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Dear Prospective Ed.D., Higher Education Strand Applicant:
We are very pleased that you are interested in the Higher Education Strand of CCSU's Doctor of
Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership, designed for current higher education professionals
who aspire to leadership positions on college or university campuses. We look forward to receiving
your application.
As you complete your application, keep in mind the following admission criteria:
1. Master's degree from an accredited institution of higher education in a discipline or
professional field that is relevant to the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership.
2. A 3.00 or higher cumulative average (GPA) in all graduate coursework.
3. Two or more letters of reference from leaders in postsecondary education familiar with
your work. Ask your references to use the form on the next page.
4. Résumé that illustrates important work-related experiences with an emphasis on your
work as a leader at postsecondary institutions of higher education.
5. Acceptable scores on the General Test of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) taken
within five years of your application.
6. A personal statement covering six important topics:
• Career goals
• Intended area of individual specialization
• Reasons for pursuing a doctorate
• Commitment to residency requirements (one three-day weekend in the first spring
semester, one full week each of the first, second, and third summer sessions)
• Commitment to enrolling in two cohort courses each spring and fall semester
• Commitment to summer enrollment during each 8-week summer session
7. If selected as a finalist, a satisfactory interview with the admissions committee.
We accept new students in alternate years only. Applications are due by October 1, 2017.
Admission standards are rigorous, and not everyone who meets our standards will be accepted.
Please note that the admission process calls for submission of materials to two locations. The last
page of this packet is a checklist of the various steps. Submit your Graduate Application and $50
application fee online. Transcripts from every college you have attended as an undergraduate and
graduate student should be submitted to Graduate Admissions in 102 Barnard Hall. In addition you
must send the following materials directly to the Ed.D. Program (attention Rouzan Kheranian) in 320
Barnard Hall:
1. Two letters of recommendation from educational leaders. Use the Reference Form (page
2 of this packet).
2. Your personal statement attached to the form on page 3 of this packet.
3. Your résumé.
4. Your GRE scores. When requesting that scores be sent, use GRE reporting code 3143 to
assure that the Ed.D. office receives your scores.
Peter F. Troiano, Ph.D.
Ed.D. Program Director, Higher Education Strand

----f4yajW5N;HSAnit Dear aCAMeDob; ----nOXW4Sbt;gNdXPK

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Doing calculations with a quantum computer is a race against time, thanks to the fragility of the quantum states at their heart. And new research suggests we may soon hit a wall in how long we can hold them together thanks to interference from natural background radiation.

While quantum computing could one day enable us to carry out calculations beyond even the most powerful supercomputer imaginable, we’re still a long way from that point. And a big reason for that is a phenomenon known as decoherence.

The superpowers of quantum computers rely on holding the qubits—quantum bits—that make them up in exotic quantum states like superposition and entanglement. Decoherence is the process by which interference from the environment causes them to gradually lose their quantum behavior and any information that was encoded in them.

It can be caused by heat, vibrations, magnetic fluctuations, or any host of environmental factors that are hard to control. Currently we can keep superconducting qubits (the technology favored by the field’s leaders like Google and IBM) stable for up to 200 microseconds in the best devices, which is still far too short to do any truly meaningful computations.

But new research from scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), published last week in Nature, suggests we may struggle to get much further. They found that background radiation from cosmic rays and more prosaic sources like trace elements in concrete walls is enough to put a hard four-millisecond limit on the coherence time of superconducting qubits.

“These decoherence mechanisms are like an onion, and we’ve been peeling back the layers for the past 20 years, but there’s another layer that left unabated is going to limit us in a couple years, which is environmental radiation,” William Oliver from MIT said in a press release. “This is an exciting result, because it motivates us to think of other ways to design qubits to get around this problem.”

Superconducting qubits rely on pairs of electrons flowing through a resistance-free circuit. But radiation can knock these pairs out of alignment, causing them to split apart, which is what eventually results in the qubit decohering.

To determine how significant of an impact background levels of radiation could have on qubits, the researchers first tried to work out the relationship between coherence times and radiation levels. They exposed qubits to irradiated copper whose emissions dropped over time in a predictable way, which showed them that coherence times rose as radiation levels fell up to a maximum of four milliseconds, after which background effects kicked in.

To check if this coherence time was really caused by the natural radiation, they built a giant shield out of lead brick that could block background radiation to see what happened when the qubits were isolated. The experiments clearly showed that blocking the background emissions could boost coherence times further.

At the minute, a host of other problems like material impurities and electronic disturbances cause qubits to decohere before these effects kick in, but given the rate at which the technology has been improving, we may hit this new wall in just a few years.

“Without mitigation, radiation will limit the coherence time of superconducting qubits to a few milliseconds, which is insufficient for practical quantum computing,” Brent VanDevender from PNNL said in a press release.

Potential solutions to the problem include building radiation shielding around quantum computers or locating them underground, where cosmic rays aren’t able to penetrate so easily. But if you need a few tons of lead or a large cavern in order to install a quantum computer, that’s going to make it considerably harder to roll them out widely.

It’s important to remember, though, that this problem has only been observed in superconducting qubits so far. In July, researchers showed they could get a spin-orbit qubit implemented in silicon to last for about 10 milliseconds, while trapped ion qubits can stay stable for as long as 10 minutes. And MIT’s Oliver says there’s still plenty of room for building more robust superconducting qubits.

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----UB;mgwk;kxn The COVID-19 pandemic has created the largest disruption of education systems in history, affecting nearly 1.6 billion learners in more than 190 countries and all continents. Closures of schools and other learning spaces have impacted 94 per cent of the world's student population, up to 99 per cent in low and lower-middle income countries. The crisis is exacerbating pre-existing education disparities by reducing the opportunities for many of the most vulnerable children, youth, and adults – those living in poor or rural areas, girls, refugees, persons with disabilities and forcibly displaced persons – to continue their learning. Learning losses also threaten to extend beyond this generation and erase decades of progress, not least in support of girls and young women's educational access and retention. Some 23.8 million additional children and youth (from pre-primary to tertiary) may drop out or not have access to school next year due to the pandemic's economic impact alone. Similarly, the education disruption has had, and will continue to have, substantial effects beyond education. Closures of educational institutions hamper the provision of essential services to children and communities, including access to nutritious food, affect the ability of many parents to work, and increase risks of violence against women and girls. As fiscal pressures increase, and development assistance comes under strain, the financing of education could also face major challenges, exacerbating massive pre-COVID-19 education funding gaps. For low income countries and lower-middle-income countries, for instance, that gap had reached a staggering $148 billion annually and it could now increase by up to one-third. On the other hand, this crisis has stimulated innovation within the education sector. We have seen innovative approaches in support of education and training continuity: from radio and television to take-home packages. Distance learning solutions were developed thanks to quick responses by governments and partners all over the world supporting education continuity, including the Global Education Coalition covened by UNESCO. We have also been reminded of the essential role of teachers and that governments and other key partners have an ongoing duty of care to education personnel. But these changes have also highlighted that the promising future of learning, and the accelerated changes in modes of delivering quality education, cannot be separated from the imperative of leaving no one behind. This is true for children and youth affected by a lack of resources or enabling environment to access learning. It is true for the teaching profession and their need for better training in new methods of education delivery, as well as support. Last but not least, this is true for the education community ----pn;ighe;jnb "


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" ----TG;iuvj;aux The research is clear that receiving feedback during practice is critical to acquiring a skill. Learners need feedback about the correctness of what they have done. If their work is incorrect, they need to know the nature of the mistake. Practice without feedback produces little learning. One of the persistent dilemmas in education is that students often spend time practicing incorrect skills with little or no feedback. Unguided practice—for example, homework in mathematics—can in effect be practice in doing something incorrectly, especially for students who are struggling with the subject. The type of feedback matters too: Feedback that explains why a practice is incorrect is more valuable for learners than feedback that simply flags errors. Research demonstrates that explanatory feedback is valuable in both traditional and digital learning environments. For example, one study compared two different versions of an interactive science learning game in which students traveled to planets with different environmental conditions and were asked to design a plant that could survive in those conditions. When the students were tested to measure how well they retained the intended ecological concepts and transferred them to new plantdesign problems based on the same general principles, the students who received explanatory feedback performed significantly better than those who were given only corrective feedback. In summary, deeper learning requires that students learn not only facts and procedures, but also the general principles underlying them and when and why to apply particular procedures and knowledge. Acquiring deeper learning requires extensive practice with explanatory feedback that helps learners understand and correct errors and so practice correct procedures. ----qU;neqg;kdg ----Pd;exrw;qls WELCOME TO THE HORNET NATION! You made it; you have arrived. Welcome to the Hornet Nation! On behalf of the entire Housing & Res Life Team, we are excited to welcome you to campus. We hope that as a member of the Hornet Nation, you will find that living in the residence halls provides a home away from home, along with an opportunity to live, learn, and let your legacy begin! Mission The Alabama State University Department of Housing and Residence Life is committed to the development of community, student learning, inclusivity, creativity, safety, and championing individuality amongst our living communities. The commitment is fostered through student-focused programming and development that is enhanced by our professional and para-professional staff who are devoted to the affairs of students by critical thinking, community partnerships, safe environments, leadership opportunities, ethical responsibilities, and academic excellence. Living, Learning, Legacy. It's a Different World! By living on campus, you will interact with people who are very talented and unique in so many ways! You also will meet people whose experiences, values, and priorities are different from yours. That's what makes living on campus such a valuable and memorable chapter in your college story! Also, the residential community is a supportive environment where there is an appreciation of individual differences and respect for individual rights. We're Here to Help! Our RA Team, Residence Hall Staff and the Housing Team are here to assist you and guide you in whatever way we can. Please do not hesitate to visit or contact our office at 334-229-4357, or via email at Our office is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., and we are located in the John G. Hardy Student Center C1.41. WELCOME MESSAGE The bone tissue regeneration project at Alabama State University focuses on developing biodegradable materials that mimic the characteristics of extracellular matrix (ECM). The ECM present in the bone skeleton is a highly porous three-dimensional structure with nanoscale morphology. It consists of various body proteins such as collagen and serves as the mineral reservoir for hydoxyapatite (HA), which is composed mainly of calcium and phosphate and cells bind to the components of the ECM. Tissue regeneration is a viable option that avoids the problems associated with autografting, allografting, and xenografting, and reduces the need for transplantable grafts. Scaffolds made from biodegradable polymers are engineered and implanted to facilitate repair of damaged organs and tissues. These scaffolds are designed to provide an environment conducive to cell growth which helps expedite the regeneration process. Furthermore, multifunctional scaffolds can be engineered to repair injured tissues while providing growth-aiding proteins or delivering drugs to treat the injured site in a manner that reduces problems associated with other types of drug delivery. RESEARCH The natural ECM plays an important role on morphogenesis, tissue development, and angiogenesis since it acts as binding sites for many proteins such as cytokine molecules and growth factors. Another challenge for designing tissue engineering scaffolds is to develop carriers capable of releasing proteins in a highly controlled manner thereby further mimicking the role of the natural ECM. We have shown in our laboratory that nanofibrous polymeric scaffolds which mimic the nanoscale morphology and chemical nature of the ECM are highly conducive to cell growth. The goal of the current project is to further mimic the ECM by understanding the fundamental mechanisms involved in the adsorption and release of therapeutics from polymeric tissue scaffolds. This understanding will aid in the development of new drug eluting tissue scaffolds. Specific objectives of the proposed project include: Manipulating the physical and chemical characteristics of the scaffold. Control of the binding of therapeutics to HA. Modulating release via scaffold degradation, by blending polymers and/or crosslinking. Varying HA crystal shape, crystallinity and surface chemistry. Effect of drug release on cell adhesion, spreading, proliferation and molecular functions. Future-ready students need to exercise agency, in their own education and throughout life. Agency implies a sense of responsibility to participate in the world and, in so doing, to influence people, events and circumstances for the better. Agency requires the ability to frame a guiding purpose and identify actions to achieve a goal. To help enable agency, educators must not only recognise learners' individuality, but also acknowledge the wider set of relationships – with their teachers, peers, families and communities – that influence their learning. A concept underlying the learning framework is "co-agency" – the interactive, mutually supportive relationships that help learners to progress towards their valued goals. In this context, everyone should be considered a learner, not only students but also teachers, school managers, parents and communities. Two factors, in particular, help learners enable agency. The first is a personalised learning environment that supports and motivates each student to nurture his or her passions, make connections between different learning experiences and opportunities, and design their own learning projects and processes in collaboration with others. The second is building a solid foundation: literacy and numeracy remain crucial. In the era of digital transformation and with the advent of big data, digital literacy and data literacy are becoming increasingly essential, as are physical health and mental well-being. OECD Education 2030 stakeholders have co-developed a "learning compass" that shows how young people can navigate their lives and their world (Figure 1). Welcome To The College Of Aeronautics At Florida Tech Ulreen JonesThe College of Aeronautics is recognized as one of the top university-based aviation programs in the nation. Our programs and faculty have earned an international reputation for excellence in the education and preparation of aviation professionals. We are responsible for graduate and undergraduate programs in the Aeronautical Sciences to include Aviation Management, Pilot/Flight Crew, Meteorology, Airport Management and Development, Human Factors, and Aviation Safety. The college enrolls undergraduate and graduate students in programs on its Melbourne campus, in its Aeronautical Science Program in Panama, and many others through distance learning. Nearly all graduates secure employment in the aviation industry in airline operations, airport and airline management, as flight crew members, and in varied, responsible positions within corporate aviation and government agencies. We deliver world class educational programs that lead to both flight and non-flight aviation careers. The success of our graduates and our international reputation for excellence speaks volumes about the programs we offer. It is the college's intent to achieve and maintain a stable, highly sought after, top quality university aviation educational opportunity in an institutional environment known for technical excellence. Ulreen Jones-McKinney, Ph.D. Dean, College of Aeronautics Dear yluPicIG; Want You To Envision Your Future And Imagine The Possibilities. Imagine being part of a business school led by faculty who bring both real-world experience and earned expertise into every classroom. Faculty immersed in their disciplines while focused on providing each student with an excellent education. Imagine a college culture that envelops you in the atmosphere of business, challenges you to think critically and creatively, and inspires you to develop your ideas. Imagine the possible outcomes of gaining discipline-specific knowledge in accounting, finance, economics, business strategy, marketing, organizational behavior, leadership and business analytics. Where will your degree—your education—take you? And how far? You already have the creativity, the relentless determination and the entrepreneurial spirit to achieve the high level of success you desire. Now imagine sharing those qualities as you add value to a company, its team, its customers. Imagine the excitement that comes with contributing to a company's wealth while increasing your own, and knowing that both were achieved ethically and sustainably. The path to success is in front of you. Taking the next step means you are ready to learn business at its highest level and achieve great things. When you envision your future, what do you see? Whatever it is, the Bisk College of Business can help you reach it. I urge you to explore our programs and connect with the college if you would like to learn more. Respectfully, Theodore R. Richardson III, Ed.D. Dean, Bisk College of Business ----zvZwXW88;VsMrTX

posted by Isaac Hobart at 4:47 PM


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