the AHS Convocation. We hope that you will attend the ceremonies and support your new graduate on their day of achievement. We look forward to meeting you on this special day. Sincerely, Tanya M. Gallagher, Ph.D. Dean Family Information Sheet https://illinois.edu/lb/files/2013/03/11/44676.pdf posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:09 PM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments Confirmation YTGZ STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 204 22 85 - 204 26 67- 2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL: azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE : 05.01.2018 Address : Dear Colleagues, 1. Your CD and/or hardcopy AIP subscription period covering year 2017 is going to be terminated on 31.12.2017 2. You are kindly requested to fill the attached Form 1252 that indicates fees of our publications for the year 2018. 3. If you intend to be subscriber or purchase our AIS publications, you are kindly requested to fill the Attached Form 1251B and send it back. 4. You are kindly requested to transfer total amount of your orders in EURO or convertible Currency equivalent to EURO a) To one of below mentioned bank accounts or, b) Through a Bank Cheque enclosed with Form 1251B 5. All additional charges, such as bank commission, transfer fee, will be paid by the Remittor. 6. According to Act VAT (No:3065); the amounts less than 100.-TL will be invoiced by adding VAT and the amount of 100.- TL and above will be free of VAT. 7. Please notify your address, e-mail, fax number and web-site (if available) information on the Form Nr. 1251B. Bank addresses: VAKIFLAR BANK ZIRAAT BANK Ankara Kurumsal Merkez Branch /ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Ankara Kamu Kurumsal Branch/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Branch Code :1428 Branch Code :1745 USD account :00158048000503394 USD account :7053731-6235 EURO account :00158048000359612 EURO account :7053731-6236 Swift Code :TVBATR2A Swift Code :TCZBTR2A Iban No (Euro) :TR39 0001 5001 5804 8000 3596 12 Iban No (Euro) : TR87 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 36 Iban No (USD) :TR59 0001 5001 5804 8000 5033 94 Iban No (USD) : TR17 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 35 Mustafa KILIÇ Head of Air Navigation Department Encl. : 1. Form 1251B 2. Form 1252 Form Nr. 1251 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE :05.01.2018 AIS PUBLICATIONS PRICE LIST Name Of The Publications National Fees (*) International Subscription Fees Region A Region B Column A Column B Column C Column D EURO (£) 1 AIP On Web Base (Internet) / eAIP 110 110 110 2 AIP Volume I (With Binder) 110 130 150 3 AIP Volume II (With Binder) 110 130 150 4 Hard Copy a. AIP Amendments (AIRAC AMDT b. AIP Supplements (SUP) c. AIC's d. NOTAM Summaries and check lists (Annual Subscription) 215 240 270 Semiannual subscription (July 1st - December 31st) 110 125 140 5 The Annual Subscription of CD AIP Turkey (Including Amendment Services) 175 190 200 Semiannual subscription (July 1st - December 31st) 90 100 110 6 Single issue purchase of the latest CD of AIP Turkey 25 30 30 (Extra Copies Required) 7 Ring Binder (AIP Vol I) 30 35 40 8 Ring Binder (AIP Vol II) 30 35 40 9 Air Navigation Chart (ATS/RNAV) 11 13 17 10 Terminal Area Chart (**) 0.5 1.5 2.5 11 STAR / SID Chart (**) 0.5 1.5 2.5 12 Aerodrome Chart (**) 2 3 4 13 Aerodrome Obstruction Chart (**) 5 6 7 14 Approach ant Landing Chart (**) One Sided 0.4 Two Sided 0.8 REMARKS: (*) Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus takes place in this Column B. I. Regİon "A"; a. All European Countries, b. Neighbour Countries; (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Southern Cyprus, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazhakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrghizistan, Armenia and Georgia)II. II. Region "B" ; All Other Countries. Form Nr. 1252 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov DATE :05.01.2018 1. AIS publications that we request are marked in the list below 2. for our orders; a. We have credited EURO ................, your Currency Account Nr. .......................with................. Bank .....................................Branch against the receipt date ..........................................Nr................ of which a copy attached herewith b. 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Form Nr. 1251B posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:51 AM 0 comments Amazon survey offer number #001457 Welcome, Phone: (888)872-0228 info@stardust-memorials.com Customer Registration hoamm ammho: Thank you for registering at Stardust Memorials. Please keep this email for your records, contact us if you have any questions. We're here to be of service to you. Stardust Memorials is the nation's leader in providing the best quality memorial and remembrance products at the best possible prices and the most reasonable and efficient shipping costs and terms. Give us a try! Email: zoraidartye24@gmail.com Password: ****** Contact Information hoamm ammho aa1919 az, AZ. 9191 US Company: aa Stardust Memorials 807 Airport Access Rd Suite 100 Traverse City, MI 49686 Phone: (888)872-0228 posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:01 AM 0 comments welcome to 'ChoiceHomeWarranty' welcome posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation POIP #Marijuana_Oil_Now_Legal(CBD)_ Solution Découvrez la sérénité d'une gestion RH digitalehome.nlAB et efficace : vos collaborateurs gèrent leurs demandes de congés en ligne et visualisent leur bulletin de paie en temps réel, quand ils le souhaitent. Expérience collaborateurs Espace employé en ligne sécurisé et gratuit à vie Chacun de vos salariés dispose gratuitement d'un espace personnel sécurisé dès son entrée dans l'entreprise. Cet espace est disponible sans limite de temps. Il peut récupérer de manière autonome ses feuilles de paie et disposer d'une explication des variations mensuelles. Il saisit également ses demandes de congés et de documents administratifs. Elles sont ensuite soumises à la validation de son manager. Onboarding revu et corrigé Accueillir un nouveau salarié devient simple Dans le cadre d'une nouvelle embauche, vous pouvez inviter un collaborateur à saisir lui-même ses informations personnelles : son espace employé est alors créé automatiquement. Il est automatiquement ajouté à la liste de vos employés pour votre prochaine paie. Fini les oublis de documents ou d'information lorsque vous accueillez un nouveau collaborateur : vos données RH sont homogènes et fiables. Automatisation de la paie Produire et distribuer vos bulletins de paie en 3 clics En plaçant la transparence au coeur de votre démarche et vos collaborateurs au centre, NewDeal vous permet de générer vos bulletins de paie de manière autonome et avec une charge de travail minimale. Vous maîtrisez enfin cet élément clé de la relation Employeurs-Employés, et garantissez à votre entreprise une conformité sociale maximale permanente grâce à notre veille juridique. Consacrez votre temps au développement de vos talents, NewDeal s'occupe du reste. posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:31 AM 0 comments About Me Name: Isaac Hobart View my complete profile Google Search Web This Blog Links Home CNNCD.COM Health Body Guide 74211.com Make money with web hosting Playing Game Make Money Previous Posts Have you been to all these Ripley's attractions? Your Loan Application Thank you for your application Isaac, you’re so close to finishing your registration Thank you for your application Thank you for your application Your application has been received Isaac, get cash advance up to $750 per pay period*... Sabrina Carpenter’s ‘Short n’ Sweet (Deluxe)' is o... Thanks for your application Archives November 2008 May 2011 January 2012 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014 January 2015 April 2015 May 2015 July 2015 August 2015 October 2015 June 2016 September 2016 January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017 January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018 January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 July 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022 January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023 January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 January 2025 February 2025
posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Limited-time offer: A $500 bonus for new drivers *** This is an automated message. Please do not reply *** Please note that this is an extremely busy time of year for processing applications and answering email enquiries. Expect that replies won't be as fast as we would like, but you are our first priority and we will respond as quickly as is possible. Thank you for your patience! Thank you for your interest in Vancouver Island University. �� If you have not applied and have an inquiry, please email WorldVIU@viu.ca �� If you have applied, please include your full name, date of birth and Online Application ID or Student ID number on the subject line in your email. �� To apply online 1. Visit https://students.viu.ca/Inted/pub_main.asp. 2. Upload the required documents. 3. Pay the application fee. Please allow 10-15 business days for replies and acknowledgements as we are receiving a high volume of inquiries and applications. Thank you for your patience. IMPORTANT: For specific information about the admission requirements for our various programs, see: https://calendar.viu.ca/ Thank you for your e-mail. All information about Williams and our requirements are listed on our website. Williams College Office of Admission 995 Main Street Williamstown, MA 01267 413.597.2211 (p) 413.597.4052 (f) Request Information Williams Social ----- Hi Rachael, Thanks so much for reaching out! I will certainly be glad to provide you with information regarding Wells College and our academic programs. Please visit the following link (https://apply.wells.edu/register/info) and provide us with more information about yourself so we can send you the right context of information. In the meantime, visit our website www.wells.edu and check out our virtual tour that���s at the bottom of my signature. Please let me know if you have any more questions or if I can help you with anything else! Best, Jenn Moreno '14 NYC Regional Recruiter|Office of Admissions Brooklyn, New York Call or Text: 917.579.0605 Take a Virtual Tour of Wells Wells College. ARRIVE CURIOUS ? GRADUATE PREPARED. *********** Dear Candidate, Thank you very much for your email and interest about our University. We would like to present our Bachelor degree, English - taught programs. For October intake you can choose form programs listed below: 1. BA in Management - 3 years - full time (Monday-Friday) - 1800 EUR per year - International Business - Entrepreneurship 2. BA in International Trade - 3 years - full time (Monday-Friday) - 1800 EUR year - International Business - Foreign Trade of Small and Medium Sized Enterprices 3. BSc. in Computer Science - 3.5 years - full time (Monday-Friday)- 818 EUR year - Software Developer -Virtual Reality and Multimedia 4. BSc. in Engineering Management - 3.5 years - full time (Monday-Friday) - 753 EUR year - Production Management - Quality Management Specialities listed above are to be choose and realization after the 3rd semester of studies. Admission for all Bachelor's pogram is going to start on 27th of March, 2018. On-line application process will be available on our website: https://www.wsb.pl/rekrutacja/krok1 After on-line registration you will be send and email with further instructions. Documents needed for admisson will be listed and attached to the email. After registration please contact the admission office on the email: study@wsb.poznan.pl If you already have any required document, you can send it directly to us, before collecting the rest of the documents. If you are holding an English pofficiency certificate like (IELTS, TOFEL, etc.) on the level B2, you can directly send it to our email. Unless you don't have a certificate, you can pass our on-line English test and interview with our Admission Officer on Skype. For more details please look at our website http://www.wsb.pl/english/program-offerings/poznan/bachelors-programs If you have any other questions regarding collecting all required documents, please feel free to ask. Best reagrds, Malgorzata Z��rawna | Biuro Rekrutacji | Admission Office study@wsb.poznan.pl Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa w Poznaniu ul. Powstanc��w Wielkopolskich 5 | 61-895 Poznan tel. 61 655 33 00 www.wsb.pl ###### ==ATTENTION: This is an automated message== Thank you for contacting Stanford Staffing Services! A member of our team is looking in to your inquiry. If the inquiry falls outside the general scope listed below, a member of our team will contact you. It is our intent to respond to inquiries submitted through the staffingservices@stanford.edu mailbox within two business days. Depending on the inquiry, our response may take longer than two business days. Job Postings: If you have a question regarding a specific job posting, we will forward your email on to the hiring department for review. Consequently, should the hiring team need to contact you, they may take longer than two business days to respond. How to Apply to a Posted Staff Position and Application Status: If you are interested in applying for current staff openings, please apply on our Stanford Careers website: http://stanfordcareers.stanford.edu. Please note, due to compliance and reporting requirements, Stanford does not accept resumes or cover letters through this e-mail address, postal mail, or fax. When you submit an application through the Stanford Careers site, an automated confirmation e-mail will be sent to you. The hiring team will then have access to your resume and cover letter submitted through the Stanford Careers site. If there is a match between your skill set and their current needs, the hiring department will contact you. Please be advised, Stanford does not provide hiring manager contact information to applicants. The hiring process at Stanford can take up to six months.?Due to the volume of resumes received, we are unable to contact each applicant regarding the status of the positions applied to. However, most departments will email applicants when the position is filled or cancelled. Cover Letters: Cover letters are recommended and typically reviewed by the hiring team. However, they are not required. To include a cover letter, you must upload a Word (.doc) or PDF (.pdf) file at the attachment step of the application process. Salary Ranges: Stanford does not post salary ranges. Salary ranges are broad and determined by many factors. Factors that determine individual salary placement within a salary range are based on relationship to salaries of other employees with similar experience and skills who perform similar work, external market pay for comparable jobs, Stanford average pay for similar jobs, and unit, department, school or VP area funding. Reset Password: From the Stanford Careers Job Search page, select My Account Options or click the Apply button. You will be directed to the login page. From there, select Forgot your user name and/or Forgot your password and follow the directions provided. Student Employment Opportunities: Student employment opportunities are listed on the Stanford Career Development Center website at: https://beam.stanford.edu/. ** If you have additional questions please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page at: http://stanfordcareers.stanford.edu/job-search/faqs. Thank you and we appreciate your interest in Stanford University! Best regards, Staffing Services University Human Resources Stanford University posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:46 PM 0 comments Confirmation VBNX Dear Student, Welcome to (INSERT COURSE NAME, SECTION #), Spring 2018. This course will take place using the Canvas learning management system. Please visit West Los Angeles College's Online & Hybrid Classes website at http://www.wlac.edu/online. Click on the For Students link in the middle of the top menu bar to access our online Bookstore to order required course materials. This class begins on Monday, February 5, 2018. You may not be able to access your course before the first day of class. If you have not logged in and participated by the end of the first week of class you may be dropped. Students who are dropped might not be reinstated. On Monday, February 5, 2018 you may access your online class by logging in at: https://ilearn.laccd.edu/ OR https://mycollege.laccd.edu/ (once logged in, click on the Canvas link) Your Login ID is your complete Student ID Number. If you do not know your Student Identification Number you will need to contact admissions at (310) 287-4501 For instructions on how to login to the Student Information System please visit: https://www.laccd.edu/Students/Documents/Student%20FAQ/how-to-login-loginpage.pdf Or click this video tutorial - https://youtu.be/7PpogDGrJgk If you have forgotten your SIS password please contact the WLAC Information Technology Department at (310)287-4360 or west_it@wlac.edu and ask them to reset it for you. After you login to Canvas you will see your Dashboard with the current course(s) you are enrolled in. Just click on a course tab to access a course. If you are enrolled in a course and do not see it on the dashboard it may be because your instructor has not published it yet. To see unpublished courses click the "Courses" link on the left then "All Courses." If you have trouble accessing the course on, or after, the start date submit a trouble ticket by clicking on the word HELP on the Canvas homepage and then click on REPORT A PROBLEM or call the 24/7 Canvas Helpline at (844)303-5590. Review the Canvas Student Guide for more information/resources: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10701 For non-Canvas issues please contact the Distance Learning Program Office at (310)287-4306 or via email at helfco@wlac.edu. NEW OPTIONAL STUDENT SUCCESS RESOURCE Your online course is accompanied by a FREE online Quest for Success Program. This program is designed to increase your success in online courses. After logging into Canvas you will see Quest for Online Success on your Dashboard. It allows you to save your work and return to it later. At the conclusion of the program you will receive an individualized report that gives you feedback and resources to help you become even more successful in your online classes. This FREE program is available now (before the semester starts!) so I encourage you to take advantage of this great resource. Self-enroll now! - https://ilearn.laccd.edu/enroll/9Y6DLE Welcome to West! (INSERT NAME OF INSTRUCTOR) posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:27 PM 0 comments Welcome Get_A_Free_Debt_Estimate You may already be approved for a debt consolidation loan ... posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:48 AM 0 comments You Have Been Selected! тнe мιracle cυre тнaт ѕcareѕ вιg pнarмa THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY DIRECTLY TO THIS. WE CAN BE CONTACTED FROM THE CONTACT US SECTION OF OUR WEBSITE Hi You have successfully been registered for MyMegabus. Please note that the first time you login, you will also need to provide the following authorisation code Auth Code : T00wVTI0MFMxVmw1c1ZKYjA4UVcyNzk0NTMx or click here http://us.megabus.com/AuthenticateUser.aspx?authcode=T00wVTI0MFMxVmw1c1ZKYjA4UVcyNzk0NTMx The Authorisation code is used to ensure that someone else does not use your email address to subscribe to this service. Le 4 avril 2008, la holding Audiovisuel extérieur de la France (AEF) est créée sous l'impulsion du président de la République Nicolas Sarkozy élu l'année précédente. Il s'agit de regrouper les activités de l'audiovisuel extérieur de la France sous une même société, soit les chaînes de télévision TV5 Monde et France 24, et la radio RFI30,31. L'AEF doit donc racheter les participations de France Télévisions et de TF1 dans France 24, mais le groupe privé demande 90 millions d'euros alors qu'il n'avait investit que 18 500 euros à la création32. Après un bras de fer avec l'État, les deux groupes cèdent leur part pour un montant de 2 millions d'euros chacun. De plus, France Télévisions s'engage à fournir des programmes d'actualité pendant 7 ans pour un montant d'un million d'euros par an. De son côté, pendant la même période, TF1 doit fournir des images d'archives pour un montant annuel de 800 000 euros pour sa chaîne TF1, et 900 000 euros pour sa filiale Eurosport33. Alain de Pouzilhac, président du directoire de France 24, est nommé au poste de PDG et Christine Ockrent à celui de directrice générale déléguée du nouvel ensemble et donc des entités qui le composent34. Le 12 novembre 2008, France 24 se voit récompensée du Prix du Meilleur média international lors de la cérémonie des AIB Media Excellence Awards organisée par l'Association for International Broadcasting (en)35,36. Le 27 avril 2009, France 24 passe de quatre à dix heures de diffusion quotidienne en langue arabe, de 14 h à minuit37. Le 12 octobre 2010, la chaîne passe à une diffusion 24h/2438. Le 22 février 2010, le Conseil national de la communication audiovisuelle (CNCA) de Côte d'Ivoire, alors en pleine crise politico-militaire, suspend la diffusion de France 24 pour « traitement non professionnel de l'information ». Les autorités reprochent à la chaîne d'avoir annoncé de nombreux morts à l'occasion d'une manifestation durant laquelle cinq personnes ont été tuées39,40. Le 2 décembre, le Conseil constitutionnel annule les résultats de l'élection présidentielle ivoirienne de 2010 annoncés par la Commission électorale indépendante. Les autorités décident de suspendre dans tout le pays la diffusion des médias étrangers, notamment français. Ces derniers sont accusés par des médias proches du pouvoir d'avoir pris parti pour le parti d'opposition d'Alassane Ouattara contre la majorité présidentielle de Laurent Gbagbo41,42. En 2010, les relations entre les deux dirigeants de l'AEF, Alain de Pouzilhac et Christine Ockrent, se dégradent et un grave conflit éclate sur fond de crise à France 24. En juillet, Ockrent est brusquement rétrogradée et perd son poste à la tête de la chaîne d'information en continu, à la suite d'un conseil d'administration extraordinaire convoqué par Pouzilhac. Ce dernier lui reproche une dérive budgétaire menant tout droit à un déficit prévisionnel de 7 millions d'euros pour 2011, ainsi que des erreurs de gestion et de stratégie de distribution43. Fin décembre, une collaboratrice d'Ockrent est accusée d'espionnage interne sur les ordinateurs des dirigeants d'AEF44. Christine Ockrent est alors massivement désavouée par l'équipe de direction45 puis par le personnel de France 2446. Finalement, en mai 2011, elle décide de quitter son poste, non sans avoir porté plainte pour harcèlement moral47. ACTIVATE ACCOUNT Or copy and paste this url in your browser: HAVING TROUBLE REGISTERING? If you are having trouble completing your registration, chat with our customer service team (24/7). NEED HELP? Check out our FAQs for a quick answer to your question or chat with our customer service team. We're available 24/7. 123FormBuilder comes with several easy options for web form thank you pages. In the form editor, you'll find them at Settings ? Thank You Page. Look at you. You've made web forms look easy thanks to our free web form builder, and now you're ready to watch the answers roll in. Not so fast! Have you considered what the customer sees after taking time to fill out the form and click Submit? After submission, your mission is complete, but your customer relationship is just beginning. With every form confirmation page, a little effort goes a long way—it can even increase conversions. A thoughtful thank you can make the customer happier to part with precious time and personal data to interact with you. Tried-and-True Thank Yous Here's some inspiration to get you started. Feel free to copy and paste from these samples! Don't forget to customize the message for your business. 1. Thank you for getting in touch! We appreciate you contacting us about [Contact Reason]. One of our colleagues will get back to you shortly. Have a great day! 2. Thanks for being awesome! We have received your message and would like to thank you for writing to us. If your inquiry is urgent, please use the telephone number listed below to talk to one of our staff members. Otherwise, we will reply by email as soon as possible. Talk to you soon, [Your Company] 3. Thank you for filling out your information! We've sent you an email with [the coupon code/your file download link/your voucher] at the email address you provided. Please enjoy, and let us know if there's anything else we can help you with. The [Your Company] Team 4. Dear [Your Company] customer, thanks for reaching out! We're thrilled to hear from you. Our inbox can't wait to get your messages, so talk to us any time you like. Cheers! 5. Thanks for filling out our form! We will look over your message and get back to you by tomorrow. In the meantime, you can check the FAQ section, look over our new product collection or browse through our latest blog posts will be displayed as Please. Your friends at [Your Company] P.S. The Nation depends on readers for financial support. Please consider a low-cost digital or print subscription. All subscriptions can be linked and delivered to any Apple or Android tablet or smartphone. Another way to support our journalism is to donate to The Nation. Borderlinx Borderlinx You're one step away from becoming a Borderlinx member. ACTIVATE ACCOUNT Or copy and paste this url in your browser: HAVING TROUBLE REGISTERING? Look at you. You've made web forms look easy thanks to our free web form builder, and now you're ready to watch the answers roll in. Not so fast! Have you considered what the customer sees after taking time to fill out the form and click Submit? After submission, your mission is complete, but your customer relationship is just beginning. With every form confirmation page, a little effort goes a long way—it can even increase conversions. A thoughtful thank you can make the customer happier to part with precious time and personal data to interact with you. Tried-and-True Thank Yous Here's some inspiration to get you started. Feel free to copy and paste from these samples! Don't forget to customize the message for your business. 1. Thank you for getting in touch! We appreciate you contacting us about [Contact Reason]. One of our colleagues will get back to you shortly. Have a great day! 2. Thanks for being awesome! We have received your message and would like to thank you for writing to us. If your inquiry is urgent, please use the telephone number listed below to talk to one of our staff members. Otherwise, we will reply by email as soon as possible. Talk to you soon, [Your Company] 3. Thank you for filling out your information! We've sent you an email with [the coupon code/your file download link/your voucher] at the email address you provided. Please enjoy, and let us know if there's anything else we can help you with. The [Your Company] Team 4. Dear [Your Company] customer, thanks for reaching out! We're thrilled to hear from you. Our inbox can't wait to get your messages, so talk to us any time you like. Cheers! Peugeot Maroc Please note that your ESL assessment test will be administered by our English Language Institute on the following date/time: If you have questions or require assistance, our Education specialists are here to help. Please consult the GlobalPay for Students FAQs page for your regional help line. For questions regarding your student tuition fees please contact Seneca College. Nous vous souhaitons une pleine réussite dans vos recherches futures. Nous vous remercions pour l'intérêt que vous portez à la marque Peugeot. Did you forget your password? No problem – you can reset it. Hopefully your new password is a little more memorable! Please make sure that you arrive on time. The tests are administered promptly and late arrivals cannot be accommodated. Please bring your valid photo ID. Welcome to Fanshawe! August 3, 2016 We are looking forward to meeting each of you and hope to make your transition to Fanshawe College as smooth as possible. Below, you will read some important information regarding your arrival in Canada and first days at Fanshawe. If you have any questions or concerns before you arrive, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you! Classes begin on Tuesday, September 6. To better serve our new students arriving for the Fall 2016 semester, the International Centre (Room E2025) will be open special hours on: Saturday, September 3: 10:00am – 2:00pm Sunday, September 4: 10:00am – 2:00pm Monday, September 5: 10:00am – 2:00pm The International Centre will also be open regular hours Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm. We are advising all new students to arrive any time between Sunday, August 28 and Monday, Business Spotlight: Athene Supporting veterans and their families through a variety of avenues Athene Athene, a retirement services company founded in 2009, created the Athene Military Veterans Organization with the goal of hiring military veterans, establishing intra-company and intercompany veteran networks, and collaborating with community outreach organizations relative to military veterans, their dependents,and active National Guard and Reservists currently employed at Athene. Read more. Community Spotlight: Madison County and the City of Winterset These growing communities recognize the value of veterans and their families madison county Madison County became the 39th Home Base Iowa Community in August 2017. "Home Base Iowa brings people, organizations, employers and higher education institutions together to help veterans and their families," commented Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds during the Home Base Iowa ceremony for Madison County. "Being from Madison County makes this event extra special to me personally." Read more. Business Success Story: Marion Process Solutions Veteran Josiah Childs receives job as an electrical technician. marion "Josiah was introduced to Marion Process Solutions through LinkedIn, as he was making the transition from active duty back to civilian life here in Iowa. While that search was successful because Josiah joined us, LinkedIn was more expensive than other recruiting methods we had used. We also received a lot of interest from candidates who were not technically qualified or needed relocation if hired. When I logged onto to Home Base Iowa (for free!) and saw that Josiah's name was on the top of the list, it was evident that we needed to utilize this service for future hires". -Martry Gieryng, Team Resources and Development Mgr. IowaWORKS & Home Base Iowa Success Story With assistance from IowaWORKS and Home Base Iowa, network engineer Brent Gorton receives job offer. Brent Brent Gorton requested help from Jeff Fischer, the Veteran Representative in the Cedar Rapids IowaWORKS Center, with finding a new job. Despite being an experienced network engineer, he was having trouble due to non-compete agreements with several local employers. After initial guidance was provided on resume changes and labor market information, his resume was uploaded onto the Home Base Iowa website. Read more. The megabus.com team posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:15 AM 0 comments welcome to 'choice' 'home' 'warranty' Sunday, November 25, 2018 Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:18 PM 0 comments Welcome to Health Insurance Notice DVZW PO/001 Dear All, I am Charlotte Glancy, part of Bank Solutions who are the independent appointed Programme Officers for The London Borough of Richmond Local Plan. This letter is to briefly update you of the stage we are at with the Examination in Public (EiP). The Inspector is working through the information and evidence submitted by the Council in relation to the Plan. Information relating to the Examination can be found on the following website where all documents will be uploaded throughout the Examination Process. This includes recent correspondence between the Inspector and the Council. http://www.richmond.gov.uk/local_plan_examination We are working to be in a position to shortly send out an introductory letter that will explain the process and will normally set out the intended dates for any necessary Hearings, the venue, the Inspector's 'matters and issues' for examination and a draft timetable. At this point we will invite representors, where a duly made representation has been previously made, to confirm if they wish to participate in the hearing Sessions for the EIP. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any more questions. Charlotte Glancy & Chris Banks Programme Officers C/O Banks Solutions bankssolutionsuk@gmail.com 01403 783276 +447519 628064 posted by Isaac Hobart at 11:43 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Costco' 'Survey' 'Connector' You've been chosen to receive a Offer valued at $50 --_----------=_MCPart_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="fixed" This is an automated response to a work order you recently submitted to either the IT Department's HelpDesk or to the Facilities Department at SMCC. Your request will be assigned to a technician shortly. You may check the status of your work order anytime by clicking the link below. STUDENTS NOTE: At this time, students do not have a method to track their work orders. You will, however, receive an email or telephone call when the work order is complete. STAFF NOTE: Staff may track the status of their work orders via the link below. Simply click the line that says " Click here to log in as an end user with your windows login information" and you will automatically be signed onto the system. http://woserver.smccme.edu/TrackItWeb/SelfService If you are experiencing problems with this screen, please notify the Helpdesk at 5696, internally or 741-5696, externally. The Work Order Number is 139260 posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:54 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Costco' 'Survey' 'Connector' You've been chosen to receive a Offer valued at $50 --_----------=_MCPart_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="fixed" This is an automated response to a work order you recently submitted to either the IT Department's HelpDesk or to the Facilities Department at SMCC. Your request will be assigned to a technician shortly. You may check the status of your work order anytime by clicking the link below. STUDENTS NOTE: At this time, students do not have a method to track their work orders. You will, however, receive an email or telephone call when the work order is complete. STAFF NOTE: Staff may track the status of their work orders via the link below. Simply click the line that says " Click here to log in as an end user with your windows login information" and you will automatically be signed onto the system. http://woserver.smccme.edu/TrackItWeb/SelfService If you are experiencing problems with this screen, please notify the Helpdesk at 5696, internally or 741-5696, externally. The Work Order Number is 139260 posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:54 AM 0 comments Confirmation UNTT Friday, November 23, 2018 New Value Transactions: Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations New digital technologies such as Blockchain and smart contracting are rapidly changing the face of value exchange, and present exciting new opportunities for designers. This workshop will explore the implications of these existing, developing and future technologies using the lens of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). DAOs introduce the principle that products and services may soon be owned and managed collectively and not by one person or authority, thus challenging traditional concepts of user communities, ownership and power. Designers and data specialists are at the forefront of exploring new ways of exchanging value, using Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracting and the direct exchanges between things made possible by the Internet of Things. These novel technologies mean that concepts of value and value exchange are being challenged in a variety of ways, and, far from being neutral, these innovations are entangled with and are co-producing novel political, economic, social and material arrangements, raising questions of ethics, privacy and the sociopolitical implications of new forms of distributed authority. Examples include The DAO, an autonomous business unit underpinned by smart contracting, and the BitBarista, a small-scale autonomous coffee machine which manages its own service and supply relationships. This one-day participatory workshop will combine presentations, case studies and group work sessions to understand, develop and critique these new forms of distributed power and ownership, and to practically explore how to design interactive products and services which enable, challenge or disrupt these models. The aim of this workshop is to (1) discuss emerging research questions and critically examine issues that may arise from increasingly distributed models of value exchange and ownership, and (2) provide a hands-on design opportunity for participants to creatively reconsider new models, approaches and systems of a distributed autonomous future. We aim to define new vocabularies, opportunities and implications of DAOs for interaction design and start to establish a distributed autonomous design community. We welcome designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop by contributing to the following topics: * Design prototypes which are addressing new ways of imagining, constructing and exchanging value in DAO systems. * Case studies which use digital technologies such as blockchain and crypto currencies to re-imagine and explore value exchange, new models of ownership and the decentralisation of power. * Design tools and methodologies which are addressing value in distributed systems. * Conceptual and theoretical contributions which explore the workshop themes. We invite designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop. Participants are invited to submit a 2-4 page position paper (Extended Abstract), (1) describing existing designs or design platform that challenge traditional concepts of ownership, (2) reflecting on design, social and ethical implications, concerns and opportunities, or (3) exploring implications for different contexts, which could include cultural geography, politics, legal, social science amongst others. Deadline for position paper submissions is the 24th April 2017 and we expect at least one author of each position paper to attend the workshop. Acceptance emails will be sent out by 28th April 2017. For more info, please visit our workshop page here: https://designingdaos.wordpress.com/ or the DIS workshop programme on: http://dis2017.org/workshop-program/. If you have any further questions, please just email me on [log in to unmask]. Many thanks, Bettina Bettina Nissen // Research Associate Design Informatics // University of Edinburgh www.designinformatics.org www.data-things.com [log in to unmask] +(0)7852 752274 posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:40 PM 0 comments Confirmation UNTT New Value Transactions: Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations New digital technologies such as Blockchain and smart contracting are rapidly changing the face of value exchange, and present exciting new opportunities for designers. This workshop will explore the implications of these existing, developing and future technologies using the lens of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). DAOs introduce the principle that products and services may soon be owned and managed collectively and not by one person or authority, thus challenging traditional concepts of user communities, ownership and power. Designers and data specialists are at the forefront of exploring new ways of exchanging value, using Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracting and the direct exchanges between things made possible by the Internet of Things. These novel technologies mean that concepts of value and value exchange are being challenged in a variety of ways, and, far from being neutral, these innovations are entangled with and are co-producing novel political, economic, social and material arrangements, raising questions of ethics, privacy and the sociopolitical implications of new forms of distributed authority. Examples include The DAO, an autonomous business unit underpinned by smart contracting, and the BitBarista, a small-scale autonomous coffee machine which manages its own service and supply relationships. This one-day participatory workshop will combine presentations, case studies and group work sessions to understand, develop and critique these new forms of distributed power and ownership, and to practically explore how to design interactive products and services which enable, challenge or disrupt these models. The aim of this workshop is to (1) discuss emerging research questions and critically examine issues that may arise from increasingly distributed models of value exchange and ownership, and (2) provide a hands-on design opportunity for participants to creatively reconsider new models, approaches and systems of a distributed autonomous future. We aim to define new vocabularies, opportunities and implications of DAOs for interaction design and start to establish a distributed autonomous design community. We welcome designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop by contributing to the following topics: * Design prototypes which are addressing new ways of imagining, constructing and exchanging value in DAO systems. * Case studies which use digital technologies such as blockchain and crypto currencies to re-imagine and explore value exchange, new models of ownership and the decentralisation of power. * Design tools and methodologies which are addressing value in distributed systems. * Conceptual and theoretical contributions which explore the workshop themes. We invite designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop. Participants are invited to submit a 2-4 page position paper (Extended Abstract), (1) describing existing designs or design platform that challenge traditional concepts of ownership, (2) reflecting on design, social and ethical implications, concerns and opportunities, or (3) exploring implications for different contexts, which could include cultural geography, politics, legal, social science amongst others. Deadline for position paper submissions is the 24th April 2017 and we expect at least one author of each position paper to attend the workshop. Acceptance emails will be sent out by 28th April 2017. For more info, please visit our workshop page here: https://designingdaos.wordpress.com/ or the DIS workshop programme on: http://dis2017.org/workshop-program/. If you have any further questions, please just email me on [log in to unmask]. Many thanks, Bettina Bettina Nissen // Research Associate Design Informatics // University of Edinburgh www.designinformatics.org www.data-things.com [log in to unmask] +(0)7852 752274 posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:38 PM 0 comments welcome to 'Choice' 'Home' 'Warranty' Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Choice' 'Home' 'Warranty' Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Thursday, November 22, 2018 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:49 PM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:48 PM 0 comments Conirmation. 4606 Tuesday, November 20, 2018 Hello,2nd-attempt-F0R_isaac_C0n6rats G3TUP posted by Isaac Hobart at 7:33 PM 0 comments welcome to The-male-Iiberator #1 trick to naturally grow it bigger posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:54 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Welcome to AmazonSurvey You've been chosen to receive a reward valued at $50! Dear Amanda, Thank you for your interest in Nazarbayev University. We have undergraduate and graduate programs in different areas. Please, let us know what program you are interested in. Best, -- С уважением, Департамент по приему АОО «Назарбаев Университет» Адрес: г. Астана, пр. Кабанбай Батыра 53 Тел.: + 7 (7172) 70 61 25/30/43//79/82/83/84, 70 90 54, 70 63 57/83, 70 65 68, 70 45 48 Представительство в г. Алматы Адрес: г.Алматы, ул. Кабанбай батыра 140/140а (уг.ул.Амангельды), 2-й этаж, Тел.: + 7 (727) 272 56 11, 272 55 58, 272 56 07, 272 55 91. Follow us: admissions.nu.edu.kz posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation MTVC Monday, November 19, 2018 Dear Family: I am pleased to invite you to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Commencement and College of Applied Health Sciences Convocation ceremonies to be held on Saturday, May 11 and Sunday, May 12, 2013. The college Convocation ceremony, at which each graduate is recognized for their individual achievement, is scheduled for 9:00 a.m., Saturday, May 11 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. Doors open at 8:00 a.m. The entire ceremony will last approximately one and one-half hours. Please plan to remain for the entire ceremony. There are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony and no limit on the number of guests. The campuswide Commencement ceremony, at which graduates of the College are recognized as a group, is scheduled for 10:30 a.m., Sunday, May 12 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. If you plan to attend the campuswide Commencement ceremony, you need to have your graduate secure the proper number of tickets for admission into the Assembly Hall. Tickets are free and there is no limit on the number of tickets a graduate may obtain. Please visit the following website for information on obtaining tickets: http://oc.illinois.edu/commencement/. A professional photography service, GradImages®, will be present at the College Convocation ceremony to photograph all graduates as they are congratulated and after descending the stage. Approximately five days following the ceremony, your student will receive notification at either the university email address or U.S. postal mailing address that proofs are available to view on line. GradImages® is offering graduates a discount on their photo order when they register their email address prior to graduation. Detailed information for pre-event registration is provided on the AHS Website. You are under no obligation to place an order. To facilitate the work of GradImages®, we ask that you remain seated and not approach the stage or ramp areas during the ceremony. Tripods are not allowed and power is not available for cameras. You and your graduate will be given an opportunity to take photographs with members of the platform party at the conclusion of the ceremony. Your graduate has received similar information through their campus email account or U.S. postal mailing address. We have asked your graduate to RSVP by Monday, May 6 using the following form: https://illinois.edu/sb/sec/4954897 to inform us of intent to participate in our Convocation ceremony, provide estimated number of guests and to complete a short survey. As stated above, there are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony. Disability seating is available for guests. Please request assistance for disability seating from an usher at the entrance to the Assembly Hall. For your information, a sign language interpreter will be on stage. Below, you will find a Commencement/Convocation 2013 Family Information Sheet that will prepare you for what to expect at either ceremony you may attend. If you have any questions, please call (217) 333-2130 or (217) 333-2131; my staff will answer any questions you may have. As your graduate prepares to graduate, his/her connection to the University does not end with Commencement. There are several ways to stay involved including keeping his/her contact information updated. This can be done by visiting http://alumni.ahs.illinois.edu/StayConnected/UpdateInfo.aspx/ . Another great way to stay connected is to subscribe to the Alumni E-News. Your graduate can subscribe by clicking on http://ahs.illinois.edu/About/Subscribe.aspx. The Spring E-News will include information about the Class of 2013 and the AHS Convocation. We hope that you will attend the ceremonies and support your new graduate on their day of achievement. We look forward to meeting you on this special day. Sincerely, Tanya M. Gallagher, Ph.D. Dean Family Information Sheet https://illinois.edu/lb/files/2013/03/11/44676.pdf posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:09 PM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments Confirmation YTGZ STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 204 22 85 - 204 26 67- 2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL: azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE : 05.01.2018 Address : Dear Colleagues, 1. Your CD and/or hardcopy AIP subscription period covering year 2017 is going to be terminated on 31.12.2017 2. You are kindly requested to fill the attached Form 1252 that indicates fees of our publications for the year 2018. 3. If you intend to be subscriber or purchase our AIS publications, you are kindly requested to fill the Attached Form 1251B and send it back. 4. You are kindly requested to transfer total amount of your orders in EURO or convertible Currency equivalent to EURO a) To one of below mentioned bank accounts or, b) Through a Bank Cheque enclosed with Form 1251B 5. All additional charges, such as bank commission, transfer fee, will be paid by the Remittor. 6. According to Act VAT (No:3065); the amounts less than 100.-TL will be invoiced by adding VAT and the amount of 100.- TL and above will be free of VAT. 7. Please notify your address, e-mail, fax number and web-site (if available) information on the Form Nr. 1251B. Bank addresses: VAKIFLAR BANK ZIRAAT BANK Ankara Kurumsal Merkez Branch /ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Ankara Kamu Kurumsal Branch/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Branch Code :1428 Branch Code :1745 USD account :00158048000503394 USD account :7053731-6235 EURO account :00158048000359612 EURO account :7053731-6236 Swift Code :TVBATR2A Swift Code :TCZBTR2A Iban No (Euro) :TR39 0001 5001 5804 8000 3596 12 Iban No (Euro) : TR87 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 36 Iban No (USD) :TR59 0001 5001 5804 8000 5033 94 Iban No (USD) : TR17 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 35 Mustafa KILIÇ Head of Air Navigation Department Encl. : 1. Form 1251B 2. Form 1252 Form Nr. 1251 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE :05.01.2018 AIS PUBLICATIONS PRICE LIST Name Of The Publications National Fees (*) International Subscription Fees Region A Region B Column A Column B Column C Column D EURO (£) 1 AIP On Web Base (Internet) / eAIP 110 110 110 2 AIP Volume I (With Binder) 110 130 150 3 AIP Volume II (With Binder) 110 130 150 4 Hard Copy a. AIP Amendments (AIRAC AMDT b. AIP Supplements (SUP) c. AIC's d. 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II. Region "B" ; All Other Countries. Form Nr. 1252 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov DATE :05.01.2018 1. AIS publications that we request are marked in the list below 2. for our orders; a. We have credited EURO ................, your Currency Account Nr. .......................with................. Bank .....................................Branch against the receipt date ..........................................Nr................ of which a copy attached herewith b. 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Form Nr. 1251B posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:51 AM 0 comments Amazon survey offer number #001457 Welcome, Phone: (888)872-0228 info@stardust-memorials.com Customer Registration hoamm ammho: Thank you for registering at Stardust Memorials. Please keep this email for your records, contact us if you have any questions. We're here to be of service to you. Stardust Memorials is the nation's leader in providing the best quality memorial and remembrance products at the best possible prices and the most reasonable and efficient shipping costs and terms. Give us a try! Email: zoraidartye24@gmail.com Password: ****** Contact Information hoamm ammho aa1919 az, AZ. 9191 US Company: aa Stardust Memorials 807 Airport Access Rd Suite 100 Traverse City, MI 49686 Phone: (888)872-0228 posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:01 AM 0 comments welcome to 'ChoiceHomeWarranty' welcome posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation POIP #Marijuana_Oil_Now_Legal(CBD)_ Solution Découvrez la sérénité d'une gestion RH digitalehome.nlAB et efficace : vos collaborateurs gèrent leurs demandes de congés en ligne et visualisent leur bulletin de paie en temps réel, quand ils le souhaitent. Expérience collaborateurs Espace employé en ligne sécurisé et gratuit à vie Chacun de vos salariés dispose gratuitement d'un espace personnel sécurisé dès son entrée dans l'entreprise. Cet espace est disponible sans limite de temps. Il peut récupérer de manière autonome ses feuilles de paie et disposer d'une explication des variations mensuelles. Il saisit également ses demandes de congés et de documents administratifs. Elles sont ensuite soumises à la validation de son manager. Onboarding revu et corrigé Accueillir un nouveau salarié devient simple Dans le cadre d'une nouvelle embauche, vous pouvez inviter un collaborateur à saisir lui-même ses informations personnelles : son espace employé est alors créé automatiquement. Il est automatiquement ajouté à la liste de vos employés pour votre prochaine paie. Fini les oublis de documents ou d'information lorsque vous accueillez un nouveau collaborateur : vos données RH sont homogènes et fiables. Automatisation de la paie Produire et distribuer vos bulletins de paie en 3 clics En plaçant la transparence au coeur de votre démarche et vos collaborateurs au centre, NewDeal vous permet de générer vos bulletins de paie de manière autonome et avec une charge de travail minimale. Vous maîtrisez enfin cet élément clé de la relation Employeurs-Employés, et garantissez à votre entreprise une conformité sociale maximale permanente grâce à notre veille juridique. Consacrez votre temps au développement de vos talents, NewDeal s'occupe du reste. posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:31 AM 0 comments About Me Name: Isaac Hobart View my complete profile Google Search Web This Blog Links Home CNNCD.COM Health Body Guide 74211.com Make money with web hosting Playing Game Make Money Previous Posts Have you been to all these Ripley's attractions? Your Loan Application Thank you for your application Isaac, you’re so close to finishing your registration Thank you for your application Thank you for your application Your application has been received Isaac, get cash advance up to $750 per pay period*... Sabrina Carpenter’s ‘Short n’ Sweet (Deluxe)' is o... Thanks for your application Archives November 2008 May 2011 January 2012 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014 January 2015 April 2015 May 2015 July 2015 August 2015 October 2015 June 2016 September 2016 January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017 January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018 January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 July 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022 January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023 January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 January 2025 February 2025
posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:46 PM 0 comments
posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:27 PM 0 comments
You may already be approved for a debt consolidation loan ... posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:48 AM 0 comments You Have Been Selected! тнe мιracle cυre тнaт ѕcareѕ вιg pнarмa THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY DIRECTLY TO THIS. WE CAN BE CONTACTED FROM THE CONTACT US SECTION OF OUR WEBSITE Hi You have successfully been registered for MyMegabus. Please note that the first time you login, you will also need to provide the following authorisation code Auth Code : T00wVTI0MFMxVmw1c1ZKYjA4UVcyNzk0NTMx or click here http://us.megabus.com/AuthenticateUser.aspx?authcode=T00wVTI0MFMxVmw1c1ZKYjA4UVcyNzk0NTMx The Authorisation code is used to ensure that someone else does not use your email address to subscribe to this service. Le 4 avril 2008, la holding Audiovisuel extérieur de la France (AEF) est créée sous l'impulsion du président de la République Nicolas Sarkozy élu l'année précédente. Il s'agit de regrouper les activités de l'audiovisuel extérieur de la France sous une même société, soit les chaînes de télévision TV5 Monde et France 24, et la radio RFI30,31. L'AEF doit donc racheter les participations de France Télévisions et de TF1 dans France 24, mais le groupe privé demande 90 millions d'euros alors qu'il n'avait investit que 18 500 euros à la création32. Après un bras de fer avec l'État, les deux groupes cèdent leur part pour un montant de 2 millions d'euros chacun. De plus, France Télévisions s'engage à fournir des programmes d'actualité pendant 7 ans pour un montant d'un million d'euros par an. De son côté, pendant la même période, TF1 doit fournir des images d'archives pour un montant annuel de 800 000 euros pour sa chaîne TF1, et 900 000 euros pour sa filiale Eurosport33. Alain de Pouzilhac, président du directoire de France 24, est nommé au poste de PDG et Christine Ockrent à celui de directrice générale déléguée du nouvel ensemble et donc des entités qui le composent34. Le 12 novembre 2008, France 24 se voit récompensée du Prix du Meilleur média international lors de la cérémonie des AIB Media Excellence Awards organisée par l'Association for International Broadcasting (en)35,36. Le 27 avril 2009, France 24 passe de quatre à dix heures de diffusion quotidienne en langue arabe, de 14 h à minuit37. Le 12 octobre 2010, la chaîne passe à une diffusion 24h/2438. Le 22 février 2010, le Conseil national de la communication audiovisuelle (CNCA) de Côte d'Ivoire, alors en pleine crise politico-militaire, suspend la diffusion de France 24 pour « traitement non professionnel de l'information ». Les autorités reprochent à la chaîne d'avoir annoncé de nombreux morts à l'occasion d'une manifestation durant laquelle cinq personnes ont été tuées39,40. Le 2 décembre, le Conseil constitutionnel annule les résultats de l'élection présidentielle ivoirienne de 2010 annoncés par la Commission électorale indépendante. Les autorités décident de suspendre dans tout le pays la diffusion des médias étrangers, notamment français. Ces derniers sont accusés par des médias proches du pouvoir d'avoir pris parti pour le parti d'opposition d'Alassane Ouattara contre la majorité présidentielle de Laurent Gbagbo41,42. En 2010, les relations entre les deux dirigeants de l'AEF, Alain de Pouzilhac et Christine Ockrent, se dégradent et un grave conflit éclate sur fond de crise à France 24. En juillet, Ockrent est brusquement rétrogradée et perd son poste à la tête de la chaîne d'information en continu, à la suite d'un conseil d'administration extraordinaire convoqué par Pouzilhac. Ce dernier lui reproche une dérive budgétaire menant tout droit à un déficit prévisionnel de 7 millions d'euros pour 2011, ainsi que des erreurs de gestion et de stratégie de distribution43. Fin décembre, une collaboratrice d'Ockrent est accusée d'espionnage interne sur les ordinateurs des dirigeants d'AEF44. Christine Ockrent est alors massivement désavouée par l'équipe de direction45 puis par le personnel de France 2446. Finalement, en mai 2011, elle décide de quitter son poste, non sans avoir porté plainte pour harcèlement moral47. ACTIVATE ACCOUNT Or copy and paste this url in your browser: HAVING TROUBLE REGISTERING? If you are having trouble completing your registration, chat with our customer service team (24/7). NEED HELP? Check out our FAQs for a quick answer to your question or chat with our customer service team. We're available 24/7. 123FormBuilder comes with several easy options for web form thank you pages. In the form editor, you'll find them at Settings ? Thank You Page. Look at you. You've made web forms look easy thanks to our free web form builder, and now you're ready to watch the answers roll in. Not so fast! Have you considered what the customer sees after taking time to fill out the form and click Submit? After submission, your mission is complete, but your customer relationship is just beginning. With every form confirmation page, a little effort goes a long way—it can even increase conversions. A thoughtful thank you can make the customer happier to part with precious time and personal data to interact with you. Tried-and-True Thank Yous Here's some inspiration to get you started. Feel free to copy and paste from these samples! Don't forget to customize the message for your business. 1. Thank you for getting in touch! We appreciate you contacting us about [Contact Reason]. One of our colleagues will get back to you shortly. Have a great day! 2. Thanks for being awesome! We have received your message and would like to thank you for writing to us. If your inquiry is urgent, please use the telephone number listed below to talk to one of our staff members. Otherwise, we will reply by email as soon as possible. Talk to you soon, [Your Company] 3. Thank you for filling out your information! We've sent you an email with [the coupon code/your file download link/your voucher] at the email address you provided. Please enjoy, and let us know if there's anything else we can help you with. The [Your Company] Team 4. Dear [Your Company] customer, thanks for reaching out! We're thrilled to hear from you. Our inbox can't wait to get your messages, so talk to us any time you like. Cheers! 5. Thanks for filling out our form! We will look over your message and get back to you by tomorrow. In the meantime, you can check the FAQ section, look over our new product collection or browse through our latest blog posts will be displayed as Please. Your friends at [Your Company] P.S. The Nation depends on readers for financial support. Please consider a low-cost digital or print subscription. All subscriptions can be linked and delivered to any Apple or Android tablet or smartphone. Another way to support our journalism is to donate to The Nation. Borderlinx Borderlinx You're one step away from becoming a Borderlinx member. ACTIVATE ACCOUNT Or copy and paste this url in your browser: HAVING TROUBLE REGISTERING? Look at you. You've made web forms look easy thanks to our free web form builder, and now you're ready to watch the answers roll in. Not so fast! Have you considered what the customer sees after taking time to fill out the form and click Submit? After submission, your mission is complete, but your customer relationship is just beginning. With every form confirmation page, a little effort goes a long way—it can even increase conversions. A thoughtful thank you can make the customer happier to part with precious time and personal data to interact with you. Tried-and-True Thank Yous Here's some inspiration to get you started. Feel free to copy and paste from these samples! Don't forget to customize the message for your business. 1. Thank you for getting in touch! We appreciate you contacting us about [Contact Reason]. One of our colleagues will get back to you shortly. Have a great day! 2. Thanks for being awesome! We have received your message and would like to thank you for writing to us. If your inquiry is urgent, please use the telephone number listed below to talk to one of our staff members. Otherwise, we will reply by email as soon as possible. Talk to you soon, [Your Company] 3. Thank you for filling out your information! We've sent you an email with [the coupon code/your file download link/your voucher] at the email address you provided. Please enjoy, and let us know if there's anything else we can help you with. The [Your Company] Team 4. Dear [Your Company] customer, thanks for reaching out! We're thrilled to hear from you. Our inbox can't wait to get your messages, so talk to us any time you like. Cheers! Peugeot Maroc Please note that your ESL assessment test will be administered by our English Language Institute on the following date/time: If you have questions or require assistance, our Education specialists are here to help. Please consult the GlobalPay for Students FAQs page for your regional help line. For questions regarding your student tuition fees please contact Seneca College. Nous vous souhaitons une pleine réussite dans vos recherches futures. Nous vous remercions pour l'intérêt que vous portez à la marque Peugeot. Did you forget your password? No problem – you can reset it. Hopefully your new password is a little more memorable! Please make sure that you arrive on time. The tests are administered promptly and late arrivals cannot be accommodated. Please bring your valid photo ID. Welcome to Fanshawe! August 3, 2016 We are looking forward to meeting each of you and hope to make your transition to Fanshawe College as smooth as possible. Below, you will read some important information regarding your arrival in Canada and first days at Fanshawe. If you have any questions or concerns before you arrive, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you! Classes begin on Tuesday, September 6. To better serve our new students arriving for the Fall 2016 semester, the International Centre (Room E2025) will be open special hours on: Saturday, September 3: 10:00am – 2:00pm Sunday, September 4: 10:00am – 2:00pm Monday, September 5: 10:00am – 2:00pm The International Centre will also be open regular hours Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm. We are advising all new students to arrive any time between Sunday, August 28 and Monday, Business Spotlight: Athene Supporting veterans and their families through a variety of avenues Athene Athene, a retirement services company founded in 2009, created the Athene Military Veterans Organization with the goal of hiring military veterans, establishing intra-company and intercompany veteran networks, and collaborating with community outreach organizations relative to military veterans, their dependents,and active National Guard and Reservists currently employed at Athene. Read more. Community Spotlight: Madison County and the City of Winterset These growing communities recognize the value of veterans and their families madison county Madison County became the 39th Home Base Iowa Community in August 2017. "Home Base Iowa brings people, organizations, employers and higher education institutions together to help veterans and their families," commented Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds during the Home Base Iowa ceremony for Madison County. "Being from Madison County makes this event extra special to me personally." Read more. Business Success Story: Marion Process Solutions Veteran Josiah Childs receives job as an electrical technician. marion "Josiah was introduced to Marion Process Solutions through LinkedIn, as he was making the transition from active duty back to civilian life here in Iowa. While that search was successful because Josiah joined us, LinkedIn was more expensive than other recruiting methods we had used. We also received a lot of interest from candidates who were not technically qualified or needed relocation if hired. When I logged onto to Home Base Iowa (for free!) and saw that Josiah's name was on the top of the list, it was evident that we needed to utilize this service for future hires". -Martry Gieryng, Team Resources and Development Mgr. IowaWORKS & Home Base Iowa Success Story With assistance from IowaWORKS and Home Base Iowa, network engineer Brent Gorton receives job offer. Brent Brent Gorton requested help from Jeff Fischer, the Veteran Representative in the Cedar Rapids IowaWORKS Center, with finding a new job. Despite being an experienced network engineer, he was having trouble due to non-compete agreements with several local employers. After initial guidance was provided on resume changes and labor market information, his resume was uploaded onto the Home Base Iowa website. Read more. The megabus.com team posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:15 AM 0 comments welcome to 'choice' 'home' 'warranty' Sunday, November 25, 2018 Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:18 PM 0 comments Welcome to Health Insurance Notice DVZW PO/001 Dear All, I am Charlotte Glancy, part of Bank Solutions who are the independent appointed Programme Officers for The London Borough of Richmond Local Plan. This letter is to briefly update you of the stage we are at with the Examination in Public (EiP). The Inspector is working through the information and evidence submitted by the Council in relation to the Plan. Information relating to the Examination can be found on the following website where all documents will be uploaded throughout the Examination Process. This includes recent correspondence between the Inspector and the Council. http://www.richmond.gov.uk/local_plan_examination We are working to be in a position to shortly send out an introductory letter that will explain the process and will normally set out the intended dates for any necessary Hearings, the venue, the Inspector's 'matters and issues' for examination and a draft timetable. At this point we will invite representors, where a duly made representation has been previously made, to confirm if they wish to participate in the hearing Sessions for the EIP. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any more questions. Charlotte Glancy & Chris Banks Programme Officers C/O Banks Solutions bankssolutionsuk@gmail.com 01403 783276 +447519 628064 posted by Isaac Hobart at 11:43 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Costco' 'Survey' 'Connector' You've been chosen to receive a Offer valued at $50 --_----------=_MCPart_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="fixed" This is an automated response to a work order you recently submitted to either the IT Department's HelpDesk or to the Facilities Department at SMCC. Your request will be assigned to a technician shortly. You may check the status of your work order anytime by clicking the link below. STUDENTS NOTE: At this time, students do not have a method to track their work orders. You will, however, receive an email or telephone call when the work order is complete. STAFF NOTE: Staff may track the status of their work orders via the link below. Simply click the line that says " Click here to log in as an end user with your windows login information" and you will automatically be signed onto the system. http://woserver.smccme.edu/TrackItWeb/SelfService If you are experiencing problems with this screen, please notify the Helpdesk at 5696, internally or 741-5696, externally. The Work Order Number is 139260 posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:54 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Costco' 'Survey' 'Connector' You've been chosen to receive a Offer valued at $50 --_----------=_MCPart_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="fixed" This is an automated response to a work order you recently submitted to either the IT Department's HelpDesk or to the Facilities Department at SMCC. Your request will be assigned to a technician shortly. You may check the status of your work order anytime by clicking the link below. STUDENTS NOTE: At this time, students do not have a method to track their work orders. You will, however, receive an email or telephone call when the work order is complete. STAFF NOTE: Staff may track the status of their work orders via the link below. Simply click the line that says " Click here to log in as an end user with your windows login information" and you will automatically be signed onto the system. http://woserver.smccme.edu/TrackItWeb/SelfService If you are experiencing problems with this screen, please notify the Helpdesk at 5696, internally or 741-5696, externally. The Work Order Number is 139260 posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:54 AM 0 comments Confirmation UNTT Friday, November 23, 2018 New Value Transactions: Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations New digital technologies such as Blockchain and smart contracting are rapidly changing the face of value exchange, and present exciting new opportunities for designers. This workshop will explore the implications of these existing, developing and future technologies using the lens of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). DAOs introduce the principle that products and services may soon be owned and managed collectively and not by one person or authority, thus challenging traditional concepts of user communities, ownership and power. Designers and data specialists are at the forefront of exploring new ways of exchanging value, using Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracting and the direct exchanges between things made possible by the Internet of Things. These novel technologies mean that concepts of value and value exchange are being challenged in a variety of ways, and, far from being neutral, these innovations are entangled with and are co-producing novel political, economic, social and material arrangements, raising questions of ethics, privacy and the sociopolitical implications of new forms of distributed authority. Examples include The DAO, an autonomous business unit underpinned by smart contracting, and the BitBarista, a small-scale autonomous coffee machine which manages its own service and supply relationships. This one-day participatory workshop will combine presentations, case studies and group work sessions to understand, develop and critique these new forms of distributed power and ownership, and to practically explore how to design interactive products and services which enable, challenge or disrupt these models. The aim of this workshop is to (1) discuss emerging research questions and critically examine issues that may arise from increasingly distributed models of value exchange and ownership, and (2) provide a hands-on design opportunity for participants to creatively reconsider new models, approaches and systems of a distributed autonomous future. We aim to define new vocabularies, opportunities and implications of DAOs for interaction design and start to establish a distributed autonomous design community. We welcome designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop by contributing to the following topics: * Design prototypes which are addressing new ways of imagining, constructing and exchanging value in DAO systems. * Case studies which use digital technologies such as blockchain and crypto currencies to re-imagine and explore value exchange, new models of ownership and the decentralisation of power. * Design tools and methodologies which are addressing value in distributed systems. * Conceptual and theoretical contributions which explore the workshop themes. We invite designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop. Participants are invited to submit a 2-4 page position paper (Extended Abstract), (1) describing existing designs or design platform that challenge traditional concepts of ownership, (2) reflecting on design, social and ethical implications, concerns and opportunities, or (3) exploring implications for different contexts, which could include cultural geography, politics, legal, social science amongst others. Deadline for position paper submissions is the 24th April 2017 and we expect at least one author of each position paper to attend the workshop. Acceptance emails will be sent out by 28th April 2017. For more info, please visit our workshop page here: https://designingdaos.wordpress.com/ or the DIS workshop programme on: http://dis2017.org/workshop-program/. If you have any further questions, please just email me on [log in to unmask]. Many thanks, Bettina Bettina Nissen // Research Associate Design Informatics // University of Edinburgh www.designinformatics.org www.data-things.com [log in to unmask] +(0)7852 752274 posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:40 PM 0 comments Confirmation UNTT New Value Transactions: Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations New digital technologies such as Blockchain and smart contracting are rapidly changing the face of value exchange, and present exciting new opportunities for designers. This workshop will explore the implications of these existing, developing and future technologies using the lens of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). DAOs introduce the principle that products and services may soon be owned and managed collectively and not by one person or authority, thus challenging traditional concepts of user communities, ownership and power. Designers and data specialists are at the forefront of exploring new ways of exchanging value, using Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracting and the direct exchanges between things made possible by the Internet of Things. These novel technologies mean that concepts of value and value exchange are being challenged in a variety of ways, and, far from being neutral, these innovations are entangled with and are co-producing novel political, economic, social and material arrangements, raising questions of ethics, privacy and the sociopolitical implications of new forms of distributed authority. Examples include The DAO, an autonomous business unit underpinned by smart contracting, and the BitBarista, a small-scale autonomous coffee machine which manages its own service and supply relationships. This one-day participatory workshop will combine presentations, case studies and group work sessions to understand, develop and critique these new forms of distributed power and ownership, and to practically explore how to design interactive products and services which enable, challenge or disrupt these models. The aim of this workshop is to (1) discuss emerging research questions and critically examine issues that may arise from increasingly distributed models of value exchange and ownership, and (2) provide a hands-on design opportunity for participants to creatively reconsider new models, approaches and systems of a distributed autonomous future. We aim to define new vocabularies, opportunities and implications of DAOs for interaction design and start to establish a distributed autonomous design community. We welcome designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop by contributing to the following topics: * Design prototypes which are addressing new ways of imagining, constructing and exchanging value in DAO systems. * Case studies which use digital technologies such as blockchain and crypto currencies to re-imagine and explore value exchange, new models of ownership and the decentralisation of power. * Design tools and methodologies which are addressing value in distributed systems. * Conceptual and theoretical contributions which explore the workshop themes. We invite designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop. Participants are invited to submit a 2-4 page position paper (Extended Abstract), (1) describing existing designs or design platform that challenge traditional concepts of ownership, (2) reflecting on design, social and ethical implications, concerns and opportunities, or (3) exploring implications for different contexts, which could include cultural geography, politics, legal, social science amongst others. Deadline for position paper submissions is the 24th April 2017 and we expect at least one author of each position paper to attend the workshop. Acceptance emails will be sent out by 28th April 2017. For more info, please visit our workshop page here: https://designingdaos.wordpress.com/ or the DIS workshop programme on: http://dis2017.org/workshop-program/. If you have any further questions, please just email me on [log in to unmask]. Many thanks, Bettina Bettina Nissen // Research Associate Design Informatics // University of Edinburgh www.designinformatics.org www.data-things.com [log in to unmask] +(0)7852 752274 posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:38 PM 0 comments welcome to 'Choice' 'Home' 'Warranty' Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Choice' 'Home' 'Warranty' Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Thursday, November 22, 2018 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:49 PM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:48 PM 0 comments Conirmation. 4606 Tuesday, November 20, 2018 Hello,2nd-attempt-F0R_isaac_C0n6rats G3TUP posted by Isaac Hobart at 7:33 PM 0 comments welcome to The-male-Iiberator #1 trick to naturally grow it bigger posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:54 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Welcome to AmazonSurvey You've been chosen to receive a reward valued at $50! Dear Amanda, Thank you for your interest in Nazarbayev University. We have undergraduate and graduate programs in different areas. Please, let us know what program you are interested in. Best, -- С уважением, Департамент по приему АОО «Назарбаев Университет» Адрес: г. Астана, пр. Кабанбай Батыра 53 Тел.: + 7 (7172) 70 61 25/30/43//79/82/83/84, 70 90 54, 70 63 57/83, 70 65 68, 70 45 48 Представительство в г. Алматы Адрес: г.Алматы, ул. Кабанбай батыра 140/140а (уг.ул.Амангельды), 2-й этаж, Тел.: + 7 (727) 272 56 11, 272 55 58, 272 56 07, 272 55 91. Follow us: admissions.nu.edu.kz posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation MTVC Monday, November 19, 2018 Dear Family: I am pleased to invite you to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Commencement and College of Applied Health Sciences Convocation ceremonies to be held on Saturday, May 11 and Sunday, May 12, 2013. The college Convocation ceremony, at which each graduate is recognized for their individual achievement, is scheduled for 9:00 a.m., Saturday, May 11 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. Doors open at 8:00 a.m. The entire ceremony will last approximately one and one-half hours. Please plan to remain for the entire ceremony. There are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony and no limit on the number of guests. The campuswide Commencement ceremony, at which graduates of the College are recognized as a group, is scheduled for 10:30 a.m., Sunday, May 12 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. If you plan to attend the campuswide Commencement ceremony, you need to have your graduate secure the proper number of tickets for admission into the Assembly Hall. Tickets are free and there is no limit on the number of tickets a graduate may obtain. Please visit the following website for information on obtaining tickets: http://oc.illinois.edu/commencement/. A professional photography service, GradImages®, will be present at the College Convocation ceremony to photograph all graduates as they are congratulated and after descending the stage. Approximately five days following the ceremony, your student will receive notification at either the university email address or U.S. postal mailing address that proofs are available to view on line. GradImages® is offering graduates a discount on their photo order when they register their email address prior to graduation. Detailed information for pre-event registration is provided on the AHS Website. You are under no obligation to place an order. To facilitate the work of GradImages®, we ask that you remain seated and not approach the stage or ramp areas during the ceremony. Tripods are not allowed and power is not available for cameras. You and your graduate will be given an opportunity to take photographs with members of the platform party at the conclusion of the ceremony. Your graduate has received similar information through their campus email account or U.S. postal mailing address. We have asked your graduate to RSVP by Monday, May 6 using the following form: https://illinois.edu/sb/sec/4954897 to inform us of intent to participate in our Convocation ceremony, provide estimated number of guests and to complete a short survey. As stated above, there are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony. Disability seating is available for guests. Please request assistance for disability seating from an usher at the entrance to the Assembly Hall. For your information, a sign language interpreter will be on stage. Below, you will find a Commencement/Convocation 2013 Family Information Sheet that will prepare you for what to expect at either ceremony you may attend. If you have any questions, please call (217) 333-2130 or (217) 333-2131; my staff will answer any questions you may have. As your graduate prepares to graduate, his/her connection to the University does not end with Commencement. There are several ways to stay involved including keeping his/her contact information updated. This can be done by visiting http://alumni.ahs.illinois.edu/StayConnected/UpdateInfo.aspx/ . Another great way to stay connected is to subscribe to the Alumni E-News. Your graduate can subscribe by clicking on http://ahs.illinois.edu/About/Subscribe.aspx. The Spring E-News will include information about the Class of 2013 and the AHS Convocation. We hope that you will attend the ceremonies and support your new graduate on their day of achievement. We look forward to meeting you on this special day. Sincerely, Tanya M. Gallagher, Ph.D. Dean Family Information Sheet https://illinois.edu/lb/files/2013/03/11/44676.pdf posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:09 PM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments Confirmation YTGZ STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 204 22 85 - 204 26 67- 2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL: azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE : 05.01.2018 Address : Dear Colleagues, 1. Your CD and/or hardcopy AIP subscription period covering year 2017 is going to be terminated on 31.12.2017 2. You are kindly requested to fill the attached Form 1252 that indicates fees of our publications for the year 2018. 3. If you intend to be subscriber or purchase our AIS publications, you are kindly requested to fill the Attached Form 1251B and send it back. 4. You are kindly requested to transfer total amount of your orders in EURO or convertible Currency equivalent to EURO a) To one of below mentioned bank accounts or, b) Through a Bank Cheque enclosed with Form 1251B 5. All additional charges, such as bank commission, transfer fee, will be paid by the Remittor. 6. According to Act VAT (No:3065); the amounts less than 100.-TL will be invoiced by adding VAT and the amount of 100.- TL and above will be free of VAT. 7. Please notify your address, e-mail, fax number and web-site (if available) information on the Form Nr. 1251B. Bank addresses: VAKIFLAR BANK ZIRAAT BANK Ankara Kurumsal Merkez Branch /ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Ankara Kamu Kurumsal Branch/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Branch Code :1428 Branch Code :1745 USD account :00158048000503394 USD account :7053731-6235 EURO account :00158048000359612 EURO account :7053731-6236 Swift Code :TVBATR2A Swift Code :TCZBTR2A Iban No (Euro) :TR39 0001 5001 5804 8000 3596 12 Iban No (Euro) : TR87 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 36 Iban No (USD) :TR59 0001 5001 5804 8000 5033 94 Iban No (USD) : TR17 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 35 Mustafa KILIÇ Head of Air Navigation Department Encl. : 1. Form 1251B 2. Form 1252 Form Nr. 1251 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE :05.01.2018 AIS PUBLICATIONS PRICE LIST Name Of The Publications National Fees (*) International Subscription Fees Region A Region B Column A Column B Column C Column D EURO (£) 1 AIP On Web Base (Internet) / eAIP 110 110 110 2 AIP Volume I (With Binder) 110 130 150 3 AIP Volume II (With Binder) 110 130 150 4 Hard Copy a. AIP Amendments (AIRAC AMDT b. AIP Supplements (SUP) c. AIC's d. NOTAM Summaries and check lists (Annual Subscription) 215 240 270 Semiannual subscription (July 1st - December 31st) 110 125 140 5 The Annual Subscription of CD AIP Turkey (Including Amendment Services) 175 190 200 Semiannual subscription (July 1st - December 31st) 90 100 110 6 Single issue purchase of the latest CD of AIP Turkey 25 30 30 (Extra Copies Required) 7 Ring Binder (AIP Vol I) 30 35 40 8 Ring Binder (AIP Vol II) 30 35 40 9 Air Navigation Chart (ATS/RNAV) 11 13 17 10 Terminal Area Chart (**) 0.5 1.5 2.5 11 STAR / SID Chart (**) 0.5 1.5 2.5 12 Aerodrome Chart (**) 2 3 4 13 Aerodrome Obstruction Chart (**) 5 6 7 14 Approach ant Landing Chart (**) One Sided 0.4 Two Sided 0.8 REMARKS: (*) Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus takes place in this Column B. I. Regİon "A"; a. All European Countries, b. Neighbour Countries; (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Southern Cyprus, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazhakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrghizistan, Armenia and Georgia)II. II. Region "B" ; All Other Countries. Form Nr. 1252 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov DATE :05.01.2018 1. AIS publications that we request are marked in the list below 2. for our orders; a. We have credited EURO ................, your Currency Account Nr. .......................with................. Bank .....................................Branch against the receipt date ..........................................Nr................ of which a copy attached herewith b. 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Bank Addresses: VAKIFLAR BANK ZIRAAT BANK Ankara Kurumsal Merkez Branch /ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Ankara Kamu Kurumsal Branch/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Branch Code :1428 Branch Code :1745 USD account :00158048000503394 USD account :7053731-6235 EURO account :00158048000359612 EURO account :7053731-6236 Swift Code :TVBATR2A Swift Code :TCZBTR2A Iban No (Euro) :TR39 0001 5001 5804 8000 3596 12 Iban No (Euro) : TR87 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 36 Iban No (USD) :TR59 0001 5001 5804 8000 5033 94 Iban No (USD) : TR17 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 35 The publications are to be sent to: The invoice is to be sent to: (Please use block letters) (If different from the publication delivery address) .............................................................................. ……………………………………………………. .............................................................................. ……………………………………………………. .............................................................................. ……………………………………………………. 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Form Nr. 1251B posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:51 AM 0 comments Amazon survey offer number #001457 Welcome, Phone: (888)872-0228 info@stardust-memorials.com Customer Registration hoamm ammho: Thank you for registering at Stardust Memorials. Please keep this email for your records, contact us if you have any questions. We're here to be of service to you. Stardust Memorials is the nation's leader in providing the best quality memorial and remembrance products at the best possible prices and the most reasonable and efficient shipping costs and terms. Give us a try! Email: zoraidartye24@gmail.com Password: ****** Contact Information hoamm ammho aa1919 az, AZ. 9191 US Company: aa Stardust Memorials 807 Airport Access Rd Suite 100 Traverse City, MI 49686 Phone: (888)872-0228 posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:01 AM 0 comments welcome to 'ChoiceHomeWarranty' welcome posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation POIP #Marijuana_Oil_Now_Legal(CBD)_ Solution Découvrez la sérénité d'une gestion RH digitalehome.nlAB et efficace : vos collaborateurs gèrent leurs demandes de congés en ligne et visualisent leur bulletin de paie en temps réel, quand ils le souhaitent. Expérience collaborateurs Espace employé en ligne sécurisé et gratuit à vie Chacun de vos salariés dispose gratuitement d'un espace personnel sécurisé dès son entrée dans l'entreprise. Cet espace est disponible sans limite de temps. Il peut récupérer de manière autonome ses feuilles de paie et disposer d'une explication des variations mensuelles. Il saisit également ses demandes de congés et de documents administratifs. Elles sont ensuite soumises à la validation de son manager. Onboarding revu et corrigé Accueillir un nouveau salarié devient simple Dans le cadre d'une nouvelle embauche, vous pouvez inviter un collaborateur à saisir lui-même ses informations personnelles : son espace employé est alors créé automatiquement. Il est automatiquement ajouté à la liste de vos employés pour votre prochaine paie. Fini les oublis de documents ou d'information lorsque vous accueillez un nouveau collaborateur : vos données RH sont homogènes et fiables. Automatisation de la paie Produire et distribuer vos bulletins de paie en 3 clics En plaçant la transparence au coeur de votre démarche et vos collaborateurs au centre, NewDeal vous permet de générer vos bulletins de paie de manière autonome et avec une charge de travail minimale. Vous maîtrisez enfin cet élément clé de la relation Employeurs-Employés, et garantissez à votre entreprise une conformité sociale maximale permanente grâce à notre veille juridique. Consacrez votre temps au développement de vos talents, NewDeal s'occupe du reste. posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:31 AM 0 comments About Me Name: Isaac Hobart View my complete profile Google Search Web This Blog Links Home CNNCD.COM Health Body Guide 74211.com Make money with web hosting Playing Game Make Money Previous Posts Have you been to all these Ripley's attractions? Your Loan Application Thank you for your application Isaac, you’re so close to finishing your registration Thank you for your application Thank you for your application Your application has been received Isaac, get cash advance up to $750 per pay period*... Sabrina Carpenter’s ‘Short n’ Sweet (Deluxe)' is o... Thanks for your application Archives November 2008 May 2011 January 2012 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014 January 2015 April 2015 May 2015 July 2015 August 2015 October 2015 June 2016 September 2016 January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017 January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018 January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 July 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022 January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023 January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 January 2025 February 2025
posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:48 AM 0 comments
posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:15 AM 0 comments
Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:18 PM 0 comments Welcome to Health Insurance Notice DVZW PO/001 Dear All, I am Charlotte Glancy, part of Bank Solutions who are the independent appointed Programme Officers for The London Borough of Richmond Local Plan. This letter is to briefly update you of the stage we are at with the Examination in Public (EiP). The Inspector is working through the information and evidence submitted by the Council in relation to the Plan. Information relating to the Examination can be found on the following website where all documents will be uploaded throughout the Examination Process. This includes recent correspondence between the Inspector and the Council. http://www.richmond.gov.uk/local_plan_examination We are working to be in a position to shortly send out an introductory letter that will explain the process and will normally set out the intended dates for any necessary Hearings, the venue, the Inspector's 'matters and issues' for examination and a draft timetable. At this point we will invite representors, where a duly made representation has been previously made, to confirm if they wish to participate in the hearing Sessions for the EIP. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any more questions. Charlotte Glancy & Chris Banks Programme Officers C/O Banks Solutions bankssolutionsuk@gmail.com 01403 783276 +447519 628064 posted by Isaac Hobart at 11:43 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Costco' 'Survey' 'Connector' You've been chosen to receive a Offer valued at $50 --_----------=_MCPart_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="fixed" This is an automated response to a work order you recently submitted to either the IT Department's HelpDesk or to the Facilities Department at SMCC. Your request will be assigned to a technician shortly. You may check the status of your work order anytime by clicking the link below. STUDENTS NOTE: At this time, students do not have a method to track their work orders. You will, however, receive an email or telephone call when the work order is complete. STAFF NOTE: Staff may track the status of their work orders via the link below. Simply click the line that says " Click here to log in as an end user with your windows login information" and you will automatically be signed onto the system. http://woserver.smccme.edu/TrackItWeb/SelfService If you are experiencing problems with this screen, please notify the Helpdesk at 5696, internally or 741-5696, externally. The Work Order Number is 139260 posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:54 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Costco' 'Survey' 'Connector' You've been chosen to receive a Offer valued at $50 --_----------=_MCPart_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="fixed" This is an automated response to a work order you recently submitted to either the IT Department's HelpDesk or to the Facilities Department at SMCC. Your request will be assigned to a technician shortly. You may check the status of your work order anytime by clicking the link below. STUDENTS NOTE: At this time, students do not have a method to track their work orders. You will, however, receive an email or telephone call when the work order is complete. STAFF NOTE: Staff may track the status of their work orders via the link below. Simply click the line that says " Click here to log in as an end user with your windows login information" and you will automatically be signed onto the system. http://woserver.smccme.edu/TrackItWeb/SelfService If you are experiencing problems with this screen, please notify the Helpdesk at 5696, internally or 741-5696, externally. The Work Order Number is 139260 posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:54 AM 0 comments Confirmation UNTT Friday, November 23, 2018 New Value Transactions: Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations New digital technologies such as Blockchain and smart contracting are rapidly changing the face of value exchange, and present exciting new opportunities for designers. This workshop will explore the implications of these existing, developing and future technologies using the lens of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). DAOs introduce the principle that products and services may soon be owned and managed collectively and not by one person or authority, thus challenging traditional concepts of user communities, ownership and power. Designers and data specialists are at the forefront of exploring new ways of exchanging value, using Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracting and the direct exchanges between things made possible by the Internet of Things. These novel technologies mean that concepts of value and value exchange are being challenged in a variety of ways, and, far from being neutral, these innovations are entangled with and are co-producing novel political, economic, social and material arrangements, raising questions of ethics, privacy and the sociopolitical implications of new forms of distributed authority. Examples include The DAO, an autonomous business unit underpinned by smart contracting, and the BitBarista, a small-scale autonomous coffee machine which manages its own service and supply relationships. This one-day participatory workshop will combine presentations, case studies and group work sessions to understand, develop and critique these new forms of distributed power and ownership, and to practically explore how to design interactive products and services which enable, challenge or disrupt these models. The aim of this workshop is to (1) discuss emerging research questions and critically examine issues that may arise from increasingly distributed models of value exchange and ownership, and (2) provide a hands-on design opportunity for participants to creatively reconsider new models, approaches and systems of a distributed autonomous future. We aim to define new vocabularies, opportunities and implications of DAOs for interaction design and start to establish a distributed autonomous design community. We welcome designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop by contributing to the following topics: * Design prototypes which are addressing new ways of imagining, constructing and exchanging value in DAO systems. * Case studies which use digital technologies such as blockchain and crypto currencies to re-imagine and explore value exchange, new models of ownership and the decentralisation of power. * Design tools and methodologies which are addressing value in distributed systems. * Conceptual and theoretical contributions which explore the workshop themes. We invite designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop. Participants are invited to submit a 2-4 page position paper (Extended Abstract), (1) describing existing designs or design platform that challenge traditional concepts of ownership, (2) reflecting on design, social and ethical implications, concerns and opportunities, or (3) exploring implications for different contexts, which could include cultural geography, politics, legal, social science amongst others. Deadline for position paper submissions is the 24th April 2017 and we expect at least one author of each position paper to attend the workshop. Acceptance emails will be sent out by 28th April 2017. For more info, please visit our workshop page here: https://designingdaos.wordpress.com/ or the DIS workshop programme on: http://dis2017.org/workshop-program/. If you have any further questions, please just email me on [log in to unmask]. Many thanks, Bettina Bettina Nissen // Research Associate Design Informatics // University of Edinburgh www.designinformatics.org www.data-things.com [log in to unmask] +(0)7852 752274 posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:40 PM 0 comments Confirmation UNTT New Value Transactions: Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations New digital technologies such as Blockchain and smart contracting are rapidly changing the face of value exchange, and present exciting new opportunities for designers. This workshop will explore the implications of these existing, developing and future technologies using the lens of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). DAOs introduce the principle that products and services may soon be owned and managed collectively and not by one person or authority, thus challenging traditional concepts of user communities, ownership and power. Designers and data specialists are at the forefront of exploring new ways of exchanging value, using Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracting and the direct exchanges between things made possible by the Internet of Things. These novel technologies mean that concepts of value and value exchange are being challenged in a variety of ways, and, far from being neutral, these innovations are entangled with and are co-producing novel political, economic, social and material arrangements, raising questions of ethics, privacy and the sociopolitical implications of new forms of distributed authority. Examples include The DAO, an autonomous business unit underpinned by smart contracting, and the BitBarista, a small-scale autonomous coffee machine which manages its own service and supply relationships. This one-day participatory workshop will combine presentations, case studies and group work sessions to understand, develop and critique these new forms of distributed power and ownership, and to practically explore how to design interactive products and services which enable, challenge or disrupt these models. The aim of this workshop is to (1) discuss emerging research questions and critically examine issues that may arise from increasingly distributed models of value exchange and ownership, and (2) provide a hands-on design opportunity for participants to creatively reconsider new models, approaches and systems of a distributed autonomous future. We aim to define new vocabularies, opportunities and implications of DAOs for interaction design and start to establish a distributed autonomous design community. We welcome designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop by contributing to the following topics: * Design prototypes which are addressing new ways of imagining, constructing and exchanging value in DAO systems. * Case studies which use digital technologies such as blockchain and crypto currencies to re-imagine and explore value exchange, new models of ownership and the decentralisation of power. * Design tools and methodologies which are addressing value in distributed systems. * Conceptual and theoretical contributions which explore the workshop themes. We invite designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop. Participants are invited to submit a 2-4 page position paper (Extended Abstract), (1) describing existing designs or design platform that challenge traditional concepts of ownership, (2) reflecting on design, social and ethical implications, concerns and opportunities, or (3) exploring implications for different contexts, which could include cultural geography, politics, legal, social science amongst others. Deadline for position paper submissions is the 24th April 2017 and we expect at least one author of each position paper to attend the workshop. Acceptance emails will be sent out by 28th April 2017. For more info, please visit our workshop page here: https://designingdaos.wordpress.com/ or the DIS workshop programme on: http://dis2017.org/workshop-program/. If you have any further questions, please just email me on [log in to unmask]. Many thanks, Bettina Bettina Nissen // Research Associate Design Informatics // University of Edinburgh www.designinformatics.org www.data-things.com [log in to unmask] +(0)7852 752274 posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:38 PM 0 comments welcome to 'Choice' 'Home' 'Warranty' Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Choice' 'Home' 'Warranty' Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Thursday, November 22, 2018 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:49 PM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:48 PM 0 comments Conirmation. 4606 Tuesday, November 20, 2018 Hello,2nd-attempt-F0R_isaac_C0n6rats G3TUP posted by Isaac Hobart at 7:33 PM 0 comments welcome to The-male-Iiberator #1 trick to naturally grow it bigger posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:54 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Welcome to AmazonSurvey You've been chosen to receive a reward valued at $50! Dear Amanda, Thank you for your interest in Nazarbayev University. We have undergraduate and graduate programs in different areas. Please, let us know what program you are interested in. Best, -- С уважением, Департамент по приему АОО «Назарбаев Университет» Адрес: г. Астана, пр. Кабанбай Батыра 53 Тел.: + 7 (7172) 70 61 25/30/43//79/82/83/84, 70 90 54, 70 63 57/83, 70 65 68, 70 45 48 Представительство в г. Алматы Адрес: г.Алматы, ул. Кабанбай батыра 140/140а (уг.ул.Амангельды), 2-й этаж, Тел.: + 7 (727) 272 56 11, 272 55 58, 272 56 07, 272 55 91. Follow us: admissions.nu.edu.kz posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation MTVC Monday, November 19, 2018 Dear Family: I am pleased to invite you to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Commencement and College of Applied Health Sciences Convocation ceremonies to be held on Saturday, May 11 and Sunday, May 12, 2013. The college Convocation ceremony, at which each graduate is recognized for their individual achievement, is scheduled for 9:00 a.m., Saturday, May 11 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. Doors open at 8:00 a.m. The entire ceremony will last approximately one and one-half hours. Please plan to remain for the entire ceremony. There are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony and no limit on the number of guests. The campuswide Commencement ceremony, at which graduates of the College are recognized as a group, is scheduled for 10:30 a.m., Sunday, May 12 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. If you plan to attend the campuswide Commencement ceremony, you need to have your graduate secure the proper number of tickets for admission into the Assembly Hall. Tickets are free and there is no limit on the number of tickets a graduate may obtain. Please visit the following website for information on obtaining tickets: http://oc.illinois.edu/commencement/. A professional photography service, GradImages®, will be present at the College Convocation ceremony to photograph all graduates as they are congratulated and after descending the stage. Approximately five days following the ceremony, your student will receive notification at either the university email address or U.S. postal mailing address that proofs are available to view on line. GradImages® is offering graduates a discount on their photo order when they register their email address prior to graduation. Detailed information for pre-event registration is provided on the AHS Website. You are under no obligation to place an order. To facilitate the work of GradImages®, we ask that you remain seated and not approach the stage or ramp areas during the ceremony. Tripods are not allowed and power is not available for cameras. You and your graduate will be given an opportunity to take photographs with members of the platform party at the conclusion of the ceremony. Your graduate has received similar information through their campus email account or U.S. postal mailing address. We have asked your graduate to RSVP by Monday, May 6 using the following form: https://illinois.edu/sb/sec/4954897 to inform us of intent to participate in our Convocation ceremony, provide estimated number of guests and to complete a short survey. As stated above, there are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony. Disability seating is available for guests. Please request assistance for disability seating from an usher at the entrance to the Assembly Hall. For your information, a sign language interpreter will be on stage. Below, you will find a Commencement/Convocation 2013 Family Information Sheet that will prepare you for what to expect at either ceremony you may attend. If you have any questions, please call (217) 333-2130 or (217) 333-2131; my staff will answer any questions you may have. As your graduate prepares to graduate, his/her connection to the University does not end with Commencement. There are several ways to stay involved including keeping his/her contact information updated. This can be done by visiting http://alumni.ahs.illinois.edu/StayConnected/UpdateInfo.aspx/ . Another great way to stay connected is to subscribe to the Alumni E-News. Your graduate can subscribe by clicking on http://ahs.illinois.edu/About/Subscribe.aspx. The Spring E-News will include information about the Class of 2013 and the AHS Convocation. We hope that you will attend the ceremonies and support your new graduate on their day of achievement. We look forward to meeting you on this special day. Sincerely, Tanya M. Gallagher, Ph.D. Dean Family Information Sheet https://illinois.edu/lb/files/2013/03/11/44676.pdf posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:09 PM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments Confirmation YTGZ STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 204 22 85 - 204 26 67- 2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL: azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE : 05.01.2018 Address : Dear Colleagues, 1. Your CD and/or hardcopy AIP subscription period covering year 2017 is going to be terminated on 31.12.2017 2. You are kindly requested to fill the attached Form 1252 that indicates fees of our publications for the year 2018. 3. If you intend to be subscriber or purchase our AIS publications, you are kindly requested to fill the Attached Form 1251B and send it back. 4. You are kindly requested to transfer total amount of your orders in EURO or convertible Currency equivalent to EURO a) To one of below mentioned bank accounts or, b) Through a Bank Cheque enclosed with Form 1251B 5. All additional charges, such as bank commission, transfer fee, will be paid by the Remittor. 6. According to Act VAT (No:3065); the amounts less than 100.-TL will be invoiced by adding VAT and the amount of 100.- TL and above will be free of VAT. 7. Please notify your address, e-mail, fax number and web-site (if available) information on the Form Nr. 1251B. Bank addresses: VAKIFLAR BANK ZIRAAT BANK Ankara Kurumsal Merkez Branch /ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Ankara Kamu Kurumsal Branch/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Branch Code :1428 Branch Code :1745 USD account :00158048000503394 USD account :7053731-6235 EURO account :00158048000359612 EURO account :7053731-6236 Swift Code :TVBATR2A Swift Code :TCZBTR2A Iban No (Euro) :TR39 0001 5001 5804 8000 3596 12 Iban No (Euro) : TR87 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 36 Iban No (USD) :TR59 0001 5001 5804 8000 5033 94 Iban No (USD) : TR17 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 35 Mustafa KILIÇ Head of Air Navigation Department Encl. : 1. Form 1251B 2. Form 1252 Form Nr. 1251 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE :05.01.2018 AIS PUBLICATIONS PRICE LIST Name Of The Publications National Fees (*) International Subscription Fees Region A Region B Column A Column B Column C Column D EURO (£) 1 AIP On Web Base (Internet) / eAIP 110 110 110 2 AIP Volume I (With Binder) 110 130 150 3 AIP Volume II (With Binder) 110 130 150 4 Hard Copy a. AIP Amendments (AIRAC AMDT b. AIP Supplements (SUP) c. AIC's d. NOTAM Summaries and check lists (Annual Subscription) 215 240 270 Semiannual subscription (July 1st - December 31st) 110 125 140 5 The Annual Subscription of CD AIP Turkey (Including Amendment Services) 175 190 200 Semiannual subscription (July 1st - December 31st) 90 100 110 6 Single issue purchase of the latest CD of AIP Turkey 25 30 30 (Extra Copies Required) 7 Ring Binder (AIP Vol I) 30 35 40 8 Ring Binder (AIP Vol II) 30 35 40 9 Air Navigation Chart (ATS/RNAV) 11 13 17 10 Terminal Area Chart (**) 0.5 1.5 2.5 11 STAR / SID Chart (**) 0.5 1.5 2.5 12 Aerodrome Chart (**) 2 3 4 13 Aerodrome Obstruction Chart (**) 5 6 7 14 Approach ant Landing Chart (**) One Sided 0.4 Two Sided 0.8 REMARKS: (*) Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus takes place in this Column B. I. Regİon "A"; a. All European Countries, b. Neighbour Countries; (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Southern Cyprus, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazhakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrghizistan, Armenia and Georgia)II. II. Region "B" ; All Other Countries. Form Nr. 1252 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov DATE :05.01.2018 1. AIS publications that we request are marked in the list below 2. for our orders; a. We have credited EURO ................, your Currency Account Nr. .......................with................. Bank .....................................Branch against the receipt date ..........................................Nr................ of which a copy attached herewith b. 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Bank Addresses: VAKIFLAR BANK ZIRAAT BANK Ankara Kurumsal Merkez Branch /ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Ankara Kamu Kurumsal Branch/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Branch Code :1428 Branch Code :1745 USD account :00158048000503394 USD account :7053731-6235 EURO account :00158048000359612 EURO account :7053731-6236 Swift Code :TVBATR2A Swift Code :TCZBTR2A Iban No (Euro) :TR39 0001 5001 5804 8000 3596 12 Iban No (Euro) : TR87 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 36 Iban No (USD) :TR59 0001 5001 5804 8000 5033 94 Iban No (USD) : TR17 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 35 The publications are to be sent to: The invoice is to be sent to: (Please use block letters) (If different from the publication delivery address) .............................................................................. ……………………………………………………. .............................................................................. ……………………………………………………. .............................................................................. ……………………………………………………. 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Form Nr. 1251B posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:51 AM 0 comments Amazon survey offer number #001457 Welcome, Phone: (888)872-0228 info@stardust-memorials.com Customer Registration hoamm ammho: Thank you for registering at Stardust Memorials. Please keep this email for your records, contact us if you have any questions. We're here to be of service to you. Stardust Memorials is the nation's leader in providing the best quality memorial and remembrance products at the best possible prices and the most reasonable and efficient shipping costs and terms. Give us a try! Email: zoraidartye24@gmail.com Password: ****** Contact Information hoamm ammho aa1919 az, AZ. 9191 US Company: aa Stardust Memorials 807 Airport Access Rd Suite 100 Traverse City, MI 49686 Phone: (888)872-0228 posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:01 AM 0 comments welcome to 'ChoiceHomeWarranty' welcome posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation POIP #Marijuana_Oil_Now_Legal(CBD)_ Solution Découvrez la sérénité d'une gestion RH digitalehome.nlAB et efficace : vos collaborateurs gèrent leurs demandes de congés en ligne et visualisent leur bulletin de paie en temps réel, quand ils le souhaitent. Expérience collaborateurs Espace employé en ligne sécurisé et gratuit à vie Chacun de vos salariés dispose gratuitement d'un espace personnel sécurisé dès son entrée dans l'entreprise. Cet espace est disponible sans limite de temps. Il peut récupérer de manière autonome ses feuilles de paie et disposer d'une explication des variations mensuelles. Il saisit également ses demandes de congés et de documents administratifs. Elles sont ensuite soumises à la validation de son manager. Onboarding revu et corrigé Accueillir un nouveau salarié devient simple Dans le cadre d'une nouvelle embauche, vous pouvez inviter un collaborateur à saisir lui-même ses informations personnelles : son espace employé est alors créé automatiquement. Il est automatiquement ajouté à la liste de vos employés pour votre prochaine paie. Fini les oublis de documents ou d'information lorsque vous accueillez un nouveau collaborateur : vos données RH sont homogènes et fiables. Automatisation de la paie Produire et distribuer vos bulletins de paie en 3 clics En plaçant la transparence au coeur de votre démarche et vos collaborateurs au centre, NewDeal vous permet de générer vos bulletins de paie de manière autonome et avec une charge de travail minimale. Vous maîtrisez enfin cet élément clé de la relation Employeurs-Employés, et garantissez à votre entreprise une conformité sociale maximale permanente grâce à notre veille juridique. Consacrez votre temps au développement de vos talents, NewDeal s'occupe du reste. posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:31 AM 0 comments About Me Name: Isaac Hobart View my complete profile Google Search Web This Blog Links Home CNNCD.COM Health Body Guide 74211.com Make money with web hosting Playing Game Make Money Previous Posts Have you been to all these Ripley's attractions? Your Loan Application Thank you for your application Isaac, you’re so close to finishing your registration Thank you for your application Thank you for your application Your application has been received Isaac, get cash advance up to $750 per pay period*... Sabrina Carpenter’s ‘Short n’ Sweet (Deluxe)' is o... Thanks for your application Archives November 2008 May 2011 January 2012 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014 January 2015 April 2015 May 2015 July 2015 August 2015 October 2015 June 2016 September 2016 January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017 January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018 January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 July 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022 January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023 January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 January 2025 February 2025
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posted by Isaac Hobart at 11:43 AM 0 comments
You've been chosen to receive a Offer valued at $50 --_----------=_MCPart_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="fixed" This is an automated response to a work order you recently submitted to either the IT Department's HelpDesk or to the Facilities Department at SMCC. Your request will be assigned to a technician shortly. You may check the status of your work order anytime by clicking the link below. STUDENTS NOTE: At this time, students do not have a method to track their work orders. You will, however, receive an email or telephone call when the work order is complete. STAFF NOTE: Staff may track the status of their work orders via the link below. Simply click the line that says " Click here to log in as an end user with your windows login information" and you will automatically be signed onto the system. http://woserver.smccme.edu/TrackItWeb/SelfService If you are experiencing problems with this screen, please notify the Helpdesk at 5696, internally or 741-5696, externally. The Work Order Number is 139260 posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:54 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Costco' 'Survey' 'Connector' You've been chosen to receive a Offer valued at $50 --_----------=_MCPart_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="fixed" This is an automated response to a work order you recently submitted to either the IT Department's HelpDesk or to the Facilities Department at SMCC. Your request will be assigned to a technician shortly. You may check the status of your work order anytime by clicking the link below. STUDENTS NOTE: At this time, students do not have a method to track their work orders. You will, however, receive an email or telephone call when the work order is complete. STAFF NOTE: Staff may track the status of their work orders via the link below. Simply click the line that says " Click here to log in as an end user with your windows login information" and you will automatically be signed onto the system. http://woserver.smccme.edu/TrackItWeb/SelfService If you are experiencing problems with this screen, please notify the Helpdesk at 5696, internally or 741-5696, externally. The Work Order Number is 139260 posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:54 AM 0 comments Confirmation UNTT Friday, November 23, 2018 New Value Transactions: Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations New digital technologies such as Blockchain and smart contracting are rapidly changing the face of value exchange, and present exciting new opportunities for designers. This workshop will explore the implications of these existing, developing and future technologies using the lens of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). DAOs introduce the principle that products and services may soon be owned and managed collectively and not by one person or authority, thus challenging traditional concepts of user communities, ownership and power. Designers and data specialists are at the forefront of exploring new ways of exchanging value, using Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracting and the direct exchanges between things made possible by the Internet of Things. These novel technologies mean that concepts of value and value exchange are being challenged in a variety of ways, and, far from being neutral, these innovations are entangled with and are co-producing novel political, economic, social and material arrangements, raising questions of ethics, privacy and the sociopolitical implications of new forms of distributed authority. Examples include The DAO, an autonomous business unit underpinned by smart contracting, and the BitBarista, a small-scale autonomous coffee machine which manages its own service and supply relationships. This one-day participatory workshop will combine presentations, case studies and group work sessions to understand, develop and critique these new forms of distributed power and ownership, and to practically explore how to design interactive products and services which enable, challenge or disrupt these models. The aim of this workshop is to (1) discuss emerging research questions and critically examine issues that may arise from increasingly distributed models of value exchange and ownership, and (2) provide a hands-on design opportunity for participants to creatively reconsider new models, approaches and systems of a distributed autonomous future. We aim to define new vocabularies, opportunities and implications of DAOs for interaction design and start to establish a distributed autonomous design community. We welcome designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop by contributing to the following topics: * Design prototypes which are addressing new ways of imagining, constructing and exchanging value in DAO systems. * Case studies which use digital technologies such as blockchain and crypto currencies to re-imagine and explore value exchange, new models of ownership and the decentralisation of power. * Design tools and methodologies which are addressing value in distributed systems. * Conceptual and theoretical contributions which explore the workshop themes. We invite designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop. Participants are invited to submit a 2-4 page position paper (Extended Abstract), (1) describing existing designs or design platform that challenge traditional concepts of ownership, (2) reflecting on design, social and ethical implications, concerns and opportunities, or (3) exploring implications for different contexts, which could include cultural geography, politics, legal, social science amongst others. Deadline for position paper submissions is the 24th April 2017 and we expect at least one author of each position paper to attend the workshop. Acceptance emails will be sent out by 28th April 2017. For more info, please visit our workshop page here: https://designingdaos.wordpress.com/ or the DIS workshop programme on: http://dis2017.org/workshop-program/. If you have any further questions, please just email me on [log in to unmask]. Many thanks, Bettina Bettina Nissen // Research Associate Design Informatics // University of Edinburgh www.designinformatics.org www.data-things.com [log in to unmask] +(0)7852 752274 posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:40 PM 0 comments Confirmation UNTT New Value Transactions: Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations New digital technologies such as Blockchain and smart contracting are rapidly changing the face of value exchange, and present exciting new opportunities for designers. This workshop will explore the implications of these existing, developing and future technologies using the lens of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). DAOs introduce the principle that products and services may soon be owned and managed collectively and not by one person or authority, thus challenging traditional concepts of user communities, ownership and power. Designers and data specialists are at the forefront of exploring new ways of exchanging value, using Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracting and the direct exchanges between things made possible by the Internet of Things. These novel technologies mean that concepts of value and value exchange are being challenged in a variety of ways, and, far from being neutral, these innovations are entangled with and are co-producing novel political, economic, social and material arrangements, raising questions of ethics, privacy and the sociopolitical implications of new forms of distributed authority. Examples include The DAO, an autonomous business unit underpinned by smart contracting, and the BitBarista, a small-scale autonomous coffee machine which manages its own service and supply relationships. This one-day participatory workshop will combine presentations, case studies and group work sessions to understand, develop and critique these new forms of distributed power and ownership, and to practically explore how to design interactive products and services which enable, challenge or disrupt these models. The aim of this workshop is to (1) discuss emerging research questions and critically examine issues that may arise from increasingly distributed models of value exchange and ownership, and (2) provide a hands-on design opportunity for participants to creatively reconsider new models, approaches and systems of a distributed autonomous future. We aim to define new vocabularies, opportunities and implications of DAOs for interaction design and start to establish a distributed autonomous design community. We welcome designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop by contributing to the following topics: * Design prototypes which are addressing new ways of imagining, constructing and exchanging value in DAO systems. * Case studies which use digital technologies such as blockchain and crypto currencies to re-imagine and explore value exchange, new models of ownership and the decentralisation of power. * Design tools and methodologies which are addressing value in distributed systems. * Conceptual and theoretical contributions which explore the workshop themes. We invite designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop. Participants are invited to submit a 2-4 page position paper (Extended Abstract), (1) describing existing designs or design platform that challenge traditional concepts of ownership, (2) reflecting on design, social and ethical implications, concerns and opportunities, or (3) exploring implications for different contexts, which could include cultural geography, politics, legal, social science amongst others. Deadline for position paper submissions is the 24th April 2017 and we expect at least one author of each position paper to attend the workshop. Acceptance emails will be sent out by 28th April 2017. For more info, please visit our workshop page here: https://designingdaos.wordpress.com/ or the DIS workshop programme on: http://dis2017.org/workshop-program/. If you have any further questions, please just email me on [log in to unmask]. Many thanks, Bettina Bettina Nissen // Research Associate Design Informatics // University of Edinburgh www.designinformatics.org www.data-things.com [log in to unmask] +(0)7852 752274 posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:38 PM 0 comments welcome to 'Choice' 'Home' 'Warranty' Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Choice' 'Home' 'Warranty' Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Thursday, November 22, 2018 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:49 PM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:48 PM 0 comments Conirmation. 4606 Tuesday, November 20, 2018 Hello,2nd-attempt-F0R_isaac_C0n6rats G3TUP posted by Isaac Hobart at 7:33 PM 0 comments welcome to The-male-Iiberator #1 trick to naturally grow it bigger posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:54 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Welcome to AmazonSurvey You've been chosen to receive a reward valued at $50! Dear Amanda, Thank you for your interest in Nazarbayev University. We have undergraduate and graduate programs in different areas. Please, let us know what program you are interested in. Best, -- С уважением, Департамент по приему АОО «Назарбаев Университет» Адрес: г. Астана, пр. Кабанбай Батыра 53 Тел.: + 7 (7172) 70 61 25/30/43//79/82/83/84, 70 90 54, 70 63 57/83, 70 65 68, 70 45 48 Представительство в г. Алматы Адрес: г.Алматы, ул. Кабанбай батыра 140/140а (уг.ул.Амангельды), 2-й этаж, Тел.: + 7 (727) 272 56 11, 272 55 58, 272 56 07, 272 55 91. Follow us: admissions.nu.edu.kz posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation MTVC Monday, November 19, 2018 Dear Family: I am pleased to invite you to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Commencement and College of Applied Health Sciences Convocation ceremonies to be held on Saturday, May 11 and Sunday, May 12, 2013. The college Convocation ceremony, at which each graduate is recognized for their individual achievement, is scheduled for 9:00 a.m., Saturday, May 11 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. Doors open at 8:00 a.m. The entire ceremony will last approximately one and one-half hours. Please plan to remain for the entire ceremony. There are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony and no limit on the number of guests. The campuswide Commencement ceremony, at which graduates of the College are recognized as a group, is scheduled for 10:30 a.m., Sunday, May 12 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. If you plan to attend the campuswide Commencement ceremony, you need to have your graduate secure the proper number of tickets for admission into the Assembly Hall. Tickets are free and there is no limit on the number of tickets a graduate may obtain. Please visit the following website for information on obtaining tickets: http://oc.illinois.edu/commencement/. A professional photography service, GradImages®, will be present at the College Convocation ceremony to photograph all graduates as they are congratulated and after descending the stage. Approximately five days following the ceremony, your student will receive notification at either the university email address or U.S. postal mailing address that proofs are available to view on line. GradImages® is offering graduates a discount on their photo order when they register their email address prior to graduation. Detailed information for pre-event registration is provided on the AHS Website. You are under no obligation to place an order. To facilitate the work of GradImages®, we ask that you remain seated and not approach the stage or ramp areas during the ceremony. Tripods are not allowed and power is not available for cameras. You and your graduate will be given an opportunity to take photographs with members of the platform party at the conclusion of the ceremony. Your graduate has received similar information through their campus email account or U.S. postal mailing address. We have asked your graduate to RSVP by Monday, May 6 using the following form: https://illinois.edu/sb/sec/4954897 to inform us of intent to participate in our Convocation ceremony, provide estimated number of guests and to complete a short survey. As stated above, there are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony. Disability seating is available for guests. Please request assistance for disability seating from an usher at the entrance to the Assembly Hall. For your information, a sign language interpreter will be on stage. Below, you will find a Commencement/Convocation 2013 Family Information Sheet that will prepare you for what to expect at either ceremony you may attend. If you have any questions, please call (217) 333-2130 or (217) 333-2131; my staff will answer any questions you may have. As your graduate prepares to graduate, his/her connection to the University does not end with Commencement. There are several ways to stay involved including keeping his/her contact information updated. This can be done by visiting http://alumni.ahs.illinois.edu/StayConnected/UpdateInfo.aspx/ . Another great way to stay connected is to subscribe to the Alumni E-News. Your graduate can subscribe by clicking on http://ahs.illinois.edu/About/Subscribe.aspx. The Spring E-News will include information about the Class of 2013 and the AHS Convocation. We hope that you will attend the ceremonies and support your new graduate on their day of achievement. We look forward to meeting you on this special day. Sincerely, Tanya M. Gallagher, Ph.D. Dean Family Information Sheet https://illinois.edu/lb/files/2013/03/11/44676.pdf posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:09 PM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments Confirmation YTGZ STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 204 22 85 - 204 26 67- 2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL: azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE : 05.01.2018 Address : Dear Colleagues, 1. Your CD and/or hardcopy AIP subscription period covering year 2017 is going to be terminated on 31.12.2017 2. You are kindly requested to fill the attached Form 1252 that indicates fees of our publications for the year 2018. 3. If you intend to be subscriber or purchase our AIS publications, you are kindly requested to fill the Attached Form 1251B and send it back. 4. You are kindly requested to transfer total amount of your orders in EURO or convertible Currency equivalent to EURO a) To one of below mentioned bank accounts or, b) Through a Bank Cheque enclosed with Form 1251B 5. All additional charges, such as bank commission, transfer fee, will be paid by the Remittor. 6. According to Act VAT (No:3065); the amounts less than 100.-TL will be invoiced by adding VAT and the amount of 100.- TL and above will be free of VAT. 7. Please notify your address, e-mail, fax number and web-site (if available) information on the Form Nr. 1251B. Bank addresses: VAKIFLAR BANK ZIRAAT BANK Ankara Kurumsal Merkez Branch /ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Ankara Kamu Kurumsal Branch/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Branch Code :1428 Branch Code :1745 USD account :00158048000503394 USD account :7053731-6235 EURO account :00158048000359612 EURO account :7053731-6236 Swift Code :TVBATR2A Swift Code :TCZBTR2A Iban No (Euro) :TR39 0001 5001 5804 8000 3596 12 Iban No (Euro) : TR87 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 36 Iban No (USD) :TR59 0001 5001 5804 8000 5033 94 Iban No (USD) : TR17 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 35 Mustafa KILIÇ Head of Air Navigation Department Encl. : 1. Form 1251B 2. Form 1252 Form Nr. 1251 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE :05.01.2018 AIS PUBLICATIONS PRICE LIST Name Of The Publications National Fees (*) International Subscription Fees Region A Region B Column A Column B Column C Column D EURO (£) 1 AIP On Web Base (Internet) / eAIP 110 110 110 2 AIP Volume I (With Binder) 110 130 150 3 AIP Volume II (With Binder) 110 130 150 4 Hard Copy a. AIP Amendments (AIRAC AMDT b. AIP Supplements (SUP) c. AIC's d. 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Form Nr. 1251B posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:51 AM 0 comments Amazon survey offer number #001457 Welcome, Phone: (888)872-0228 info@stardust-memorials.com Customer Registration hoamm ammho: Thank you for registering at Stardust Memorials. Please keep this email for your records, contact us if you have any questions. We're here to be of service to you. Stardust Memorials is the nation's leader in providing the best quality memorial and remembrance products at the best possible prices and the most reasonable and efficient shipping costs and terms. Give us a try! Email: zoraidartye24@gmail.com Password: ****** Contact Information hoamm ammho aa1919 az, AZ. 9191 US Company: aa Stardust Memorials 807 Airport Access Rd Suite 100 Traverse City, MI 49686 Phone: (888)872-0228 posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:01 AM 0 comments welcome to 'ChoiceHomeWarranty' welcome posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation POIP #Marijuana_Oil_Now_Legal(CBD)_ Solution Découvrez la sérénité d'une gestion RH digitalehome.nlAB et efficace : vos collaborateurs gèrent leurs demandes de congés en ligne et visualisent leur bulletin de paie en temps réel, quand ils le souhaitent. Expérience collaborateurs Espace employé en ligne sécurisé et gratuit à vie Chacun de vos salariés dispose gratuitement d'un espace personnel sécurisé dès son entrée dans l'entreprise. Cet espace est disponible sans limite de temps. Il peut récupérer de manière autonome ses feuilles de paie et disposer d'une explication des variations mensuelles. Il saisit également ses demandes de congés et de documents administratifs. Elles sont ensuite soumises à la validation de son manager. Onboarding revu et corrigé Accueillir un nouveau salarié devient simple Dans le cadre d'une nouvelle embauche, vous pouvez inviter un collaborateur à saisir lui-même ses informations personnelles : son espace employé est alors créé automatiquement. Il est automatiquement ajouté à la liste de vos employés pour votre prochaine paie. Fini les oublis de documents ou d'information lorsque vous accueillez un nouveau collaborateur : vos données RH sont homogènes et fiables. Automatisation de la paie Produire et distribuer vos bulletins de paie en 3 clics En plaçant la transparence au coeur de votre démarche et vos collaborateurs au centre, NewDeal vous permet de générer vos bulletins de paie de manière autonome et avec une charge de travail minimale. Vous maîtrisez enfin cet élément clé de la relation Employeurs-Employés, et garantissez à votre entreprise une conformité sociale maximale permanente grâce à notre veille juridique. Consacrez votre temps au développement de vos talents, NewDeal s'occupe du reste. posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:31 AM 0 comments About Me Name: Isaac Hobart View my complete profile Google Search Web This Blog Links Home CNNCD.COM Health Body Guide 74211.com Make money with web hosting Playing Game Make Money Previous Posts Have you been to all these Ripley's attractions? Your Loan Application Thank you for your application Isaac, you’re so close to finishing your registration Thank you for your application Thank you for your application Your application has been received Isaac, get cash advance up to $750 per pay period*... Sabrina Carpenter’s ‘Short n’ Sweet (Deluxe)' is o... Thanks for your application Archives November 2008 May 2011 January 2012 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014 January 2015 April 2015 May 2015 July 2015 August 2015 October 2015 June 2016 September 2016 January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017 January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018 January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 July 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022 January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023 January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 January 2025 February 2025
posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:54 AM 0 comments
You've been chosen to receive a Offer valued at $50 --_----------=_MCPart_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="fixed" This is an automated response to a work order you recently submitted to either the IT Department's HelpDesk or to the Facilities Department at SMCC. Your request will be assigned to a technician shortly. You may check the status of your work order anytime by clicking the link below. STUDENTS NOTE: At this time, students do not have a method to track their work orders. You will, however, receive an email or telephone call when the work order is complete. STAFF NOTE: Staff may track the status of their work orders via the link below. Simply click the line that says " Click here to log in as an end user with your windows login information" and you will automatically be signed onto the system. http://woserver.smccme.edu/TrackItWeb/SelfService If you are experiencing problems with this screen, please notify the Helpdesk at 5696, internally or 741-5696, externally. The Work Order Number is 139260 posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:54 AM 0 comments Confirmation UNTT Friday, November 23, 2018 New Value Transactions: Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations New digital technologies such as Blockchain and smart contracting are rapidly changing the face of value exchange, and present exciting new opportunities for designers. This workshop will explore the implications of these existing, developing and future technologies using the lens of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). DAOs introduce the principle that products and services may soon be owned and managed collectively and not by one person or authority, thus challenging traditional concepts of user communities, ownership and power. Designers and data specialists are at the forefront of exploring new ways of exchanging value, using Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracting and the direct exchanges between things made possible by the Internet of Things. These novel technologies mean that concepts of value and value exchange are being challenged in a variety of ways, and, far from being neutral, these innovations are entangled with and are co-producing novel political, economic, social and material arrangements, raising questions of ethics, privacy and the sociopolitical implications of new forms of distributed authority. Examples include The DAO, an autonomous business unit underpinned by smart contracting, and the BitBarista, a small-scale autonomous coffee machine which manages its own service and supply relationships. This one-day participatory workshop will combine presentations, case studies and group work sessions to understand, develop and critique these new forms of distributed power and ownership, and to practically explore how to design interactive products and services which enable, challenge or disrupt these models. The aim of this workshop is to (1) discuss emerging research questions and critically examine issues that may arise from increasingly distributed models of value exchange and ownership, and (2) provide a hands-on design opportunity for participants to creatively reconsider new models, approaches and systems of a distributed autonomous future. We aim to define new vocabularies, opportunities and implications of DAOs for interaction design and start to establish a distributed autonomous design community. We welcome designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop by contributing to the following topics: * Design prototypes which are addressing new ways of imagining, constructing and exchanging value in DAO systems. * Case studies which use digital technologies such as blockchain and crypto currencies to re-imagine and explore value exchange, new models of ownership and the decentralisation of power. * Design tools and methodologies which are addressing value in distributed systems. * Conceptual and theoretical contributions which explore the workshop themes. We invite designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop. Participants are invited to submit a 2-4 page position paper (Extended Abstract), (1) describing existing designs or design platform that challenge traditional concepts of ownership, (2) reflecting on design, social and ethical implications, concerns and opportunities, or (3) exploring implications for different contexts, which could include cultural geography, politics, legal, social science amongst others. Deadline for position paper submissions is the 24th April 2017 and we expect at least one author of each position paper to attend the workshop. Acceptance emails will be sent out by 28th April 2017. For more info, please visit our workshop page here: https://designingdaos.wordpress.com/ or the DIS workshop programme on: http://dis2017.org/workshop-program/. If you have any further questions, please just email me on [log in to unmask]. Many thanks, Bettina Bettina Nissen // Research Associate Design Informatics // University of Edinburgh www.designinformatics.org www.data-things.com [log in to unmask] +(0)7852 752274 posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:40 PM 0 comments Confirmation UNTT New Value Transactions: Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations New digital technologies such as Blockchain and smart contracting are rapidly changing the face of value exchange, and present exciting new opportunities for designers. This workshop will explore the implications of these existing, developing and future technologies using the lens of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). DAOs introduce the principle that products and services may soon be owned and managed collectively and not by one person or authority, thus challenging traditional concepts of user communities, ownership and power. Designers and data specialists are at the forefront of exploring new ways of exchanging value, using Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracting and the direct exchanges between things made possible by the Internet of Things. These novel technologies mean that concepts of value and value exchange are being challenged in a variety of ways, and, far from being neutral, these innovations are entangled with and are co-producing novel political, economic, social and material arrangements, raising questions of ethics, privacy and the sociopolitical implications of new forms of distributed authority. Examples include The DAO, an autonomous business unit underpinned by smart contracting, and the BitBarista, a small-scale autonomous coffee machine which manages its own service and supply relationships. This one-day participatory workshop will combine presentations, case studies and group work sessions to understand, develop and critique these new forms of distributed power and ownership, and to practically explore how to design interactive products and services which enable, challenge or disrupt these models. The aim of this workshop is to (1) discuss emerging research questions and critically examine issues that may arise from increasingly distributed models of value exchange and ownership, and (2) provide a hands-on design opportunity for participants to creatively reconsider new models, approaches and systems of a distributed autonomous future. We aim to define new vocabularies, opportunities and implications of DAOs for interaction design and start to establish a distributed autonomous design community. We welcome designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop by contributing to the following topics: * Design prototypes which are addressing new ways of imagining, constructing and exchanging value in DAO systems. * Case studies which use digital technologies such as blockchain and crypto currencies to re-imagine and explore value exchange, new models of ownership and the decentralisation of power. * Design tools and methodologies which are addressing value in distributed systems. * Conceptual and theoretical contributions which explore the workshop themes. We invite designers, researchers and practitioners from all backgrounds to participate in our workshop. Participants are invited to submit a 2-4 page position paper (Extended Abstract), (1) describing existing designs or design platform that challenge traditional concepts of ownership, (2) reflecting on design, social and ethical implications, concerns and opportunities, or (3) exploring implications for different contexts, which could include cultural geography, politics, legal, social science amongst others. Deadline for position paper submissions is the 24th April 2017 and we expect at least one author of each position paper to attend the workshop. Acceptance emails will be sent out by 28th April 2017. For more info, please visit our workshop page here: https://designingdaos.wordpress.com/ or the DIS workshop programme on: http://dis2017.org/workshop-program/. If you have any further questions, please just email me on [log in to unmask]. Many thanks, Bettina Bettina Nissen // Research Associate Design Informatics // University of Edinburgh www.designinformatics.org www.data-things.com [log in to unmask] +(0)7852 752274 posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:38 PM 0 comments welcome to 'Choice' 'Home' 'Warranty' Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Choice' 'Home' 'Warranty' Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Thursday, November 22, 2018 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:49 PM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:48 PM 0 comments Conirmation. 4606 Tuesday, November 20, 2018 Hello,2nd-attempt-F0R_isaac_C0n6rats G3TUP posted by Isaac Hobart at 7:33 PM 0 comments welcome to The-male-Iiberator #1 trick to naturally grow it bigger posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:54 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Welcome to AmazonSurvey You've been chosen to receive a reward valued at $50! Dear Amanda, Thank you for your interest in Nazarbayev University. We have undergraduate and graduate programs in different areas. Please, let us know what program you are interested in. Best, -- С уважением, Департамент по приему АОО «Назарбаев Университет» Адрес: г. Астана, пр. Кабанбай Батыра 53 Тел.: + 7 (7172) 70 61 25/30/43//79/82/83/84, 70 90 54, 70 63 57/83, 70 65 68, 70 45 48 Представительство в г. Алматы Адрес: г.Алматы, ул. Кабанбай батыра 140/140а (уг.ул.Амангельды), 2-й этаж, Тел.: + 7 (727) 272 56 11, 272 55 58, 272 56 07, 272 55 91. Follow us: admissions.nu.edu.kz posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation MTVC Monday, November 19, 2018 Dear Family: I am pleased to invite you to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Commencement and College of Applied Health Sciences Convocation ceremonies to be held on Saturday, May 11 and Sunday, May 12, 2013. The college Convocation ceremony, at which each graduate is recognized for their individual achievement, is scheduled for 9:00 a.m., Saturday, May 11 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. Doors open at 8:00 a.m. The entire ceremony will last approximately one and one-half hours. Please plan to remain for the entire ceremony. There are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony and no limit on the number of guests. The campuswide Commencement ceremony, at which graduates of the College are recognized as a group, is scheduled for 10:30 a.m., Sunday, May 12 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. If you plan to attend the campuswide Commencement ceremony, you need to have your graduate secure the proper number of tickets for admission into the Assembly Hall. Tickets are free and there is no limit on the number of tickets a graduate may obtain. Please visit the following website for information on obtaining tickets: http://oc.illinois.edu/commencement/. A professional photography service, GradImages®, will be present at the College Convocation ceremony to photograph all graduates as they are congratulated and after descending the stage. Approximately five days following the ceremony, your student will receive notification at either the university email address or U.S. postal mailing address that proofs are available to view on line. GradImages® is offering graduates a discount on their photo order when they register their email address prior to graduation. Detailed information for pre-event registration is provided on the AHS Website. You are under no obligation to place an order. To facilitate the work of GradImages®, we ask that you remain seated and not approach the stage or ramp areas during the ceremony. Tripods are not allowed and power is not available for cameras. You and your graduate will be given an opportunity to take photographs with members of the platform party at the conclusion of the ceremony. Your graduate has received similar information through their campus email account or U.S. postal mailing address. We have asked your graduate to RSVP by Monday, May 6 using the following form: https://illinois.edu/sb/sec/4954897 to inform us of intent to participate in our Convocation ceremony, provide estimated number of guests and to complete a short survey. As stated above, there are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony. Disability seating is available for guests. Please request assistance for disability seating from an usher at the entrance to the Assembly Hall. For your information, a sign language interpreter will be on stage. Below, you will find a Commencement/Convocation 2013 Family Information Sheet that will prepare you for what to expect at either ceremony you may attend. If you have any questions, please call (217) 333-2130 or (217) 333-2131; my staff will answer any questions you may have. As your graduate prepares to graduate, his/her connection to the University does not end with Commencement. There are several ways to stay involved including keeping his/her contact information updated. This can be done by visiting http://alumni.ahs.illinois.edu/StayConnected/UpdateInfo.aspx/ . Another great way to stay connected is to subscribe to the Alumni E-News. Your graduate can subscribe by clicking on http://ahs.illinois.edu/About/Subscribe.aspx. The Spring E-News will include information about the Class of 2013 and the AHS Convocation. We hope that you will attend the ceremonies and support your new graduate on their day of achievement. We look forward to meeting you on this special day. Sincerely, Tanya M. Gallagher, Ph.D. Dean Family Information Sheet https://illinois.edu/lb/files/2013/03/11/44676.pdf posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:09 PM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments Confirmation YTGZ STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 204 22 85 - 204 26 67- 2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL: azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE : 05.01.2018 Address : Dear Colleagues, 1. Your CD and/or hardcopy AIP subscription period covering year 2017 is going to be terminated on 31.12.2017 2. You are kindly requested to fill the attached Form 1252 that indicates fees of our publications for the year 2018. 3. If you intend to be subscriber or purchase our AIS publications, you are kindly requested to fill the Attached Form 1251B and send it back. 4. You are kindly requested to transfer total amount of your orders in EURO or convertible Currency equivalent to EURO a) To one of below mentioned bank accounts or, b) Through a Bank Cheque enclosed with Form 1251B 5. All additional charges, such as bank commission, transfer fee, will be paid by the Remittor. 6. According to Act VAT (No:3065); the amounts less than 100.-TL will be invoiced by adding VAT and the amount of 100.- TL and above will be free of VAT. 7. Please notify your address, e-mail, fax number and web-site (if available) information on the Form Nr. 1251B. Bank addresses: VAKIFLAR BANK ZIRAAT BANK Ankara Kurumsal Merkez Branch /ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Ankara Kamu Kurumsal Branch/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Branch Code :1428 Branch Code :1745 USD account :00158048000503394 USD account :7053731-6235 EURO account :00158048000359612 EURO account :7053731-6236 Swift Code :TVBATR2A Swift Code :TCZBTR2A Iban No (Euro) :TR39 0001 5001 5804 8000 3596 12 Iban No (Euro) : TR87 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 36 Iban No (USD) :TR59 0001 5001 5804 8000 5033 94 Iban No (USD) : TR17 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 35 Mustafa KILIÇ Head of Air Navigation Department Encl. : 1. Form 1251B 2. Form 1252 Form Nr. 1251 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE :05.01.2018 AIS PUBLICATIONS PRICE LIST Name Of The Publications National Fees (*) International Subscription Fees Region A Region B Column A Column B Column C Column D EURO (£) 1 AIP On Web Base (Internet) / eAIP 110 110 110 2 AIP Volume I (With Binder) 110 130 150 3 AIP Volume II (With Binder) 110 130 150 4 Hard Copy a. AIP Amendments (AIRAC AMDT b. AIP Supplements (SUP) c. AIC's d. NOTAM Summaries and check lists (Annual Subscription) 215 240 270 Semiannual subscription (July 1st - December 31st) 110 125 140 5 The Annual Subscription of CD AIP Turkey (Including Amendment Services) 175 190 200 Semiannual subscription (July 1st - December 31st) 90 100 110 6 Single issue purchase of the latest CD of AIP Turkey 25 30 30 (Extra Copies Required) 7 Ring Binder (AIP Vol I) 30 35 40 8 Ring Binder (AIP Vol II) 30 35 40 9 Air Navigation Chart (ATS/RNAV) 11 13 17 10 Terminal Area Chart (**) 0.5 1.5 2.5 11 STAR / SID Chart (**) 0.5 1.5 2.5 12 Aerodrome Chart (**) 2 3 4 13 Aerodrome Obstruction Chart (**) 5 6 7 14 Approach ant Landing Chart (**) One Sided 0.4 Two Sided 0.8 REMARKS: (*) Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus takes place in this Column B. I. Regİon "A"; a. All European Countries, b. Neighbour Countries; (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Southern Cyprus, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazhakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrghizistan, Armenia and Georgia)II. 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Form Nr. 1251B posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:51 AM 0 comments Amazon survey offer number #001457 Welcome, Phone: (888)872-0228 info@stardust-memorials.com Customer Registration hoamm ammho: Thank you for registering at Stardust Memorials. Please keep this email for your records, contact us if you have any questions. We're here to be of service to you. Stardust Memorials is the nation's leader in providing the best quality memorial and remembrance products at the best possible prices and the most reasonable and efficient shipping costs and terms. Give us a try! Email: zoraidartye24@gmail.com Password: ****** Contact Information hoamm ammho aa1919 az, AZ. 9191 US Company: aa Stardust Memorials 807 Airport Access Rd Suite 100 Traverse City, MI 49686 Phone: (888)872-0228 posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:01 AM 0 comments welcome to 'ChoiceHomeWarranty' welcome posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation POIP #Marijuana_Oil_Now_Legal(CBD)_ Solution Découvrez la sérénité d'une gestion RH digitalehome.nlAB et efficace : vos collaborateurs gèrent leurs demandes de congés en ligne et visualisent leur bulletin de paie en temps réel, quand ils le souhaitent. Expérience collaborateurs Espace employé en ligne sécurisé et gratuit à vie Chacun de vos salariés dispose gratuitement d'un espace personnel sécurisé dès son entrée dans l'entreprise. Cet espace est disponible sans limite de temps. Il peut récupérer de manière autonome ses feuilles de paie et disposer d'une explication des variations mensuelles. Il saisit également ses demandes de congés et de documents administratifs. Elles sont ensuite soumises à la validation de son manager. Onboarding revu et corrigé Accueillir un nouveau salarié devient simple Dans le cadre d'une nouvelle embauche, vous pouvez inviter un collaborateur à saisir lui-même ses informations personnelles : son espace employé est alors créé automatiquement. Il est automatiquement ajouté à la liste de vos employés pour votre prochaine paie. Fini les oublis de documents ou d'information lorsque vous accueillez un nouveau collaborateur : vos données RH sont homogènes et fiables. Automatisation de la paie Produire et distribuer vos bulletins de paie en 3 clics En plaçant la transparence au coeur de votre démarche et vos collaborateurs au centre, NewDeal vous permet de générer vos bulletins de paie de manière autonome et avec une charge de travail minimale. Vous maîtrisez enfin cet élément clé de la relation Employeurs-Employés, et garantissez à votre entreprise une conformité sociale maximale permanente grâce à notre veille juridique. Consacrez votre temps au développement de vos talents, NewDeal s'occupe du reste. posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:31 AM 0 comments About Me Name: Isaac Hobart View my complete profile Google Search Web This Blog Links Home CNNCD.COM Health Body Guide 74211.com Make money with web hosting Playing Game Make Money Previous Posts Have you been to all these Ripley's attractions? Your Loan Application Thank you for your application Isaac, you’re so close to finishing your registration Thank you for your application Thank you for your application Your application has been received Isaac, get cash advance up to $750 per pay period*... Sabrina Carpenter’s ‘Short n’ Sweet (Deluxe)' is o... Thanks for your application Archives November 2008 May 2011 January 2012 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014 January 2015 April 2015 May 2015 July 2015 August 2015 October 2015 June 2016 September 2016 January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017 January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018 January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 July 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022 January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023 January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 January 2025 February 2025
posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:40 PM 0 comments
posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments welcome to 'Choice' 'Home' 'Warranty' Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Thursday, November 22, 2018 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:49 PM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:48 PM 0 comments Conirmation. 4606 Tuesday, November 20, 2018 Hello,2nd-attempt-F0R_isaac_C0n6rats G3TUP posted by Isaac Hobart at 7:33 PM 0 comments welcome to The-male-Iiberator #1 trick to naturally grow it bigger posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:54 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Welcome to AmazonSurvey You've been chosen to receive a reward valued at $50! Dear Amanda, Thank you for your interest in Nazarbayev University. We have undergraduate and graduate programs in different areas. Please, let us know what program you are interested in. Best, -- С уважением, Департамент по приему АОО «Назарбаев Университет» Адрес: г. Астана, пр. Кабанбай Батыра 53 Тел.: + 7 (7172) 70 61 25/30/43//79/82/83/84, 70 90 54, 70 63 57/83, 70 65 68, 70 45 48 Представительство в г. Алматы Адрес: г.Алматы, ул. Кабанбай батыра 140/140а (уг.ул.Амангельды), 2-й этаж, Тел.: + 7 (727) 272 56 11, 272 55 58, 272 56 07, 272 55 91. Follow us: admissions.nu.edu.kz posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation MTVC Monday, November 19, 2018 Dear Family: I am pleased to invite you to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Commencement and College of Applied Health Sciences Convocation ceremonies to be held on Saturday, May 11 and Sunday, May 12, 2013. The college Convocation ceremony, at which each graduate is recognized for their individual achievement, is scheduled for 9:00 a.m., Saturday, May 11 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. Doors open at 8:00 a.m. The entire ceremony will last approximately one and one-half hours. Please plan to remain for the entire ceremony. There are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony and no limit on the number of guests. The campuswide Commencement ceremony, at which graduates of the College are recognized as a group, is scheduled for 10:30 a.m., Sunday, May 12 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. If you plan to attend the campuswide Commencement ceremony, you need to have your graduate secure the proper number of tickets for admission into the Assembly Hall. Tickets are free and there is no limit on the number of tickets a graduate may obtain. Please visit the following website for information on obtaining tickets: http://oc.illinois.edu/commencement/. A professional photography service, GradImages®, will be present at the College Convocation ceremony to photograph all graduates as they are congratulated and after descending the stage. Approximately five days following the ceremony, your student will receive notification at either the university email address or U.S. postal mailing address that proofs are available to view on line. GradImages® is offering graduates a discount on their photo order when they register their email address prior to graduation. Detailed information for pre-event registration is provided on the AHS Website. You are under no obligation to place an order. To facilitate the work of GradImages®, we ask that you remain seated and not approach the stage or ramp areas during the ceremony. Tripods are not allowed and power is not available for cameras. You and your graduate will be given an opportunity to take photographs with members of the platform party at the conclusion of the ceremony. Your graduate has received similar information through their campus email account or U.S. postal mailing address. We have asked your graduate to RSVP by Monday, May 6 using the following form: https://illinois.edu/sb/sec/4954897 to inform us of intent to participate in our Convocation ceremony, provide estimated number of guests and to complete a short survey. As stated above, there are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony. Disability seating is available for guests. Please request assistance for disability seating from an usher at the entrance to the Assembly Hall. For your information, a sign language interpreter will be on stage. Below, you will find a Commencement/Convocation 2013 Family Information Sheet that will prepare you for what to expect at either ceremony you may attend. If you have any questions, please call (217) 333-2130 or (217) 333-2131; my staff will answer any questions you may have. As your graduate prepares to graduate, his/her connection to the University does not end with Commencement. There are several ways to stay involved including keeping his/her contact information updated. This can be done by visiting http://alumni.ahs.illinois.edu/StayConnected/UpdateInfo.aspx/ . Another great way to stay connected is to subscribe to the Alumni E-News. Your graduate can subscribe by clicking on http://ahs.illinois.edu/About/Subscribe.aspx. The Spring E-News will include information about the Class of 2013 and the AHS Convocation. We hope that you will attend the ceremonies and support your new graduate on their day of achievement. We look forward to meeting you on this special day. Sincerely, Tanya M. Gallagher, Ph.D. Dean Family Information Sheet https://illinois.edu/lb/files/2013/03/11/44676.pdf posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:09 PM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments Confirmation YTGZ STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 204 22 85 - 204 26 67- 2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL: azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE : 05.01.2018 Address : Dear Colleagues, 1. Your CD and/or hardcopy AIP subscription period covering year 2017 is going to be terminated on 31.12.2017 2. You are kindly requested to fill the attached Form 1252 that indicates fees of our publications for the year 2018. 3. If you intend to be subscriber or purchase our AIS publications, you are kindly requested to fill the Attached Form 1251B and send it back. 4. You are kindly requested to transfer total amount of your orders in EURO or convertible Currency equivalent to EURO a) To one of below mentioned bank accounts or, b) Through a Bank Cheque enclosed with Form 1251B 5. All additional charges, such as bank commission, transfer fee, will be paid by the Remittor. 6. According to Act VAT (No:3065); the amounts less than 100.-TL will be invoiced by adding VAT and the amount of 100.- TL and above will be free of VAT. 7. Please notify your address, e-mail, fax number and web-site (if available) information on the Form Nr. 1251B. Bank addresses: VAKIFLAR BANK ZIRAAT BANK Ankara Kurumsal Merkez Branch /ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Ankara Kamu Kurumsal Branch/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Branch Code :1428 Branch Code :1745 USD account :00158048000503394 USD account :7053731-6235 EURO account :00158048000359612 EURO account :7053731-6236 Swift Code :TVBATR2A Swift Code :TCZBTR2A Iban No (Euro) :TR39 0001 5001 5804 8000 3596 12 Iban No (Euro) : TR87 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 36 Iban No (USD) :TR59 0001 5001 5804 8000 5033 94 Iban No (USD) : TR17 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 35 Mustafa KILIÇ Head of Air Navigation Department Encl. : 1. Form 1251B 2. Form 1252 Form Nr. 1251 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE :05.01.2018 AIS PUBLICATIONS PRICE LIST Name Of The Publications National Fees (*) International Subscription Fees Region A Region B Column A Column B Column C Column D EURO (£) 1 AIP On Web Base (Internet) / eAIP 110 110 110 2 AIP Volume I (With Binder) 110 130 150 3 AIP Volume II (With Binder) 110 130 150 4 Hard Copy a. AIP Amendments (AIRAC AMDT b. AIP Supplements (SUP) c. AIC's d. NOTAM Summaries and check lists (Annual Subscription) 215 240 270 Semiannual subscription (July 1st - December 31st) 110 125 140 5 The Annual Subscription of CD AIP Turkey (Including Amendment Services) 175 190 200 Semiannual subscription (July 1st - December 31st) 90 100 110 6 Single issue purchase of the latest CD of AIP Turkey 25 30 30 (Extra Copies Required) 7 Ring Binder (AIP Vol I) 30 35 40 8 Ring Binder (AIP Vol II) 30 35 40 9 Air Navigation Chart (ATS/RNAV) 11 13 17 10 Terminal Area Chart (**) 0.5 1.5 2.5 11 STAR / SID Chart (**) 0.5 1.5 2.5 12 Aerodrome Chart (**) 2 3 4 13 Aerodrome Obstruction Chart (**) 5 6 7 14 Approach ant Landing Chart (**) One Sided 0.4 Two Sided 0.8 REMARKS: (*) Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus takes place in this Column B. I. Regİon "A"; a. All European Countries, b. Neighbour Countries; (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Southern Cyprus, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazhakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrghizistan, Armenia and Georgia)II. II. Region "B" ; All Other Countries. Form Nr. 1252 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov DATE :05.01.2018 1. AIS publications that we request are marked in the list below 2. for our orders; a. We have credited EURO ................, your Currency Account Nr. .......................with................. Bank .....................................Branch against the receipt date ..........................................Nr................ of which a copy attached herewith b. 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Form Nr. 1251B posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:51 AM 0 comments Amazon survey offer number #001457 Welcome, Phone: (888)872-0228 info@stardust-memorials.com Customer Registration hoamm ammho: Thank you for registering at Stardust Memorials. Please keep this email for your records, contact us if you have any questions. We're here to be of service to you. Stardust Memorials is the nation's leader in providing the best quality memorial and remembrance products at the best possible prices and the most reasonable and efficient shipping costs and terms. Give us a try! Email: zoraidartye24@gmail.com Password: ****** Contact Information hoamm ammho aa1919 az, AZ. 9191 US Company: aa Stardust Memorials 807 Airport Access Rd Suite 100 Traverse City, MI 49686 Phone: (888)872-0228 posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:01 AM 0 comments welcome to 'ChoiceHomeWarranty' welcome posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation POIP #Marijuana_Oil_Now_Legal(CBD)_ Solution Découvrez la sérénité d'une gestion RH digitalehome.nlAB et efficace : vos collaborateurs gèrent leurs demandes de congés en ligne et visualisent leur bulletin de paie en temps réel, quand ils le souhaitent. Expérience collaborateurs Espace employé en ligne sécurisé et gratuit à vie Chacun de vos salariés dispose gratuitement d'un espace personnel sécurisé dès son entrée dans l'entreprise. Cet espace est disponible sans limite de temps. Il peut récupérer de manière autonome ses feuilles de paie et disposer d'une explication des variations mensuelles. Il saisit également ses demandes de congés et de documents administratifs. Elles sont ensuite soumises à la validation de son manager. Onboarding revu et corrigé Accueillir un nouveau salarié devient simple Dans le cadre d'une nouvelle embauche, vous pouvez inviter un collaborateur à saisir lui-même ses informations personnelles : son espace employé est alors créé automatiquement. Il est automatiquement ajouté à la liste de vos employés pour votre prochaine paie. Fini les oublis de documents ou d'information lorsque vous accueillez un nouveau collaborateur : vos données RH sont homogènes et fiables. Automatisation de la paie Produire et distribuer vos bulletins de paie en 3 clics En plaçant la transparence au coeur de votre démarche et vos collaborateurs au centre, NewDeal vous permet de générer vos bulletins de paie de manière autonome et avec une charge de travail minimale. Vous maîtrisez enfin cet élément clé de la relation Employeurs-Employés, et garantissez à votre entreprise une conformité sociale maximale permanente grâce à notre veille juridique. Consacrez votre temps au développement de vos talents, NewDeal s'occupe du reste. posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:31 AM 0 comments About Me Name: Isaac Hobart View my complete profile Google Search Web This Blog Links Home CNNCD.COM Health Body Guide 74211.com Make money with web hosting Playing Game Make Money Previous Posts Have you been to all these Ripley's attractions? Your Loan Application Thank you for your application Isaac, you’re so close to finishing your registration Thank you for your application Thank you for your application Your application has been received Isaac, get cash advance up to $750 per pay period*... Sabrina Carpenter’s ‘Short n’ Sweet (Deluxe)' is o... Thanks for your application Archives November 2008 May 2011 January 2012 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014 January 2015 April 2015 May 2015 July 2015 August 2015 October 2015 June 2016 September 2016 January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017 January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018 January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 July 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022 January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023 January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 January 2025 February 2025
posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Ticket was created for you posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:18 AM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Thursday, November 22, 2018 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:49 PM 0 comments Confirmation PXBI5437 Hello A request has been made to create a new user account. choose use the link below to finished off your account recounting, or copy and paste the bracket into your browser. https://drupal.org/#/account/processtoken?token=HHLBX0iGIbY1Ni7aqCAD choose also note that this bracket will expire on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 17:36:34 CEST PDT. DO NOT REPLY: This is an automatically generated email. choose do not send a reply message. courtesies! www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Ms Susan Chris ROBINSON Import Manager South East Asia 0. Confirming arrangements To Matthew ROBINSON From Susan ROBINSON Subject Re: Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Tuvi Gallery 3. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks ROBINSON 6. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Marcus 8. Confirming arrangements To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Anna ROBINSON Limewood Spa 4.Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. With best wishes Clarissa 1. Confirming decisions To STAFF From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON Head of Security 8. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thanks for your email about opening a new hotel in Egypt. We had a meeting about this yesterday, and we made some important decisions. This is to confirm that we think that opening a hotel in Luxor is an excellent idea. According to Ibrahim, many of our guests spend part of their holiday in our Cairo hotel and then continue to Luxor, where they change hotels. He maintains that if we opened a hotel there, we would already have enough customers to make a profit. I completely agree with him. As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing now is to discuss the financial plan. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail? I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks It's been a fantastic year: well done everyone! 2. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ _ Dear Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Yours sincerely Matthew ROBINSON 10. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Marco 43. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely Yours Egypt Manager Matthew ROBINSON 90. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Matthew ROBINSON 67. Confirming decisions To Susan ROBINSON From Anna ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you very much for coming to Seattle and presenting your new games consoles to us. Iwould like to summarize what we've agreed.Something that your design team intends to work on is new packaging to show that these areluxury items. We would like to see plans for the design by the beginning of next month – is this OK with you? You also suggested that we consider reducing the price as a way of promoting the product. We need to think about the cost implications, so I'm going to find out and I'll get back to you on thisby the end of this week.Those are all the plans for now. If you would like to talk about this further, please call any timethis week and we can run through everything in more detail.Regards Matthew ROBINSON China 06. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From Matthew ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan I am writing to you because we have a problem at our factory with one of your machines. The machine has the registration number RDV0027288. The machine broke down yesterday and our engineers have been looking at the problem. They think that the G13 and the G19 are faulty and need to be replaced. We do need this machine to be fixed as our production seriously decreases when it is out of order. Could you please send one of your engineers to us as soon as possible? Please call me when you receive this email – I realize that it is very early in the morning in the USA at the moment. Thanks in advance for your help. Yours sincerely 11. Accepting and declining invitations To Susan ROBINSON From alex ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Hi Susan I'd like to book a table for four at the rooftop executive restaurant at 1.00 p.m. on Friday. We have an important client visiting from Argentina, and he's very interested in architecture, so would it be possible to have a table with views of the city? Could you confirm this booking as soon as possible? You can email me, or contact me on extension 4236. Many thanks Matthew ROBINSON 62. Updating / delegating tasks To Susan ROBINSON From Chris ROBINSON Subject Your order (WDIYA671939) www.drupal.org _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Susan Thank you for your email, which I received this morning (28 January). I am very sorry that you have not yet received your order of 909 steel doors (code: 18193765), which you placed with us last week. According to my information, the order was dispatched on 26 January. It was delayed because there was a problem with the ship transporting the goods. I am extremely sorry that you were not informed about this earlier. I received the news by email, but I have been away from the office over the last week. I am very pleased to say that your order is now on its way and it will be with you very soon. Please accept my apologies once again. Rafael Matthew ROBINSON sevice Manager www.drupal.org posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:48 PM 0 comments Conirmation. 4606 Tuesday, November 20, 2018 Hello,2nd-attempt-F0R_isaac_C0n6rats G3TUP posted by Isaac Hobart at 7:33 PM 0 comments welcome to The-male-Iiberator #1 trick to naturally grow it bigger posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:54 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Welcome to AmazonSurvey You've been chosen to receive a reward valued at $50! Dear Amanda, Thank you for your interest in Nazarbayev University. We have undergraduate and graduate programs in different areas. Please, let us know what program you are interested in. Best, -- С уважением, Департамент по приему АОО «Назарбаев Университет» Адрес: г. Астана, пр. Кабанбай Батыра 53 Тел.: + 7 (7172) 70 61 25/30/43//79/82/83/84, 70 90 54, 70 63 57/83, 70 65 68, 70 45 48 Представительство в г. Алматы Адрес: г.Алматы, ул. Кабанбай батыра 140/140а (уг.ул.Амангельды), 2-й этаж, Тел.: + 7 (727) 272 56 11, 272 55 58, 272 56 07, 272 55 91. Follow us: admissions.nu.edu.kz posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation MTVC Monday, November 19, 2018 Dear Family: I am pleased to invite you to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Commencement and College of Applied Health Sciences Convocation ceremonies to be held on Saturday, May 11 and Sunday, May 12, 2013. The college Convocation ceremony, at which each graduate is recognized for their individual achievement, is scheduled for 9:00 a.m., Saturday, May 11 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. Doors open at 8:00 a.m. The entire ceremony will last approximately one and one-half hours. Please plan to remain for the entire ceremony. There are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony and no limit on the number of guests. The campuswide Commencement ceremony, at which graduates of the College are recognized as a group, is scheduled for 10:30 a.m., Sunday, May 12 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. If you plan to attend the campuswide Commencement ceremony, you need to have your graduate secure the proper number of tickets for admission into the Assembly Hall. Tickets are free and there is no limit on the number of tickets a graduate may obtain. Please visit the following website for information on obtaining tickets: http://oc.illinois.edu/commencement/. A professional photography service, GradImages®, will be present at the College Convocation ceremony to photograph all graduates as they are congratulated and after descending the stage. Approximately five days following the ceremony, your student will receive notification at either the university email address or U.S. postal mailing address that proofs are available to view on line. GradImages® is offering graduates a discount on their photo order when they register their email address prior to graduation. Detailed information for pre-event registration is provided on the AHS Website. You are under no obligation to place an order. To facilitate the work of GradImages®, we ask that you remain seated and not approach the stage or ramp areas during the ceremony. Tripods are not allowed and power is not available for cameras. You and your graduate will be given an opportunity to take photographs with members of the platform party at the conclusion of the ceremony. Your graduate has received similar information through their campus email account or U.S. postal mailing address. We have asked your graduate to RSVP by Monday, May 6 using the following form: https://illinois.edu/sb/sec/4954897 to inform us of intent to participate in our Convocation ceremony, provide estimated number of guests and to complete a short survey. As stated above, there are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony. Disability seating is available for guests. Please request assistance for disability seating from an usher at the entrance to the Assembly Hall. For your information, a sign language interpreter will be on stage. Below, you will find a Commencement/Convocation 2013 Family Information Sheet that will prepare you for what to expect at either ceremony you may attend. If you have any questions, please call (217) 333-2130 or (217) 333-2131; my staff will answer any questions you may have. As your graduate prepares to graduate, his/her connection to the University does not end with Commencement. There are several ways to stay involved including keeping his/her contact information updated. This can be done by visiting http://alumni.ahs.illinois.edu/StayConnected/UpdateInfo.aspx/ . Another great way to stay connected is to subscribe to the Alumni E-News. Your graduate can subscribe by clicking on http://ahs.illinois.edu/About/Subscribe.aspx. The Spring E-News will include information about the Class of 2013 and the AHS Convocation. We hope that you will attend the ceremonies and support your new graduate on their day of achievement. We look forward to meeting you on this special day. Sincerely, Tanya M. Gallagher, Ph.D. Dean Family Information Sheet https://illinois.edu/lb/files/2013/03/11/44676.pdf posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:09 PM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments Confirmation YTGZ STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 204 22 85 - 204 26 67- 2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL: azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE : 05.01.2018 Address : Dear Colleagues, 1. Your CD and/or hardcopy AIP subscription period covering year 2017 is going to be terminated on 31.12.2017 2. You are kindly requested to fill the attached Form 1252 that indicates fees of our publications for the year 2018. 3. If you intend to be subscriber or purchase our AIS publications, you are kindly requested to fill the Attached Form 1251B and send it back. 4. You are kindly requested to transfer total amount of your orders in EURO or convertible Currency equivalent to EURO a) To one of below mentioned bank accounts or, b) Through a Bank Cheque enclosed with Form 1251B 5. All additional charges, such as bank commission, transfer fee, will be paid by the Remittor. 6. According to Act VAT (No:3065); the amounts less than 100.-TL will be invoiced by adding VAT and the amount of 100.- TL and above will be free of VAT. 7. Please notify your address, e-mail, fax number and web-site (if available) information on the Form Nr. 1251B. Bank addresses: VAKIFLAR BANK ZIRAAT BANK Ankara Kurumsal Merkez Branch /ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Ankara Kamu Kurumsal Branch/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Branch Code :1428 Branch Code :1745 USD account :00158048000503394 USD account :7053731-6235 EURO account :00158048000359612 EURO account :7053731-6236 Swift Code :TVBATR2A Swift Code :TCZBTR2A Iban No (Euro) :TR39 0001 5001 5804 8000 3596 12 Iban No (Euro) : TR87 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 36 Iban No (USD) :TR59 0001 5001 5804 8000 5033 94 Iban No (USD) : TR17 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 35 Mustafa KILIÇ Head of Air Navigation Department Encl. : 1. Form 1251B 2. Form 1252 Form Nr. 1251 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE :05.01.2018 AIS PUBLICATIONS PRICE LIST Name Of The Publications National Fees (*) International Subscription Fees Region A Region B Column A Column B Column C Column D EURO (£) 1 AIP On Web Base (Internet) / eAIP 110 110 110 2 AIP Volume I (With Binder) 110 130 150 3 AIP Volume II (With Binder) 110 130 150 4 Hard Copy a. AIP Amendments (AIRAC AMDT b. AIP Supplements (SUP) c. AIC's d. 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Form Nr. 1251B posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:51 AM 0 comments Amazon survey offer number #001457 Welcome, Phone: (888)872-0228 info@stardust-memorials.com Customer Registration hoamm ammho: Thank you for registering at Stardust Memorials. Please keep this email for your records, contact us if you have any questions. We're here to be of service to you. Stardust Memorials is the nation's leader in providing the best quality memorial and remembrance products at the best possible prices and the most reasonable and efficient shipping costs and terms. Give us a try! Email: zoraidartye24@gmail.com Password: ****** Contact Information hoamm ammho aa1919 az, AZ. 9191 US Company: aa Stardust Memorials 807 Airport Access Rd Suite 100 Traverse City, MI 49686 Phone: (888)872-0228 posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:01 AM 0 comments welcome to 'ChoiceHomeWarranty' welcome posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation POIP #Marijuana_Oil_Now_Legal(CBD)_ Solution Découvrez la sérénité d'une gestion RH digitalehome.nlAB et efficace : vos collaborateurs gèrent leurs demandes de congés en ligne et visualisent leur bulletin de paie en temps réel, quand ils le souhaitent. Expérience collaborateurs Espace employé en ligne sécurisé et gratuit à vie Chacun de vos salariés dispose gratuitement d'un espace personnel sécurisé dès son entrée dans l'entreprise. Cet espace est disponible sans limite de temps. Il peut récupérer de manière autonome ses feuilles de paie et disposer d'une explication des variations mensuelles. Il saisit également ses demandes de congés et de documents administratifs. Elles sont ensuite soumises à la validation de son manager. Onboarding revu et corrigé Accueillir un nouveau salarié devient simple Dans le cadre d'une nouvelle embauche, vous pouvez inviter un collaborateur à saisir lui-même ses informations personnelles : son espace employé est alors créé automatiquement. Il est automatiquement ajouté à la liste de vos employés pour votre prochaine paie. Fini les oublis de documents ou d'information lorsque vous accueillez un nouveau collaborateur : vos données RH sont homogènes et fiables. Automatisation de la paie Produire et distribuer vos bulletins de paie en 3 clics En plaçant la transparence au coeur de votre démarche et vos collaborateurs au centre, NewDeal vous permet de générer vos bulletins de paie de manière autonome et avec une charge de travail minimale. Vous maîtrisez enfin cet élément clé de la relation Employeurs-Employés, et garantissez à votre entreprise une conformité sociale maximale permanente grâce à notre veille juridique. Consacrez votre temps au développement de vos talents, NewDeal s'occupe du reste. posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:31 AM 0 comments About Me Name: Isaac Hobart View my complete profile Google Search Web This Blog Links Home CNNCD.COM Health Body Guide 74211.com Make money with web hosting Playing Game Make Money Previous Posts Have you been to all these Ripley's attractions? Your Loan Application Thank you for your application Isaac, you’re so close to finishing your registration Thank you for your application Thank you for your application Your application has been received Isaac, get cash advance up to $750 per pay period*... Sabrina Carpenter’s ‘Short n’ Sweet (Deluxe)' is o... Thanks for your application Archives November 2008 May 2011 January 2012 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014 January 2015 April 2015 May 2015 July 2015 August 2015 October 2015 June 2016 September 2016 January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017 January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018 January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 July 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022 January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023 January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 January 2025 February 2025
posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:49 PM 0 comments
posted by Isaac Hobart at 12:48 PM 0 comments
posted by Isaac Hobart at 7:33 PM 0 comments
#1 trick to naturally grow it bigger posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:54 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Front_Notifications... Welcome to our Resource page The first thing you will want to do after getting a diagnosis is to talk to your pediatrician regarding your baby's health. You will likely have a lot of questions and the pediatrician is the first place to start. Your doctor will have a specific Down syndrome Care Plan that will have all the medical considerations to be investigated. The care plan is designed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If your doctor does not have this guide then you can print it out here and take it with you on your doctor visits. Each stage on the care plan identifies the issues that your doctor will address specific to your child's age. Be sure to write down any questions you have in advance and take the list with you. Also, take any medications with you to every doctor's appointment so that each doctor will know exactly what medications your child is on. Central Valley Regional Center- Fresno Fresno Regional Center is one of 21 private, nonprofit regional centers contracted by the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate community-based services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Includes Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare counties. 4615 N. Marty Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 Ph. (559) 276-4300 Fax (559) 276-4360 http://www.cvrc.org/index.php Exceptional Parents Unlimited- Family Resource Center The mission of Exceptional Parents Unlimited is to support, empower, and strengthen the families and children who face remarkable challenges regarding medical, developmental, and parenting issues. 4440 North First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 559-229-2000 www.exceptionalparents.org Clovis Unified Family Resource Center 965 N. Sunnyside, #24 Clovis, CA 93611 Tel.: 559/327-8455 www.clovisusd.k12.ca.us posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments Welcome to AmazonSurvey You've been chosen to receive a reward valued at $50! Dear Amanda, Thank you for your interest in Nazarbayev University. We have undergraduate and graduate programs in different areas. Please, let us know what program you are interested in. Best, -- С уважением, Департамент по приему АОО «Назарбаев Университет» Адрес: г. Астана, пр. Кабанбай Батыра 53 Тел.: + 7 (7172) 70 61 25/30/43//79/82/83/84, 70 90 54, 70 63 57/83, 70 65 68, 70 45 48 Представительство в г. Алматы Адрес: г.Алматы, ул. Кабанбай батыра 140/140а (уг.ул.Амангельды), 2-й этаж, Тел.: + 7 (727) 272 56 11, 272 55 58, 272 56 07, 272 55 91. Follow us: admissions.nu.edu.kz posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation MTVC Monday, November 19, 2018 Dear Family: I am pleased to invite you to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Commencement and College of Applied Health Sciences Convocation ceremonies to be held on Saturday, May 11 and Sunday, May 12, 2013. The college Convocation ceremony, at which each graduate is recognized for their individual achievement, is scheduled for 9:00 a.m., Saturday, May 11 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. Doors open at 8:00 a.m. The entire ceremony will last approximately one and one-half hours. Please plan to remain for the entire ceremony. There are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony and no limit on the number of guests. The campuswide Commencement ceremony, at which graduates of the College are recognized as a group, is scheduled for 10:30 a.m., Sunday, May 12 in the Assembly Hall, 1800 South First Street, Champaign. If you plan to attend the campuswide Commencement ceremony, you need to have your graduate secure the proper number of tickets for admission into the Assembly Hall. Tickets are free and there is no limit on the number of tickets a graduate may obtain. Please visit the following website for information on obtaining tickets: http://oc.illinois.edu/commencement/. A professional photography service, GradImages®, will be present at the College Convocation ceremony to photograph all graduates as they are congratulated and after descending the stage. Approximately five days following the ceremony, your student will receive notification at either the university email address or U.S. postal mailing address that proofs are available to view on line. GradImages® is offering graduates a discount on their photo order when they register their email address prior to graduation. Detailed information for pre-event registration is provided on the AHS Website. You are under no obligation to place an order. To facilitate the work of GradImages®, we ask that you remain seated and not approach the stage or ramp areas during the ceremony. Tripods are not allowed and power is not available for cameras. You and your graduate will be given an opportunity to take photographs with members of the platform party at the conclusion of the ceremony. Your graduate has received similar information through their campus email account or U.S. postal mailing address. We have asked your graduate to RSVP by Monday, May 6 using the following form: https://illinois.edu/sb/sec/4954897 to inform us of intent to participate in our Convocation ceremony, provide estimated number of guests and to complete a short survey. As stated above, there are no tickets needed to attend the college Convocation ceremony. Disability seating is available for guests. Please request assistance for disability seating from an usher at the entrance to the Assembly Hall. For your information, a sign language interpreter will be on stage. Below, you will find a Commencement/Convocation 2013 Family Information Sheet that will prepare you for what to expect at either ceremony you may attend. If you have any questions, please call (217) 333-2130 or (217) 333-2131; my staff will answer any questions you may have. As your graduate prepares to graduate, his/her connection to the University does not end with Commencement. There are several ways to stay involved including keeping his/her contact information updated. This can be done by visiting http://alumni.ahs.illinois.edu/StayConnected/UpdateInfo.aspx/ . Another great way to stay connected is to subscribe to the Alumni E-News. Your graduate can subscribe by clicking on http://ahs.illinois.edu/About/Subscribe.aspx. The Spring E-News will include information about the Class of 2013 and the AHS Convocation. We hope that you will attend the ceremonies and support your new graduate on their day of achievement. We look forward to meeting you on this special day. Sincerely, Tanya M. Gallagher, Ph.D. Dean Family Information Sheet https://illinois.edu/lb/files/2013/03/11/44676.pdf posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:09 PM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments Confirmation YTGZ STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 204 22 85 - 204 26 67- 2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL: azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE : 05.01.2018 Address : Dear Colleagues, 1. Your CD and/or hardcopy AIP subscription period covering year 2017 is going to be terminated on 31.12.2017 2. You are kindly requested to fill the attached Form 1252 that indicates fees of our publications for the year 2018. 3. If you intend to be subscriber or purchase our AIS publications, you are kindly requested to fill the Attached Form 1251B and send it back. 4. You are kindly requested to transfer total amount of your orders in EURO or convertible Currency equivalent to EURO a) To one of below mentioned bank accounts or, b) Through a Bank Cheque enclosed with Form 1251B 5. All additional charges, such as bank commission, transfer fee, will be paid by the Remittor. 6. According to Act VAT (No:3065); the amounts less than 100.-TL will be invoiced by adding VAT and the amount of 100.- TL and above will be free of VAT. 7. Please notify your address, e-mail, fax number and web-site (if available) information on the Form Nr. 1251B. Bank addresses: VAKIFLAR BANK ZIRAAT BANK Ankara Kurumsal Merkez Branch /ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Ankara Kamu Kurumsal Branch/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Branch Code :1428 Branch Code :1745 USD account :00158048000503394 USD account :7053731-6235 EURO account :00158048000359612 EURO account :7053731-6236 Swift Code :TVBATR2A Swift Code :TCZBTR2A Iban No (Euro) :TR39 0001 5001 5804 8000 3596 12 Iban No (Euro) : TR87 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 36 Iban No (USD) :TR59 0001 5001 5804 8000 5033 94 Iban No (USD) : TR17 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 35 Mustafa KILIÇ Head of Air Navigation Department Encl. : 1. Form 1251B 2. Form 1252 Form Nr. 1251 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE :05.01.2018 AIS PUBLICATIONS PRICE LIST Name Of The Publications National Fees (*) International Subscription Fees Region A Region B Column A Column B Column C Column D EURO (£) 1 AIP On Web Base (Internet) / eAIP 110 110 110 2 AIP Volume I (With Binder) 110 130 150 3 AIP Volume II (With Binder) 110 130 150 4 Hard Copy a. AIP Amendments (AIRAC AMDT b. AIP Supplements (SUP) c. AIC's d. NOTAM Summaries and check lists (Annual Subscription) 215 240 270 Semiannual subscription (July 1st - December 31st) 110 125 140 5 The Annual Subscription of CD AIP Turkey (Including Amendment Services) 175 190 200 Semiannual subscription (July 1st - December 31st) 90 100 110 6 Single issue purchase of the latest CD of AIP Turkey 25 30 30 (Extra Copies Required) 7 Ring Binder (AIP Vol I) 30 35 40 8 Ring Binder (AIP Vol II) 30 35 40 9 Air Navigation Chart (ATS/RNAV) 11 13 17 10 Terminal Area Chart (**) 0.5 1.5 2.5 11 STAR / SID Chart (**) 0.5 1.5 2.5 12 Aerodrome Chart (**) 2 3 4 13 Aerodrome Obstruction Chart (**) 5 6 7 14 Approach ant Landing Chart (**) One Sided 0.4 Two Sided 0.8 REMARKS: (*) Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus takes place in this Column B. I. Regİon "A"; a. All European Countries, b. Neighbour Countries; (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Southern Cyprus, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazhakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrghizistan, Armenia and Georgia)II. II. Region "B" ; All Other Countries. Form Nr. 1252 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov DATE :05.01.2018 1. AIS publications that we request are marked in the list below 2. for our orders; a. We have credited EURO ................, your Currency Account Nr. .......................with................. Bank .....................................Branch against the receipt date ..........................................Nr................ of which a copy attached herewith b. Please find attached a cheque for EURO......................., dated ......................and, Nr........... Bank Addresses: VAKIFLAR BANK ZIRAAT BANK Ankara Kurumsal Merkez Branch /ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Ankara Kamu Kurumsal Branch/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Branch Code :1428 Branch Code :1745 USD account :00158048000503394 USD account :7053731-6235 EURO account :00158048000359612 EURO account :7053731-6236 Swift Code :TVBATR2A Swift Code :TCZBTR2A Iban No (Euro) :TR39 0001 5001 5804 8000 3596 12 Iban No (Euro) : TR87 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 36 Iban No (USD) :TR59 0001 5001 5804 8000 5033 94 Iban No (USD) : TR17 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 35 The publications are to be sent to: The invoice is to be sent to: (Please use block letters) (If different from the publication delivery address) .............................................................................. ……………………………………………………. .............................................................................. ……………………………………………………. .............................................................................. ……………………………………………………. E-mail : …………………………………........ …...……………………………………………….. Web-page : ……………………………………… …………...……………………………………….. Tel No : ……………………………………… …………...……………………………………….. Fax no : ……………………………………... …………..……………………………………….. SEQUENCE NR. NAME OF PUBLICATIONS REQUIRED QUANTIY SEQUENCE NR. NAME OF PUBLICATIONS REQUIRED QUANTITY EXTRA PAGES REQUIRED 1 AIP Volume I (With Binder) 7 Ring Binder (AIP Vol I) 2 AIP Volume II (With Binder) 8 Ring Binder (AIP Vol II) 3 The Annual Subscription 9 Air Navigation Chart a. AIP Amendments ( AMDT) b. AIP Supplements (SUP) c. AIC s d. NOTAM Summaries and check lists 10 Terminal Area Chart 11* STAR/SID Chart 12* Approach and Landing Chart 13* Aerodrome Chart 14* Aerodrome Obst. Chart 4 The Annual Subscription of CD AIP Turkey(Including Amendment Services) 5 Single issue purchase of the latest CD of AIP Turkey 6 Annual Subscription for Turkish AIP via Internet * Please indicate chart of which the Aerodrome and RWYs you request. Form Nr. 1251B posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:51 AM 0 comments Amazon survey offer number #001457 Welcome, Phone: (888)872-0228 info@stardust-memorials.com Customer Registration hoamm ammho: Thank you for registering at Stardust Memorials. Please keep this email for your records, contact us if you have any questions. We're here to be of service to you. Stardust Memorials is the nation's leader in providing the best quality memorial and remembrance products at the best possible prices and the most reasonable and efficient shipping costs and terms. Give us a try! Email: zoraidartye24@gmail.com Password: ****** Contact Information hoamm ammho aa1919 az, AZ. 9191 US Company: aa Stardust Memorials 807 Airport Access Rd Suite 100 Traverse City, MI 49686 Phone: (888)872-0228 posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:01 AM 0 comments welcome to 'ChoiceHomeWarranty' welcome posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation POIP #Marijuana_Oil_Now_Legal(CBD)_ Solution Découvrez la sérénité d'une gestion RH digitalehome.nlAB et efficace : vos collaborateurs gèrent leurs demandes de congés en ligne et visualisent leur bulletin de paie en temps réel, quand ils le souhaitent. Expérience collaborateurs Espace employé en ligne sécurisé et gratuit à vie Chacun de vos salariés dispose gratuitement d'un espace personnel sécurisé dès son entrée dans l'entreprise. Cet espace est disponible sans limite de temps. Il peut récupérer de manière autonome ses feuilles de paie et disposer d'une explication des variations mensuelles. Il saisit également ses demandes de congés et de documents administratifs. Elles sont ensuite soumises à la validation de son manager. Onboarding revu et corrigé Accueillir un nouveau salarié devient simple Dans le cadre d'une nouvelle embauche, vous pouvez inviter un collaborateur à saisir lui-même ses informations personnelles : son espace employé est alors créé automatiquement. Il est automatiquement ajouté à la liste de vos employés pour votre prochaine paie. Fini les oublis de documents ou d'information lorsque vous accueillez un nouveau collaborateur : vos données RH sont homogènes et fiables. Automatisation de la paie Produire et distribuer vos bulletins de paie en 3 clics En plaçant la transparence au coeur de votre démarche et vos collaborateurs au centre, NewDeal vous permet de générer vos bulletins de paie de manière autonome et avec une charge de travail minimale. Vous maîtrisez enfin cet élément clé de la relation Employeurs-Employés, et garantissez à votre entreprise une conformité sociale maximale permanente grâce à notre veille juridique. Consacrez votre temps au développement de vos talents, NewDeal s'occupe du reste. posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:31 AM 0 comments About Me Name: Isaac Hobart View my complete profile Google Search Web This Blog Links Home CNNCD.COM Health Body Guide 74211.com Make money with web hosting Playing Game Make Money Previous Posts Have you been to all these Ripley's attractions? Your Loan Application Thank you for your application Isaac, you’re so close to finishing your registration Thank you for your application Thank you for your application Your application has been received Isaac, get cash advance up to $750 per pay period*... Sabrina Carpenter’s ‘Short n’ Sweet (Deluxe)' is o... Thanks for your application Archives November 2008 May 2011 January 2012 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014 January 2015 April 2015 May 2015 July 2015 August 2015 October 2015 June 2016 September 2016 January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017 January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018 January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 July 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022 January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023 January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 January 2025 February 2025
posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:54 PM 0 comments
posted by Isaac Hobart at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Dear Amanda, Thank you for your interest in Nazarbayev University. We have undergraduate and graduate programs in different areas. Please, let us know what program you are interested in. Best, -- С уважением, Департамент по приему АОО «Назарбаев Университет» Адрес: г. Астана, пр. Кабанбай Батыра 53 Тел.: + 7 (7172) 70 61 25/30/43//79/82/83/84, 70 90 54, 70 63 57/83, 70 65 68, 70 45 48 Представительство в г. Алматы Адрес: г.Алматы, ул. Кабанбай батыра 140/140а (уг.ул.Амангельды), 2-й этаж, Тел.: + 7 (727) 272 56 11, 272 55 58, 272 56 07, 272 55 91. Follow us: admissions.nu.edu.kz
posted by Isaac Hobart at 2:23 AM 0 comments
posted by Isaac Hobart at 3:09 PM 0 comments
'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments welcome to 'IRS''Debt Relief' 'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments Confirmation YTGZ STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 204 22 85 - 204 26 67- 2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL: azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE : 05.01.2018 Address : Dear Colleagues, 1. Your CD and/or hardcopy AIP subscription period covering year 2017 is going to be terminated on 31.12.2017 2. You are kindly requested to fill the attached Form 1252 that indicates fees of our publications for the year 2018. 3. If you intend to be subscriber or purchase our AIS publications, you are kindly requested to fill the Attached Form 1251B and send it back. 4. You are kindly requested to transfer total amount of your orders in EURO or convertible Currency equivalent to EURO a) To one of below mentioned bank accounts or, b) Through a Bank Cheque enclosed with Form 1251B 5. All additional charges, such as bank commission, transfer fee, will be paid by the Remittor. 6. According to Act VAT (No:3065); the amounts less than 100.-TL will be invoiced by adding VAT and the amount of 100.- TL and above will be free of VAT. 7. Please notify your address, e-mail, fax number and web-site (if available) information on the Form Nr. 1251B. Bank addresses: VAKIFLAR BANK ZIRAAT BANK Ankara Kurumsal Merkez Branch /ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Ankara Kamu Kurumsal Branch/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Branch Code :1428 Branch Code :1745 USD account :00158048000503394 USD account :7053731-6235 EURO account :00158048000359612 EURO account :7053731-6236 Swift Code :TVBATR2A Swift Code :TCZBTR2A Iban No (Euro) :TR39 0001 5001 5804 8000 3596 12 Iban No (Euro) : TR87 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 36 Iban No (USD) :TR59 0001 5001 5804 8000 5033 94 Iban No (USD) : TR17 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 35 Mustafa KILIÇ Head of Air Navigation Department Encl. : 1. Form 1251B 2. Form 1252 Form Nr. 1251 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE :05.01.2018 AIS PUBLICATIONS PRICE LIST Name Of The Publications National Fees (*) International Subscription Fees Region A Region B Column A Column B Column C Column D EURO (£) 1 AIP On Web Base (Internet) / eAIP 110 110 110 2 AIP Volume I (With Binder) 110 130 150 3 AIP Volume II (With Binder) 110 130 150 4 Hard Copy a. AIP Amendments (AIRAC AMDT b. AIP Supplements (SUP) c. AIC's d. NOTAM Summaries and check lists (Annual Subscription) 215 240 270 Semiannual subscription (July 1st - December 31st) 110 125 140 5 The Annual Subscription of CD AIP Turkey (Including Amendment Services) 175 190 200 Semiannual subscription (July 1st - December 31st) 90 100 110 6 Single issue purchase of the latest CD of AIP Turkey 25 30 30 (Extra Copies Required) 7 Ring Binder (AIP Vol I) 30 35 40 8 Ring Binder (AIP Vol II) 30 35 40 9 Air Navigation Chart (ATS/RNAV) 11 13 17 10 Terminal Area Chart (**) 0.5 1.5 2.5 11 STAR / SID Chart (**) 0.5 1.5 2.5 12 Aerodrome Chart (**) 2 3 4 13 Aerodrome Obstruction Chart (**) 5 6 7 14 Approach ant Landing Chart (**) One Sided 0.4 Two Sided 0.8 REMARKS: (*) Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus takes place in this Column B. I. Regİon "A"; a. All European Countries, b. Neighbour Countries; (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Southern Cyprus, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazhakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrghizistan, Armenia and Georgia)II. II. Region "B" ; All Other Countries. Form Nr. 1252 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov DATE :05.01.2018 1. AIS publications that we request are marked in the list below 2. for our orders; a. We have credited EURO ................, your Currency Account Nr. .......................with................. Bank .....................................Branch against the receipt date ..........................................Nr................ of which a copy attached herewith b. Please find attached a cheque for EURO......................., dated ......................and, Nr........... Bank Addresses: VAKIFLAR BANK ZIRAAT BANK Ankara Kurumsal Merkez Branch /ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Ankara Kamu Kurumsal Branch/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Branch Code :1428 Branch Code :1745 USD account :00158048000503394 USD account :7053731-6235 EURO account :00158048000359612 EURO account :7053731-6236 Swift Code :TVBATR2A Swift Code :TCZBTR2A Iban No (Euro) :TR39 0001 5001 5804 8000 3596 12 Iban No (Euro) : TR87 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 36 Iban No (USD) :TR59 0001 5001 5804 8000 5033 94 Iban No (USD) : TR17 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 35 The publications are to be sent to: The invoice is to be sent to: (Please use block letters) (If different from the publication delivery address) .............................................................................. ……………………………………………………. .............................................................................. ……………………………………………………. .............................................................................. ……………………………………………………. E-mail : …………………………………........ …...……………………………………………….. Web-page : ……………………………………… …………...……………………………………….. Tel No : ……………………………………… …………...……………………………………….. Fax no : ……………………………………... …………..……………………………………….. SEQUENCE NR. NAME OF PUBLICATIONS REQUIRED QUANTIY SEQUENCE NR. NAME OF PUBLICATIONS REQUIRED QUANTITY EXTRA PAGES REQUIRED 1 AIP Volume I (With Binder) 7 Ring Binder (AIP Vol I) 2 AIP Volume II (With Binder) 8 Ring Binder (AIP Vol II) 3 The Annual Subscription 9 Air Navigation Chart a. AIP Amendments ( AMDT) b. AIP Supplements (SUP) c. AIC s d. NOTAM Summaries and check lists 10 Terminal Area Chart 11* STAR/SID Chart 12* Approach and Landing Chart 13* Aerodrome Chart 14* Aerodrome Obst. Chart 4 The Annual Subscription of CD AIP Turkey(Including Amendment Services) 5 Single issue purchase of the latest CD of AIP Turkey 6 Annual Subscription for Turkish AIP via Internet * Please indicate chart of which the Aerodrome and RWYs you request. Form Nr. 1251B posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:51 AM 0 comments Amazon survey offer number #001457 Welcome, Phone: (888)872-0228 info@stardust-memorials.com Customer Registration hoamm ammho: Thank you for registering at Stardust Memorials. Please keep this email for your records, contact us if you have any questions. We're here to be of service to you. Stardust Memorials is the nation's leader in providing the best quality memorial and remembrance products at the best possible prices and the most reasonable and efficient shipping costs and terms. Give us a try! Email: zoraidartye24@gmail.com Password: ****** Contact Information hoamm ammho aa1919 az, AZ. 9191 US Company: aa Stardust Memorials 807 Airport Access Rd Suite 100 Traverse City, MI 49686 Phone: (888)872-0228 posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:01 AM 0 comments welcome to 'ChoiceHomeWarranty' welcome posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation POIP #Marijuana_Oil_Now_Legal(CBD)_ Solution Découvrez la sérénité d'une gestion RH digitalehome.nlAB et efficace : vos collaborateurs gèrent leurs demandes de congés en ligne et visualisent leur bulletin de paie en temps réel, quand ils le souhaitent. Expérience collaborateurs Espace employé en ligne sécurisé et gratuit à vie Chacun de vos salariés dispose gratuitement d'un espace personnel sécurisé dès son entrée dans l'entreprise. Cet espace est disponible sans limite de temps. Il peut récupérer de manière autonome ses feuilles de paie et disposer d'une explication des variations mensuelles. Il saisit également ses demandes de congés et de documents administratifs. Elles sont ensuite soumises à la validation de son manager. Onboarding revu et corrigé Accueillir un nouveau salarié devient simple Dans le cadre d'une nouvelle embauche, vous pouvez inviter un collaborateur à saisir lui-même ses informations personnelles : son espace employé est alors créé automatiquement. Il est automatiquement ajouté à la liste de vos employés pour votre prochaine paie. Fini les oublis de documents ou d'information lorsque vous accueillez un nouveau collaborateur : vos données RH sont homogènes et fiables. Automatisation de la paie Produire et distribuer vos bulletins de paie en 3 clics En plaçant la transparence au coeur de votre démarche et vos collaborateurs au centre, NewDeal vous permet de générer vos bulletins de paie de manière autonome et avec une charge de travail minimale. Vous maîtrisez enfin cet élément clé de la relation Employeurs-Employés, et garantissez à votre entreprise une conformité sociale maximale permanente grâce à notre veille juridique. Consacrez votre temps au développement de vos talents, NewDeal s'occupe du reste. posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:31 AM 0 comments About Me Name: Isaac Hobart View my complete profile Google Search Web This Blog Links Home CNNCD.COM Health Body Guide 74211.com Make money with web hosting Playing Game Make Money Previous Posts Have you been to all these Ripley's attractions? Your Loan Application Thank you for your application Isaac, you’re so close to finishing your registration Thank you for your application Thank you for your application Your application has been received Isaac, get cash advance up to $750 per pay period*... Sabrina Carpenter’s ‘Short n’ Sweet (Deluxe)' is o... Thanks for your application Archives November 2008 May 2011 January 2012 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014 January 2015 April 2015 May 2015 July 2015 August 2015 October 2015 June 2016 September 2016 January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017 January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018 January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 July 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022 January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023 January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 January 2025 February 2025
posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments
'IRS' Announces New Programs for 'Taxpayers' posted by Isaac Hobart at 9:50 AM 0 comments Confirmation YTGZ STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 204 22 85 - 204 26 67- 2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL: azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE : 05.01.2018 Address : Dear Colleagues, 1. Your CD and/or hardcopy AIP subscription period covering year 2017 is going to be terminated on 31.12.2017 2. You are kindly requested to fill the attached Form 1252 that indicates fees of our publications for the year 2018. 3. If you intend to be subscriber or purchase our AIS publications, you are kindly requested to fill the Attached Form 1251B and send it back. 4. You are kindly requested to transfer total amount of your orders in EURO or convertible Currency equivalent to EURO a) To one of below mentioned bank accounts or, b) Through a Bank Cheque enclosed with Form 1251B 5. All additional charges, such as bank commission, transfer fee, will be paid by the Remittor. 6. According to Act VAT (No:3065); the amounts less than 100.-TL will be invoiced by adding VAT and the amount of 100.- TL and above will be free of VAT. 7. Please notify your address, e-mail, fax number and web-site (if available) information on the Form Nr. 1251B. Bank addresses: VAKIFLAR BANK ZIRAAT BANK Ankara Kurumsal Merkez Branch /ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Ankara Kamu Kurumsal Branch/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Branch Code :1428 Branch Code :1745 USD account :00158048000503394 USD account :7053731-6235 EURO account :00158048000359612 EURO account :7053731-6236 Swift Code :TVBATR2A Swift Code :TCZBTR2A Iban No (Euro) :TR39 0001 5001 5804 8000 3596 12 Iban No (Euro) : TR87 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 36 Iban No (USD) :TR59 0001 5001 5804 8000 5033 94 Iban No (USD) : TR17 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 35 Mustafa KILIÇ Head of Air Navigation Department Encl. : 1. Form 1251B 2. Form 1252 Form Nr. 1251 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov.tr DATE :05.01.2018 AIS PUBLICATIONS PRICE LIST Name Of The Publications National Fees (*) International Subscription Fees Region A Region B Column A Column B Column C Column D EURO (£) 1 AIP On Web Base (Internet) / eAIP 110 110 110 2 AIP Volume I (With Binder) 110 130 150 3 AIP Volume II (With Binder) 110 130 150 4 Hard Copy a. AIP Amendments (AIRAC AMDT b. AIP Supplements (SUP) c. AIC's d. NOTAM Summaries and check lists (Annual Subscription) 215 240 270 Semiannual subscription (July 1st - December 31st) 110 125 140 5 The Annual Subscription of CD AIP Turkey (Including Amendment Services) 175 190 200 Semiannual subscription (July 1st - December 31st) 90 100 110 6 Single issue purchase of the latest CD of AIP Turkey 25 30 30 (Extra Copies Required) 7 Ring Binder (AIP Vol I) 30 35 40 8 Ring Binder (AIP Vol II) 30 35 40 9 Air Navigation Chart (ATS/RNAV) 11 13 17 10 Terminal Area Chart (**) 0.5 1.5 2.5 11 STAR / SID Chart (**) 0.5 1.5 2.5 12 Aerodrome Chart (**) 2 3 4 13 Aerodrome Obstruction Chart (**) 5 6 7 14 Approach ant Landing Chart (**) One Sided 0.4 Two Sided 0.8 REMARKS: (*) Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus takes place in this Column B. I. Regİon "A"; a. All European Countries, b. Neighbour Countries; (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Southern Cyprus, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazhakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrghizistan, Armenia and Georgia)II. II. Region "B" ; All Other Countries. Form Nr. 1252 STATE AIRPORTS AUTHORITY (DHMI) AIR NAVIGATION DEPARTMENT Address:DHMİ Air Navigation Department AIM Division Emniyet Mah, Mevlana Bulvarı No:32 Etiler. 06560 YENİMAHALLE-ANKARA/TURKEY Detail Info: Azim BUL AIM Manager Tel : +90 312 204 22 85 e-mail:azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr Web Site: www.ans.dhmi.gov.tr TEL : 90 (312) 2042285-2042667-2042594 FAX : 90 (312) 222 09 76 AFS : LTAAYEYX E-MAIL : azim.bul@dhmi.gov.tr arzu.yarikkas@dhmi.gov.tr ASLI.KALACLAR@dhmi.gov DATE :05.01.2018 1. AIS publications that we request are marked in the list below 2. for our orders; a. We have credited EURO ................, your Currency Account Nr. .......................with................. Bank .....................................Branch against the receipt date ..........................................Nr................ of which a copy attached herewith b. Please find attached a cheque for EURO......................., dated ......................and, Nr........... Bank Addresses: VAKIFLAR BANK ZIRAAT BANK Ankara Kurumsal Merkez Branch /ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Ankara Kamu Kurumsal Branch/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Branch Code :1428 Branch Code :1745 USD account :00158048000503394 USD account :7053731-6235 EURO account :00158048000359612 EURO account :7053731-6236 Swift Code :TVBATR2A Swift Code :TCZBTR2A Iban No (Euro) :TR39 0001 5001 5804 8000 3596 12 Iban No (Euro) : TR87 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 36 Iban No (USD) :TR59 0001 5001 5804 8000 5033 94 Iban No (USD) : TR17 0001 0017 4507 0537 3162 35 The publications are to be sent to: The invoice is to be sent to: (Please use block letters) (If different from the publication delivery address) .............................................................................. ……………………………………………………. .............................................................................. ……………………………………………………. .............................................................................. ……………………………………………………. E-mail : …………………………………........ …...……………………………………………….. Web-page : ……………………………………… …………...……………………………………….. Tel No : ……………………………………… …………...……………………………………….. Fax no : ……………………………………... …………..……………………………………….. SEQUENCE NR. NAME OF PUBLICATIONS REQUIRED QUANTIY SEQUENCE NR. NAME OF PUBLICATIONS REQUIRED QUANTITY EXTRA PAGES REQUIRED 1 AIP Volume I (With Binder) 7 Ring Binder (AIP Vol I) 2 AIP Volume II (With Binder) 8 Ring Binder (AIP Vol II) 3 The Annual Subscription 9 Air Navigation Chart a. AIP Amendments ( AMDT) b. AIP Supplements (SUP) c. AIC s d. NOTAM Summaries and check lists 10 Terminal Area Chart 11* STAR/SID Chart 12* Approach and Landing Chart 13* Aerodrome Chart 14* Aerodrome Obst. Chart 4 The Annual Subscription of CD AIP Turkey(Including Amendment Services) 5 Single issue purchase of the latest CD of AIP Turkey 6 Annual Subscription for Turkish AIP via Internet * Please indicate chart of which the Aerodrome and RWYs you request. Form Nr. 1251B posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:51 AM 0 comments Amazon survey offer number #001457 Welcome, Phone: (888)872-0228 info@stardust-memorials.com Customer Registration hoamm ammho: Thank you for registering at Stardust Memorials. Please keep this email for your records, contact us if you have any questions. We're here to be of service to you. Stardust Memorials is the nation's leader in providing the best quality memorial and remembrance products at the best possible prices and the most reasonable and efficient shipping costs and terms. Give us a try! Email: zoraidartye24@gmail.com Password: ****** Contact Information hoamm ammho aa1919 az, AZ. 9191 US Company: aa Stardust Memorials 807 Airport Access Rd Suite 100 Traverse City, MI 49686 Phone: (888)872-0228 posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:01 AM 0 comments welcome to 'ChoiceHomeWarranty' welcome posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation POIP #Marijuana_Oil_Now_Legal(CBD)_ Solution Découvrez la sérénité d'une gestion RH digitalehome.nlAB et efficace : vos collaborateurs gèrent leurs demandes de congés en ligne et visualisent leur bulletin de paie en temps réel, quand ils le souhaitent. Expérience collaborateurs Espace employé en ligne sécurisé et gratuit à vie Chacun de vos salariés dispose gratuitement d'un espace personnel sécurisé dès son entrée dans l'entreprise. Cet espace est disponible sans limite de temps. Il peut récupérer de manière autonome ses feuilles de paie et disposer d'une explication des variations mensuelles. Il saisit également ses demandes de congés et de documents administratifs. Elles sont ensuite soumises à la validation de son manager. Onboarding revu et corrigé Accueillir un nouveau salarié devient simple Dans le cadre d'une nouvelle embauche, vous pouvez inviter un collaborateur à saisir lui-même ses informations personnelles : son espace employé est alors créé automatiquement. Il est automatiquement ajouté à la liste de vos employés pour votre prochaine paie. Fini les oublis de documents ou d'information lorsque vous accueillez un nouveau collaborateur : vos données RH sont homogènes et fiables. Automatisation de la paie Produire et distribuer vos bulletins de paie en 3 clics En plaçant la transparence au coeur de votre démarche et vos collaborateurs au centre, NewDeal vous permet de générer vos bulletins de paie de manière autonome et avec une charge de travail minimale. Vous maîtrisez enfin cet élément clé de la relation Employeurs-Employés, et garantissez à votre entreprise une conformité sociale maximale permanente grâce à notre veille juridique. Consacrez votre temps au développement de vos talents, NewDeal s'occupe du reste. posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:31 AM 0 comments About Me Name: Isaac Hobart View my complete profile Google Search Web This Blog Links Home CNNCD.COM Health Body Guide 74211.com Make money with web hosting Playing Game Make Money Previous Posts Have you been to all these Ripley's attractions? Your Loan Application Thank you for your application Isaac, you’re so close to finishing your registration Thank you for your application Thank you for your application Your application has been received Isaac, get cash advance up to $750 per pay period*... Sabrina Carpenter’s ‘Short n’ Sweet (Deluxe)' is o... Thanks for your application Archives November 2008 May 2011 January 2012 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014 January 2015 April 2015 May 2015 July 2015 August 2015 October 2015 June 2016 September 2016 January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017 January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018 January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 July 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022 January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023 January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 January 2025 February 2025
posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:51 AM 0 comments
hoamm ammho:
Thank you for registering at Stardust Memorials. Please keep this email for your records, contact us if you have any questions. We're here to be of service to you. Stardust Memorials is the nation's leader in providing the best quality memorial and remembrance products at the best possible prices and the most reasonable and efficient shipping costs and terms. Give us a try!
Email: zoraidartye24@gmail.com Password: ****** Contact Information hoamm ammho aa1919 az, AZ. 9191 US
Company: aa
posted by Isaac Hobart at 8:01 AM 0 comments
welcome posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:23 AM 0 comments Confirmation POIP #Marijuana_Oil_Now_Legal(CBD)_ Solution Découvrez la sérénité d'une gestion RH digitalehome.nlAB et efficace : vos collaborateurs gèrent leurs demandes de congés en ligne et visualisent leur bulletin de paie en temps réel, quand ils le souhaitent. Expérience collaborateurs Espace employé en ligne sécurisé et gratuit à vie Chacun de vos salariés dispose gratuitement d'un espace personnel sécurisé dès son entrée dans l'entreprise. Cet espace est disponible sans limite de temps. Il peut récupérer de manière autonome ses feuilles de paie et disposer d'une explication des variations mensuelles. Il saisit également ses demandes de congés et de documents administratifs. Elles sont ensuite soumises à la validation de son manager. Onboarding revu et corrigé Accueillir un nouveau salarié devient simple Dans le cadre d'une nouvelle embauche, vous pouvez inviter un collaborateur à saisir lui-même ses informations personnelles : son espace employé est alors créé automatiquement. Il est automatiquement ajouté à la liste de vos employés pour votre prochaine paie. Fini les oublis de documents ou d'information lorsque vous accueillez un nouveau collaborateur : vos données RH sont homogènes et fiables. Automatisation de la paie Produire et distribuer vos bulletins de paie en 3 clics En plaçant la transparence au coeur de votre démarche et vos collaborateurs au centre, NewDeal vous permet de générer vos bulletins de paie de manière autonome et avec une charge de travail minimale. Vous maîtrisez enfin cet élément clé de la relation Employeurs-Employés, et garantissez à votre entreprise une conformité sociale maximale permanente grâce à notre veille juridique. Consacrez votre temps au développement de vos talents, NewDeal s'occupe du reste. posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:31 AM 0 comments About Me Name: Isaac Hobart View my complete profile Google Search Web This Blog Links Home CNNCD.COM Health Body Guide 74211.com Make money with web hosting Playing Game Make Money Previous Posts Have you been to all these Ripley's attractions? Your Loan Application Thank you for your application Isaac, you’re so close to finishing your registration Thank you for your application Thank you for your application Your application has been received Isaac, get cash advance up to $750 per pay period*... Sabrina Carpenter’s ‘Short n’ Sweet (Deluxe)' is o... Thanks for your application Archives November 2008 May 2011 January 2012 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014 January 2015 April 2015 May 2015 July 2015 August 2015 October 2015 June 2016 September 2016 January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017 January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018 January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 July 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021 January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022 January 2023 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 October 2023 November 2023 December 2023 January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 January 2025 February 2025
posted by Isaac Hobart at 5:23 AM 0 comments
posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:31 AM 0 comments
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