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Pre - Departure Web C hat Question Answer Kerron : Hi Guys. Great presentation. Do you have many Caribbean students at the University? * Hannah Stelman : Hi Kerron, we have over 120 nationalities represented in Sheffield so student s join us from all over the world! If you have joined our Facebook Group you might be able to connect with someone from the Caribbean there :) Isya: many days it takes for us to know the result of primary school placement? This is because, I will be bringing my family along * Blair Bayliss: Hi Isya You will be able to get more information about this from the International Support Team: Olga 2 : Hello. My name is Olga, I am from Ukraine. I am going to study MA in Contemporary China. I need a Tier 4 visa for my education in Sheffield. One of the Embassy requirements is tha t I must pay the whole sum for my education before applying the visa. My question is, will it be possible to do a payment if I come to the University of Sheffield and pay the tuition fee in one instalment by the credit card? As for the current difficult si tuation in my country, I won't be able to do a payment from my country, because we have a limitation of transferring money abroad. Thank you in advance. * Yoon Student Ambassador: Hello Olga, yes you will be able to pay your tuition fee when you get here. You can pay during intro week when you register with the University and also you can easily visit Student Union Level 6 to pay your fees. hassan : I want help for visa application form * Hannah Stelman: Hi Hassan, if you have any queries you can contact our visa immigration team who will be happy to help: hadeer : I got acceptance for postgraduate taught program and I did pa y my deposit as well but have not received my CAS number as yet. Could you please brief me a little on that * Maha Student Ambassador 3 : Hi Hadeer, welcome to the web chat, you can email at shefa to ask them about your CAS Number :) I hope that helps Isya : Also, just want to double check if accommodation for family is available at City? If yes, will it be suitable for myself + spouse, 2 kids and an infant? Otherwise, I will h ave to start looking for private accommodation * Hannah Stelman : Hi Isya, there is some University accommodation available for Families but this is limited. There are many options for private accommodation also - I would recommend you contact our Internat ional Student Support Team who can help: timini : hi. I am Time from Malaysia. I was filling up visa application form where I have to fill in issuing authority of my passport. what should I fill in as it was not stated in my visa * Hannah Stelman: Hi Time, as we are not able to provide visa advice I would recommend you either contact the visa team or you may wish to join our visa web chat next week, when one of the team will be answering questions :) ummi: Hello, I am an international stud ent with a conditional offer. Are there any deposits I can begin paying now before I obtain my CAS after my results come out? * Baiju Shah - IOA @Ummi, are you an undergraduate student? * Baiju Shah - IOA : @Ummi, there will be no deposits of such that you wi ll be required to pay, apart from your accommodation deposit Shuja : Hi, I have been searching on the website to apply for the Meet and G reet service but I didn't find anything. Can you please send me a link to apply for the Meet and Greet service? * Ami na - Student Ambassado r: Hi Shuja! Here is the link for the Meet and Greet scheme: - greet/index * Ami na - Student Ambassador: The bookings will open soon and information will be posted there when they are open Farnoush ;): I wanted to know that when can we apply for orientation week accommodation and what are the rents for that week? * Blair Bayliss : Hi Farnoush, Please see the link below ttp:// - week this will give you lots of useful information about the orientation wee k and what you should do :) ahmed: hi, I am almost done with my a levels ( which the results will be out in august to confirm my conditional offer) when am I expected to receive the CAS * Shwan IOA: Hi Ahmed, the CAS will be with you soon after accept your offer. Tdyk: Hello. I will take the pre - sessional course from late July. But when I get to the Manchester airport, can anybody help me get to Sheffield University and/or my accommodation? * Blair Bayliss: Hi Tdyk, We have a meet an d greet service available from Manchester Airport, the team are there to help new international students and take them back to Sheffield :) you need to book your place more information can be found on this web page Christine: Hello! I want to pay my tuition fees at once but not through a credit card. Can you please suggest alternative methods of payment? Thanks! * Baiju Shah - IOA : * Yoon Student Ambassador : Hello Christine :) As alternative methods of payment, you can also transfer your money straight to the university. Please check the link below Radmir Sarsenov : Good day! Thank y ou for your presentation! I wanted to ask about accommodation . I have already registered for 42 - week contract, but I am a PG student and seems like I did register wrong. Am I able to reregister and get the one I need (51 - week long)? Thank you * Baiju Sha h - IOA : * Baiju Shah - IOA : @Radmir, please send an email to that address and they will hopefully be able to help you o ut. It should not be a problem Shuja: Thanks, I was also wondering if I could pay the accommodation fees before applying for my visa. * Blair Bayliss : Hi Shuja, As you are not allocated accommodation until your visa has been received you might want to double check with accommodation : ) ahmed : if my offer is conditional , can I receive the CAS before my results are out as the visa process takes a lot of time to process * Maha Student Ambassador 3 : Hi ahmed, you will have to have an unconditional accepted offer to receive your CAS, please see the details at ernational/welcome/cas - application Isya: From airport to the University , we have to pay GBP20. Is that per person? If I’m coming with my family, would that be counted per family members or per family? * Blair Bayliss: Hi Isya, The fee for students and the fee for family is slightly different, there is a charge for each person. There is more details here; t - greet/index :) Olga 2 : Yoon Student Ambassador, thank you for the answer! So can I do the payment in the end of July or at the beginning of August? This is important for me because I have to show the receipt of payment for The White Eagle Lodge â€" United Kingdom Temple and Retreat Centre T: +44 (0)1730893300 F: +44(0)1730 892235 W: E: Registered Office: New Lands, Br ewells Lane, Rake, Liss, Hampshire, GU33 7HY, United Kingdom Registered Charity in England and Wales (No 1156336). A company limited by guarantee (Company No 08645252 â€" England and Wales) Dear Friend Thank you for your interest in the White Eagle Lodge. 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posted by Isaac Hobart at 10:17 AM


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